Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guests Tom Horn & Cris Putnam

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Sid: I don’t know if you’ve read that best seller “Petrus Romanus the Final Pope is Here,” but I have one of the authors of the book Cris Putnam on the telephone.  If you haven’t heard about the Malachi prophecy just briefly Cris I want you to explain it but for those that aren’t familiar with you, you are a theologian and in particular in grad school.  You studied the history of Catholic and Protestant reformers and this is all been amazing foundation for you because yes your taking prophecies but you’ve also having such a such strong foundation in the word that it gives the perspective that everyone needs. Tell us a bit about the Malachi prophecy.

Cris: Sid it’s great to be on the show with you what we have on this St. Malachi of the Popes is an allegedly a 900 year old prophecy by an Irish Saint.  The way that the account goes St. Malachi had made a pilgrimage to Rome to have an audience with the Pope.  Now on Genicom Hill one of the hills outside of Rome he had a vision from his day 112 Popes into the future with the final Pope reigning during the tribulation.  So the way this vision came across the way he recorded it is a series or Latin phrases of mottoes which seem to predict something about each Pope perhaps a description of his Coat of Arms, or something about his name, or perhaps events that happened during his papacy. So we have this sequence of 112 mottoes.  Now the thing that makes this all very intriguing is that Pope Benedict was 111 out of one 112 meaning that this very next Pope…the prediction for him seems to really strongly infer the end-times.  It says in the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will sit Peter the Roman who will nourish the sheep in tribulation; when they’re finished the city of Seven Hills will be destroyed and the dreadful judgment will judge his people, the end.  So that is what this 900 year old prophecy predicts to happen during the reign of the next Pope.

Sid: Now how did you know because he didn’t say this, or did, he St. Malachi, how did you know that the Pope would resign so that there would be room for this last Pope?

Cris: Well Sid you know one of the things I learned you know in seminary that you know when you’re digging into a subject like this you know you go out and you read everything that you can find about it.  And you know I’m a Protestant I’m not necessarily predisposed to believing extra Biblical Catholic prophecies, but you know I wanted to give this thing a fair shake.  And one of the books that I read about it and had to translate from French was by a Belgium Jesuit named Renee Tebow, now actually he published this book in 1951. He did all sorts of mystical calculations from the Latin text of this prophecy and he came up with April 2012 as the date of the arrival of the final Pope. Now he didn’t just do that in a trivial way he actually did it from 5 or 6 different calculations.  One of the simplest ones was that he calculated the average reign where a Pope would be in office for 11 years.  That’s what he determined was the average and he just kind of extrapolated that forward from when he was writing in 1950 and he came up with the year 2012. Now of course that was very sensational with all the apocalyptic speculation about the year 2012. You know we put it in out book and there was also some rumors circulating around about Benedict’s health. So we kind of went out on a limb based on his writing and these rumors, and you know we put on pages 57 – 58 of our book that thought that he would step down for health reason.  Well 2012 came and went we were a little bit disappointed and you know figured that just wasn’t going to happen the way Father Tebow said.  But it turns out when I was reading the New York Times on February 11th this year about Benedict’s stepping down it actually says that the decision was made in end of March after his trip to South America and “Kept with a reserve that no one could violate” so quite literally he made the decision to step down right when this was predicted and then kept it a secret all year.

Sid: Okay from looking at your book you are very honest and you’ve done good journalism in that a few of the prophecies the Pope’s might have been tampered with but just a few.  However the majority, of recent years of course, it was from the original prophecy how accurate was it in your opinion as a Biblical scholar?

Cris:  You know one of the things that I looked at you know is that this thing was published and widely spread across the continent of Europe about 1595 in a book called “Lignum Vitae” so no matter what people might say about it being a forgery or written after the face you really can’t argue about the prophecies after 1595 because no one disputes that it was in print at that time.  Now when you’re testing something like this the way you test the hypothesis in science is you try to falsify it you look for a risky prediction.  And one of the ones that really jumped out at me was Religio-Depopulata. Now in the sequence of the Malachi prophecy that was the prophecy that matched Pope Benedict 15th. Now he was Pope from 1914 to 1922 and that prophecy actually in England was to be Religion-Depopulated.  Now that is a very risky prediction now all things being equal you would expect the church to kind of remain the same.  But what happened from 1914 to 1922?  This was a time of World War I this was devastating to Europe; devastating to the Catholic Church.  To add insult to injury this is the time of the Bolshevik Revolution to Russia up to 200 million people left the church to join the Communist Party and the ones that didn’t Lennon specifically targeted religious leaders.  So right when this prophecy that we can prove was published hundreds of years before said that religion was depopulated we see probably the greatest depopulation of religion in history.

Sid: Tell me your sanctified speculation of what the last Pope’s reign will be like.

Cris:  Well, based on the text of this prophecy we see that it’s talking about the City of Seven Hills being destroyed.  It’s talking about judgment; now the City of Seven Hills is a really transparent reference to the city of Rome. You know this is what captured my imagination because like I said I’m not necessarily predisposed of this sort of Catholic prophecies but I look at the book or Revelation and it talks about the great harlot and the mystery Babylon, I mean it really strongly connects that to the city of Rome. In Revelation 17:9 it’s talking about the seven headed beast and it has two aspects to the heads.  And the first aspect it says that “The heads are seven mountains to which the woman siteth.” Now at the end of Revelation 17 it says “That woman that you saw is that great city that has domination over the kings of the earth.”  Now interpreting the Bible a good general rule is you always start with the author’s intention. Now when John was writing the Book of Revelation around AD 90 it was at the peak of the Roman Empire and so a city that has a dominion over the kings of the earth and the Apostles mind would be an arguing Rome.

Sid: Absolutely, but what is your sanctified speculation what will happen when this Pope rules?

Cris: Well because I see this connection to Biblical prophecy I think that it’s a very good possibility and this is what we argue is that this final Pope is the Biblical false prophet. In Revelation chapter 13. The anti-Christ usually gets most of the press, but around verse 11 or so it describes the second beast and it says he has horns like a lamb yet speaks like a dragon.  Now I think that everyone will agree that like a lamb is an inference to Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.  But generally you know horns and apocalyptic literature are a sign of power so now I think that this description of the false prophet is saying that he’s going to be seen as a powerful Christian leader and yet he’s going to speak like a dragon and leading the world to worship the anti-Christ.  So for those reasons I think worldwide you know people when they think of a powerful Christian leader instantly they would probably answer the Pope; so I see him in that role.

Sid: Okay, your brand new book “Exo-Vaticana” what does that mean?

Cris: Well, this prefix Exo, you know generally implies something other worldly.  We have you know Exo planets where they’re looking at planets outside of our solar system. There’s actually an area of theology now called exo-theology that handles how would theologians handle an extraterrestrial reality.  Catholics have really laid a lot of ground work in that realm of thought and this is what our book is about we think that a very likely component of the end-time scenario will involve a claimed extraterrestrial presence.

Sid: Okay you will not understand end-times without these two books that documents secret files in the Vatican Library and belief in aliens.  Petrus Romonas the last Pope hidden in the Vatican libraries over 900 years ago a vision of the next 112 Popes. Stunning accuracy of the first 111; now this last Pope will take office for the final judgment. The second book “Exo-Vaticana” documents the Vatican’s plan for a rival of an alien god with a small “g.” Secret files in the Vatican library on the reality of alien presence, Vatican’s position on extraterrestrials, Vatican’s project Lucifer. Why 2013 is the year top astronomers say the aliens will be revealed. The breeding and the hybrid program for humans and aliens…

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Written by sidroth

June 24th, 2013 at 10:11 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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