Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Jennifer LeClaire

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Sid: My guest Jennifer LeClaire is red hot for the Messiah because she doesn’t just teach like a college professor, but she teaches from her experiences and shows that anything she can do in the word of God you can do in the word of God.  Jennifer you also move in the prophetic and in 2007 you received some prophetic words about America what were they?

Jennifer:  That’s right Sid I woke up, the Lord woke me up at midnight and He offered me a word about a great awakening coming to the nation.  He said, “That He’d heard our cries to heal the land” and He said “He was a Covenant God and He would not forget the Covenant that He made with America.”  But He also said “There would be a shaking, there will be a shaking that everything that own those things that could be shaken will be shaken and the sin in the land would be made bare.”  He said “That He requires repentance through this generation for the abortions, for the prayerlessness, for the apathy, the idolatry.”  You know He made it very clear to me as yes there is a great awakening coming but that it would get darker, that it would get darker before the light shines brightly again. Now that was back in 2007 long before so many of the problems the fiscal cliff, the great recession you know all of the many things that have happened since then it has definitely grown darker but I have faith to believe God’s Word that it will grow lighter again; that there will be a great revival.  I’m not the only one that’s prophesied it others have also received similar words from the Lord about this…

Sid: But Jennifer here’s the thing that concerns me, I don’t think you have to be a prophet to see that what’s going on economically with America; morally with America.  I’ve never seen a time, I’ve never lived in a time, I’m 72 years of age and I have never lived in a time where things are deteriorating as rapidly as it’s going on right before our very eyes.  If now people can’t operate in basic Bible faith because God’s Word says “Without faith you can’t please Him.”  Even though we’re going to end up in Heaven we’re going to be in as bad shape as the world.  It’s simple for us to operate in unbelief and doubt, but it’s also simple to operate in faith.  Can you help these people that need to get their battery started again so to speak, they’re stuck?

Jennifer:  Yeah definitely Christians in this hour especially and even more so in the days ahead we’ve got to operate in faith; we’ve got to operate as supernatural people; we’ve got to operate of citizens in Heaven who are here to enforce the word of God; we’ve got to do it.  The way to do that is first of all understanding the times and the seasons that we’re in you know.  The Bible says that in the last days that men’s hearts will fail because of fear.  So we’ve got to be really keen on staying in the Word; the Bible talks about in 1 Timothy 4:1-3 “Some will depart from the faith in the latter days and their going to give heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, they’re going to speak lies and hypocrisy; their consciences is going to be seared with a hot iron…”  And I mean it just goes on and on and on. The days ahead we’re going to need to be people of faith unshakable faith, unmovable faith more than ever.  And that means that we got first of all to stay in the Word, we’ve got to be so careful also who we listen teach the word of God.  There is the hyper-grace message that’s going through the Body of Christ right now it’s so grieves me…

Sid: But you know when people say that “Well how can you be hyper-grace, I want as much grace as I can have, what’s wrong with the hyper-grace message?

Jennifer:  Well, I want as much grace as I can have too.  But the hyper-grace message strips Christians of their responsibility to walk in the truth of the Word. It negates the fear of the Lord it positions God as a Big Sugar Daddy in the sky who’s there to hand out blessings but not correct. The Bibles says “He loves those whom He corrects,” He corrects us; He deals with us; He chastises us because we love Him.  And I would be very concerned if I wasn’t being corrected or the Holy Spirit wasn’t gently guiding me in ways that I should go because every day we make mistakes in word, thought or deed. If you don’t have the Holy Spirit’s conviction work in your life I would be very concerned. We’ve got to seek the truth and no matter what the truth is and I’m very disturbed about what’s sweeping through this deception the Body of Christ.  We have got to keep our faith squarely on what the Word of God says and that means we have to know what the Word of God says we cannot go from church to church, from conference seeking something to satisfy our tickling ear, our itching ears. We’ve got to stay rooted and grounded in the unadulterated Word of God.

Sid: Well, if we say anything right now we say that it’s time for a jump start and your book which is “Faith Magnified” I don’t know of a better jump start.  I talked to the reviewer that’s what he said to me.  And the subtitle I love “How to be free from Doubtaholism.”  Talk a little bit because you’re a woman of faith; you’re a woman that operates in the invisible world; teach a little bit about the difference between great faith and little faith.

Jennifer:  Yeah, great faith is pure faith, great faith is faith that takes God’s Word for face value.  See when I read the Bible I don’t try to just read what I believe, I try to believe what I read; I do believe what I read; I take God’s Word.

Sid: So simple and so profound I want you to say it again because I think someone might have missed it.

Jennifer:  Yeah, when you read the Bible you’ve got to believe what you read, not just read what you believe.  The problem is that we hear so many different perspectives and so many teachers and it’s all good I love to listen to a variety.  But what you’ll find in the Body of Christ is there’s many different flows and it’s all good as long as it’s coming from Jesus.  But we all have our own perspectives and we can be taught a certain way; we can grow up in the church under a certain flow or a denomination, and we can understand and perceive and receive the Word in a certain way when the Word actually doesn’t quite say that at all that’s just a perspective we’ve taken on it.  And so we have to believe what we read; not just read what we already believe, what we’ve already be taught. And if we can’t peel through the Word we can’t dig down deeper for ourselves we’ll never build that great faith.  It’s not enough to listen to a Bible teacher, I encourage you to listen to the Bible teachers they’re great, I listen to the Bible teachers all the time I soak myself in the Word from whatever direction I can get.  But nothing, nothing replaces studying the Word for yourself and I say studying because it’s not just good enough to read the Word, you’ve got to study it.

Sid: Now, just give us a couple tips. How do you study the word?

Jennifer: Well, honestly I’ve got a concordance, I’ve got a Vines dictionary, I read something and I stick on one theme for a while.  You know when God highlights something to me in the word I don’t sort of read that, gloss over it and jump somewhere else I stick on that theme.  So it’s God’s showing me something about forgiveness I might get my concordance out and read everything there is about forgiveness because if He’s showing me that… see studying the Bible is interacting with God I talk to God while I read the Word.  You know when God shows me a scripture I say “Well, what do you want me to see about that, what am I supposed to take away from that; what were you thinking God when you said that? You know I talk and I talk with God; I converse with God in interactive study with His Spirit and with the Word.  And really to me that’s the only way, that’s what makes the Word come alive and that’s what’s going to help build that great faith. It’s not just reading black and white and red words on paper.  It’s about engaging with the Spirit of God.

Sid: When you look back on where God’s brought you from it is almost… I mean you’re bestselling author now you’re a News Editor with one of the leading Christian magazines in the country. What do you think, what would it have been like if you haven’t found the Lord?

Jennifer: I can’t even imagine I was fading and fading fast you know and I continue to marvel at what God has done in my life.  But you know it’s not just me, God is no respecter of persons I had a dream and I pursued God and I pursued the God of the dream and I took faith and I put it to action.  You can do the same thing, everyone listening to my voice God has given you a dream, God has already brought you from a mighty long way; look back and see the great things He’s done in your life instead of thinking about where you haven’t gone or what you haven’t received or what you can’t do. Look at what God has done that will build your faith for what He can do and what He wants to do.

Sid: Well, there’s something called “The Power of the Testimony.” When I share what others have received they receive it and that’s what’s going on in your book “Faith Magnified.” Rather than operating in faith and doubt and having these little foxes operate in their life they’re going to be normal, normal as defined by the Bible.

Jennifer:  That’s right we should be living like in the days of the Book of Acts that’s normal, that’s who we call supernatural but that’s really normal.  And we can build that kind of faith we really can it’s possible.  It’s just a matter of being disciplined going after God with all your heart and just believing Him, just taking Him at His word. He’s the one who makes the word come to pass, He’s the one that does it.

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Written by sidroth

March 13th, 2014 at 12:11 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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