Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guests Ben & Brenda Peters

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Sid: My guest by way of telephone speaking to him at their home at South Beloit, Illinois is Ben and Brenda Peters; now on yesterday’s broadcast we found out that Ben came from quite a godly heritage of grandparents in ministry.  And he went to Bible college and he wasn’t backslidden or anything, but he was just arrested by the Holy Spirit when he was asked in a simple dorm prayer meeting “What is your burden?” He realized that he didn’t have any supernatural burden for the lost for anything.  And at that moment he had an encounter with the Holy Spirit his heart was changed and he became such an intercessor for others that even as he explained on yesterday’s broadcast you could hear the tears welling up within him I could hear it in his voice.  And then he began to have such a burden that he would wake up two hours early in the morning and sometimes he had never fasted before, sometimes he would even fast breakfast because Ben you said to me “The presence of God was so wonderful it was better than food.”

Ben: It sure was, it sure was and the incredible thing about it is that the scripture that say “They that sow in tears will reap in joy.”  It was such a strong desire to see the power of God released again to bring souls to Christ. Just a couple of years later a revival came to our city and it wasn’t the fullness of what I’d asked for but it was the first fruits.  And then in 1973 I traveled with a man of God that we had met and he took me to Argentina, and I was just a young man still, but the power of God moved so mightily there that we had six weeks of nonstop miracles and salvation, souls being saved.  He had a strong prophetic ministry that we partly inherited I believe. During that time he would get words of knowledge for people; he would prophesy he would see visions and people would be healed.  And we had deaf and dumb born…three young men that were born deaf and dumb that were healed during those meetings. I saw every other kind of sickness and disease healed in that time and it was the most joyful time in my life.  I always remind people that the sow in tears will reap in joy if you don’t faint you will see the results.  When you pray in intercession and when their tears flowing down your face you know that the Holy Spirit is moved you to pray and when He moves you to pray He will fulfill the desires of your heart and you will see those prayers answered.

Sid: I also have on the telephone Ben Peter’s wife Brenda. Brenda really moves in very accurate prophesy and I have some questions for Brenda.  First of all was there anything prophetic when you met Ben at Bible School and ended up marrying him?

Brenda: Getting to know Ben was very special to me because I came from a non-Christian background and I was learning in my quiet times that were assigned to us to listen to God.  And after one of our missions meetings on a Friday night I was working in gratis and I had been in the Bible College approximately half a year. Ben came down stairs while I was setting up the tables and I was talking to one of my girlfriends who was assisting me and I looked up and when I looked up and caught Ben’s eyes it was as if I was looking right into the depths of his heart and I knew at that moment there was a presence of God and I knew at that moment the Holy Spirit was saying, yeah the Holy Spirit was saying to me “He’s the one.”

Sid: Well how long did it take from that moment to the time you got married?

Brenda: Probably one year; we were engaged within a year and married about a year and a half later.

Sid: Alright tell me I’m very intrigued over your gift of prophesy; when did you realize you were prophetic and how does it operate?

Brenda: I didn’t realize I was prophetic until I became a pastor’s wife and then we worked in a small country church.  Ben served under a senior pastor who moved in the prophetic continuously he had a strong gift of knowledge.  As I basically served and encouraged people all the time I had a need to encourage people. I would always find myself looking for the qualities in their life and going past the negative and this actually became the roots of the prophetic for me on my journey.

Sid: Give me a few examples of how the gift operates with you; maybe specific examples.

Brenda: I realized that the prophetic was very strong on my life after taking classes on the prophetic for a season of time and we went to a meeting under our leader and he released us to prophesy and he turned to me and he said, “Brenda I believe I’m supposed to give you the mic tonight” and we began to minister over a large group of pastors in Canada.  When I took the mic the presence of God came on me so strong I began to prophesy with a powerful anointing I began to speak into every pastors life.  There had to be about 20 pastors a powerful word and I knew that it was God because I could not have made any of that up.

Sid: Were you a kind of a little child that was just amazed that God used you like that?

Brenda: I was.

Sid: And out of curiosity does He operate in other prophetic areas with you such as dreams or visions?

Brenda: Actually there are times when I’m prophesying and I’ll get mental pictures or visions and those visions or mental pictures will be related to the person that I’m standing in front of.So I will speak into those pictures right at the same time that I’m prophesying.

Sid: And when you see those pictures is it like you have to have your eyes closed or do you see them on top of the person. I mean I’m just plain curious tell me how it operates.

Brenda: I understand no actually it’s a mental picture I’m looking directly into their eyes my eyes are wide open; there are times when I’ll close my eyes and pray so that I can just grab the picture and the word I’m getting at the same time and then I’ll look into their eyes.  But I’m seeing the picture similar to a mind it’s just a picture I’m getting in my mind.

Sid: Okay what is God showing you currently?

Brenda: I’ve had visions related to what’s going on in the world in this hour; I have actually seen visions of angels in the Heavenly realm. It’s as if there are Lieutenant Commander Angels holding back the hosts of angels that are being prepared to be released to us to assist us in bringing in the lost for the harvest that’s talked about in the Bible.  I have been getting excited because I’m seeing the youth going out in buses. I have actually seen visions of youth on stadium platforms and going out in buses and worshipping and opening the Heavens for revival.

Sid: Well I have to tell you Brenda I’ve never met you in person at least I don’t believe I have.Have we had our paths cross?

Brenda: No I’ve seen you on television.

Sid: Okay of course I’ve never met your husband Ben but both of you the presence of the God is so strong on both of you.If I had to say to you Brenda what is the strongest passion you have within you what would you say?

Brenda: The strongest passion I have is to go deeper into the heart of God and then carry that presence everywhere I go to raise up those that are broken and hurting.I find myself with this urgency when I’m walking outside I look for people to encourage; walking in airports I look for people to encourage I just encourage and God will give me a prayer for them and I’ll say “Can I share this prayer I’m getting a prayer for you?”  And then I’ll prophesy into their lives and they’ll cry; tears will happen. Grocery stores I’ll stand in the line and they presence of the Holy Spirit will move on me and I’ll just begin to speak to the grocery clerk “You know God has a prayer for you can I share it?”  They’re crying, just bikers I’ve ministered to bikers, I’ve ministered to truckers in truck stops. I just have this cry in my heart to raise people up from their brokenness and give them vision for how God sees them.

Sid: Okay I have read your husband’s book “Prophetic Ministry.” He says that everyone can move in the prophetic which is God’s method that or signs and wonders to arrest the nonbeliever’s attention to preach the gospel.  Do you believe that too that everyone can move in prophesy?

Brenda: Very definitely when we were called out of our church actually we received a prophetic word about moving into the prophetic and traveling and when we launched into that ministry I found myself actually looking for places to get away with God.  I remember the Baptist camp I found a cross in San Diego and went up to the cross every morning in the early morning hours and I would just lay on my face at the foot of the cross and put worship on and invite the presence of God the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit would show up and I would be on my face in prayer one to two hours every morning experiencing His presence.

Sid: Now the key was not that you found a particular place by a cross the key was that you found a place and spent a few hours quality hours with God every day.

Brenda: Exactly with worship and I really believe the time that you just rest in the presence of God with worship and then open up the word and He’ll speak to you.  But it’s a time to listen and then you have…

Sid: I’ll tell you what let’s…we’ll pick up right here on tomorrows broadcast.

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Written by sidroth

March 15th, 2013 at 4:46 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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