Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guests Chester and Betsy Kylstras

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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with the Kylstras, and I know you came back. Tell me the keys that God has revealed to you.

CHESTER: It simple just like you said. But, and these four keys are already known, Sid. But what He showed us is they need to be dealt together. It’s almost like putting all four keys in the locks at the same time.

SID: Like’s it’s integrated would be the word.

CHESTER: That’s the word we use. Integrated, interrelated. So the first one is very simple. It comes out of the second commandment where we pick up our family stuff. It just gets passed down through the generations until someone takes it to the cross. So I entered into the family sins of my family.

SID: You know, you made a statement that God, when He looks at us, and it’s very profound, He doesn’t look at us, He looks at our whole family line. I’ve never thought about that before.

CHESTER: That’s right. Well He’s the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Right?

SID: Right.

CHESTER: He’s the family father of our family line also. So anyway, that sets us up. We enter in the sins of our fathers. We don’t have to, but we all do that. And then out of that we grow up in families. And we found out that all of us think our families are normal. But the reality is that they’re all dysfunctional, normally dysfunctional. How about that. Some a lot, some a little.

SID: Well with me, that’s an understatement, Chester. How about you guys? How about you?

CHESTER: Normally dysfunctional. So we get wounds to our heart. That’s why Jesus said, “I came to heal the broken hearted.” And we sin out of those wounds. People touch our tender points. But then out of those wounds we’ve learned the human mind is always trying to make sense out of what’s going on around us and what’s happening to us. And so most of the time we make sense by coming to the conclusion, there must be something the matter with me or these things wouldn’t be happening to me. And so we buy ungodly beliefs, which is what we like call the lies we believe. Because my dad died and left me there must be something out of me and important people will leave. So the safe way to deal with that was to avoid other people. And we could go on with lots more. So these are lies based on God’s Word. God doesn’t say I’m a loner. He doesn’t say important people are going to leave. He just says I’m His dearly beloved. That was a huge revelation.

SID: So you replace the lie with the truth.


SID: The truth is God’s promise.

CHESTER: And will set you free. And God has given us a very good process to go through to deal with converting lies into His truth. So those three areas, ancestral sins, the lies we believe, the hurts of our heart, all provide legal access to the demonic oppression. Some of them come down the family line. We open up the doors ourselves and invite them in. And so the devil does his job, which is to steal, kill and destroy, until we learn to not let him do that anymore, until we learn to begin to shut those doors. God gave Betsy a key vision one time as we were looking at these four areas.

BETSY: I was locking up the house to go on a vacation and there were four doors. And so as I was locking each one, the Lord said, “Why are you locking those doors?” And I said, “Because there are precious things inside I don’t want stolen.” And He said, “It’s just like locking four ministry doors, the doors of the four ministry areas. If you close and lock them then the enemy won’t be able to come in and steal the precious things that are inside.”

SID: Chester said, when you close those three doors the demonic doesn’t even want to stay, and it’s so easy to get free. It’s not a big deal.


CHESTER: That’s true. We find deliverance in restoring the foundations of ministry. It’s almost a non-event. Let’s say boring. And we’ve all heard stories of deliverance from the old days where people get bounced off the walls and stuff. It’s because they did not take back the legal rights that the first three areas provide. And each one is related to the other three. Because the demons, they keep all this going on down the family line.

SID: Okay. Give me an example of the generational family line that someone could be dealing with today.

CHESTER: Well alcoholism is very common. So there’s an addiction issue, but also probably some major abandonment, victimization, things such as that. So that would be the ancestral sins and curses. So the child grows up, let’s say in an alcoholic family, probably makes a vowed judgment against his parents, whichever one is the alcoholic, I will never be like that. So then they set themselves up to reap what they’ve just vowed. Or I won’t treat my children that way. I’m not going to holler, yell or scream, and they find themselves, years later, hollering, yelling and screaming at their children, and hating it at the very same time they’re doing it. And why am I doing this? So ancestral sins are at work there. They enter into him and made them their own.

SID: Alright Betsy, tell me about an ungodly belief that you had.

BETSY: Well I had an ungodly belief that I was just always going to be left out. And what I found out later is the enemy has a strategy to reinforce an ungodly belief, setting up situations over and over, and over to reinforce the power of that. So I had that ungodly belief, I’m a mistake, I’ll be left out.

SID: And Chester, tell me what was the biggest soul wound you had.

CHESTER: Well I guess it was the abandonment by my father. Of course, he didn’t intend to abandon me.

SID: But you didn’t know that. That’s the problem.

CHESTER: A two-year-old doesn’t figure these things out. We just live it. But I expected to be abandoned by everybody else. That was the ungodly believe I got. So I found myself being abandoned lots of times. And abandonment can take a lot of different forms. It can be, you know, as I said—

SID: You known what I’m reminded of? As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Chester thought he would be abandoned. Betsy had this terrific fear of death. Do you have a fear of death now?

BETSY: No sir.

SID: I can tell. That’s with an attitude.

BETSY: Jumping across the table.

SID: Okay. I’m going to turn them loose in the next segment to pray for you? You want them to? I thought so. I thought so.


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Written by sidroth

July 29th, 2013 at 5:48 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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