Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Walid Shoebat

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SID: I am amazed at the revelation that God has given my guest, Walid Shoebat. I’m absolutely overwhelmed. I have to ask you this question. Most Christians in the West have read the Left Behind series, Hal Lindsey books, Dallas Theological Seminary, and they have ABC, this is what’s going to happen in the End Times. When you talk before a group of people that have that whole scenario inside and that’s the way it’s going to happen, it’s like a photograph, how do you change their mindset?

WALID: I go to book stores galore. I go to the airport all the time and I see all the books, fiction, fiction, fiction, fiction, as long as the eye can see. Then you have history and some. But it’s fiction. I mean, even Hal Lindsey, everybody knows Hal Lindsey would know this is fiction. It’s Christian fiction. The Christian fiction becomes the issue. It’s very easy for me to convert the Christian fiction prophecy paradigm into biblical prophecy, in real biblical prophecy. And that is once we look at the literal references in the Bible, just the literal references, let’s put Daniel aside, let’s put Revelation aside, this is filled with allegory.

SID: If you could ask a couple of questions of these people what would you ask them?

WALID: Question number one, which no one in the world can answer really. Question number one, out of all the literal references in the Bible, not the allegory, every literal country mentioned in the Bible that God deals with in the End Times, what are they? No one can tell me they are not Muslim. Every single one of them is Muslim. I know people can argue over God [unintelligible].

SID: But wait a second. Where did we get this whole European Union thing?

WALID: Well in the ’70s.

SID: The ’70s?

WALID: Yeah. Hal Lindsey and Tim LeHaye, and all these guys made it possible. Greece joined as the tenth nation in the European Confederacy. We got the 10 horns, we got the 10 toes. So then another nation joined, 11, 12, all the way to 20, 20-some nations joined the European Union. So you got Daniel, Chapter 2, with the statue of Daniel, the Book of Nasser’s dream, 10 toes. You have 23, 24 toes. All of them are protruding out of the West. One foot has got 20-some toes, the western leg, and the eastern leg is chopped off. So I go to churches and I speak to pastors, and I speak to the congregation, and I challenge the pastors. I say, okay, you believe in a revival of a Roman empire. We’re fighting over semantics really. Because when I say the Islamic world, they say, on no, it’s the revolving of a Roman empire. It can’t be the Muslim world. I say, okay, we’re fighting over semantics. The Roman Empire didn’t include North Africa. No one can deny it. Yes. What country is included in North Africa? Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania. What happened in Libya lately? I’ve been saying this 15 years. I’ve been talking about this Arab Spring 15 years ago, from the Bible. What happens in Egypt? Will that be part of the Roman Empire? Will I have to include them? Of course. They’re part of the Roman Empire. What about Turkey? Was that part of the Roman Empire? Well that’s the eastern leg. Of course I have to include it. Okay. So what’s left? Europe. Well we can argue over Europe, but there isn’t a single reference in the Bible where God punishes a European nation. Show me where. Rome is mentioned 16 times, some in blessing in fact, to the believers in Rome. But there is no destruction of Rome in the Bible literally by name. We’re going to say mystery of Babylon. That’s a whole different question. But there is no other references. Out of all the nations, Messiah fights, every nation Messiah fights in the Bible, every single one of them is Muslim.

SID: So okay. So let’s take a look at a different paradigm. What do you believe the Mark of the Beast, 666, is?

WALID: Well we have to understand from the Book of Revelation in Chapter 13, the mark is the number of his name. We have to think of the name of the beast. People in the West think name of the beast, what would it be? On the foreheads of the followers of the Antichrist it might say something like, “Hilary Rodham Clinton” or some name.

SID: No, no, no, don’t say that.

WALID: No, it’s not a literal name. It has nothing to do with a literal western name. Look at the Messiah. We interpret the Bible from the Bible. The Messiah’s name, what is his name? “His name shall be called Emanuel,” which is what? “God with us.” His name is not Emanuel. He’s not Mexican. He is from Bethlehem. His name shall be called Emanuel, which is God with us. This God with us is what? A title. It’s our what? A creed. Our creed is what? God with us. Only one faith in the world has God with us. In the same essence, the name of the beast, what is it? The creed of the beast. They have a creed. The kingdom of the Antichrist has a creed. It’s a blasphemous creed.

SID: What is it?

WALID: The major creed of Islam is what? I declare there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger. America, you want peace with Islam? You all must recite, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger.” Will you be willing to recite this, Sid? Of course not. Why? Number one, you’re an American, no one tells you what to do. Number two, who is Allah? That is not the God of the Bible.

SID: So you believe the Mark of the Beast is the creed.

WALID: The creed. If you look at the movie, “The Kingdom of Heaven”, let’s say. Go watch the movie. “The Kingdom of Heaven”, watch Saladin. Saladin was the figure, the Muslim guy who was fighting against the Crusades. Look at him sitting in the tent. What does he have around his arm? He has around his arm “Bismillah”, in the name of Allah.

SID: On the forehead, too.

WALID: On the forehead as well.

SID: The bandana around the Palestinians?

WALID: Absolutely. Not just Palestinians. Turks, Muslims in Africa.

SID: What’s the mark on the bandana?

WALID: It says, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger.” It says, “In the name of Allah” sometimes, Bismillah. If you look at that movie I mentioned on the right arm is “Bismillah”.

SID: And what does 666 mean?

WALID: Well if you look at the Greek, there’s three Greek letters. No one can deny they’re Greek. But they also, for some miraculous reason, supernatural reason that I cannot fathom, it also reads in the Arabic language. In fact, none of my detractors denied that it does say “Bismillah” in the Greek letters.

SID: Which means?

WALID: “In the name of Allah.”

SID: So 666, the Mark of the Beast, is on the forehead or the arm, the name of Allah.

WALID: In the Greek it reads it that way.

SID: Wait until you find out what he has to say the Bible shows us in reference to Allah and the crescent moon. Don’t go away. We’ll be right back.


SID: Walid Shoebat is an ex-Muslim terrorist who reveals the End Time scenario being played out right now in the Middle East with Egypt electing a radical Muslim as president, whose followers proclaim a new United States of Islam will be in the Middle East, and says that their capitol will be Jerusalem.

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Written by sidroth

November 30th, 2012 at 6:29 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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