Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Jim Richards

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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Jim Richards. And have you ever been to a doctor and the doctor says, “Well does your mother or father have cancer, have heart trouble? Oh they did?” And he writes this down. Basically you got in your genes. You either have good genes or bad genes. But even science is finding that’s not true any more. Jim, explain from your studies and from the study of the Bible, your studies in the medical area and your studies in the Bible what you have found out.

JIM: What we have discovered now, and the Bible taught this, but it used different language. What we’ve discovered is that the experiences that go all the way back to when we were in the womb and actually can be taken from generation to generation, and it’s not that they’re curses. I want to say that. We understand that cellular memory, once something stays in a family for up to three generations, by that fourth generation you’re kind of hardwired for that. Like if you live in poverty for three generations, from there on you come into the world wired and expect to believe in poverty. And likewise, as people have painful emotions, they have painful experience, the Bible calls that an offense. It’s a pain that we take inside that literally that goes into our body, into our cells. You know, the Book of Proverbs says it this way. It says, “The words of wicked are wicked words.” It says, “They go into us and lie in wait for our blood.” The Book of Jeremiah says that, “The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked.” Who could know it, in the Hebrew it actually says, “The heart is covered with footprints and makes it become chaotic.” See, we have these experiences in life.

SID: Is that why people have difficulty changing behavior, someone addicted to like over-eating or drugs, whichever.

JIM: Yeah, exactly. See, behavior modification doesn’t change anything on the inside. Behavior modification is where you just try harder. And one day you get tired of trying harder and you fail. Because you see, inwardly, literally in the cells of our body, and Paul said this. He said, “Inwardly I belie that to the law of God.” But he said, “I see it work in my members and in my mind.” That word “members” is literally parts. He said, there’s something in my body parts that literally wars against the law of God. And the law of God is the law of spirit in life. And what we know that is are cellular memories that literally become imprinted in the cells of our body. Now what makes this so interesting is since God spoke everything into existence, those words are literally frequencies. Every word that God spoke has a specific frequency. And we know now that my liver has a certain frequency, that if it doesn’t stay at that frequency it’s not healthy. My heart has a certain frequency. Every organ in my body has a certain frequency.

SID: Now what gets the organ out of frequency?

JIM: When I am hurt, when I hold an offense in, when I get a pain and I don’t send that pain away, and the words “send away” literally means to forgive. When I don’t send that away I hold on to it. That’s what Jesus said. He said, when somebody sins against you, he wasn’t talking about, I can forgive your sins in the place of God. He said, when somebody sins you can forgive, you can send it away, he says, or you can retain it. There’s two choices. You send it away or you hold on to it. If I hold on to hurt, that hurt literally becomes a vibration inside every cell of my body that causes my liver possibly to not really vibrate at that perfect frequency that God spoke into existence, or my heart. And so I’m trying to get healed, but I’m holding on to hurt and pain that’s causing me to stay sick.

SID: Okay. And behavior modification, the frequency stays the same. So no wonder people start going in a big circle. Behavior modification usually makes it worse, because in behavior modification you always fail. You always try hard, fail, get up and try hard, fail. And those failures actually cause you to start having negative feelings of guilt and they exacerbate the problem.

SID: I’m amazed how science is confirming what the Bible says.

JIM: Oh yes.

SID: But you were talking about someone that would have, say, a heart transplant or an organ transplant, and talk about, not just the emotions, even memories are in those cells. Tell me one.

JIM: There was a landmark case where a child received a heart. And the moment this child came out of surgery she began having dreams about being murdered, and it was so challenging that they tracked down who the donor was. And the donor came from a child that had been murdered. And in a landmark case they used the dreams of the child who had received this heart, because she was dreaming the memories of this child that had been killed, and they got a description of the man who murdered the child, found him and prosecuted him based on the memories that were stored in that heart.

SID: So how do you get your body wired the way God originally intended, so if you will, the frequencies of your body are just a perfect symphony. If you can’t do it through behavior modification how can you do it?

JIM: You know, you do it through what the Bible calls, put off, put on. I’ve got to put off or send away any feeling, any emotion, anything, a thought that’s going on inside me that is inconsistent with the promises of God and Jesus. You see, as long as I hold on to a thought of me, a belief of me, a feeling about me that’s inconsistent of who I am in Jesus, in Jesus, I’m righteous, I’m saved, I’m healed, I’m delivered, I’m prospered, I’m blessed, I’m protected. But if I hold on to anything that makes me feel or think less than who I am in Jesus, then that keeps those cells functioning in ways that are inconsistent from the way God made me.

SID: Okay. You say put off. But what do you put on?

JIM: You put on who you are in Jesus. And that’s the key thing. You know, I’ll give you a great example. You know, I had a situation where I knew I was getting pneumonia. I had pneumonia several times. I knew I was getting pneumonia. I was having some emotions that I was struggling with. I’ll tell you, I got down, I relaxed. I got in contact with God. And as sincerely as I could with God I prayed something very similar, what we call the transformation prayer. God searched my heart. I want to see it in me, show me the root of this. I want to deal with the root of this to go to the very core of my being. And basically, I identified this emotion I was feeling and I said, “I send you away in the name of Jesus. You’re not from God. I don’t want you.” And it left.

SID: Okay. I want to have, the disease left?

JIM: First, the emotion left and the moment peace came then I knew I could deal with the disease.

SID: Okay. Here’s what I want Jim to do. I’m going to be transparent. I’m going to talk about some feelings I have that I wish I didn’t have and I want him to pray for me. But here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to learn how to do it. Don’t go away. Be right back.

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Written by sidroth

September 18th, 2012 at 7:09 pm