Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Dr. Howard Morgan

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Dr. Howard Morgan

Sid: I am so excited about introducing a friend of mine to you that’s been on our broadcast previously; he’s been on our television show – Dr. Howard Morgan. Dr. Morgan has a book called “Leaves from the Olive Tree.” I’ll tell you something, he has gleaned insights into the One New Man, or the One New Race that I wish I had put in my book which I didn’t.  You know what, I wasn’t supposed to put it in my book. The reason I wasn’t supposed to put it in my book is each of us receives a little bit different revelation, and when we put it all together we get the complete thing. He has brought, literally, this book is an anthology of kingdom perspectives. What do I mean by that? Let me read a little bit. He says “When the church departed from its Jewish roots and embraced non-Biblical concepts and theologies, Satan was able to infect the church with numerous,” whoa this is heavy, “doctrines of demons.” Have you wondered why you read the Bible; you know what the church is supposed to be like; you know about the power that’s supposed to be there; you know about the love that supposed to be there. The truth of the matter is in many instances there’s not a great deal of difference between those who call themselves Christians, and people that are non-Christians that are very moral people. There’s as many divorces in the church as outside of the church. There’s as many people addicted to pornography in the church as outside the church.  There’s got to be a change, there’s got be something different. Have we really deviated? I guess I put so much out there right now, I’m going to do something I was debating whether I should do it or not. My guest Dr. Howard Morgan told me he recently had a revelation from God about Christianity. At first I said “I can’t let him say this on my show.” Second, I said “I got to let him say this on my show.” Howie would you tell me this revelation.

Dr. Morgan: Thanks, first Sid it is great to be with you. I just want to honor the Lord by saying how much your ministry has meant to me, and how honored I am to be on your show and see all the work that the Lord is doing through your ministry.

Sid: Well thank you so much, but I’ll tell you what I am so excited to just sit down and brainstorm with you, another Jewish man that understands there is something more and is not going to settle for mediocrity or “religion.”

Dr. Morgan: Amen, amen, amen. We’ve had a passion for the kingdom of God since we’ve had our supernatural encounters with the Lord Jesus in the early 70’s. In answer to your question about this revelation, oh several years ago I was in my car driving through the states in my traveling ministry and came through the part of the town where all of the churches were zoned together so you had all the church buildings in one area. As I was driving through I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me and said “These people are practicing an aberrant religion.” Now I knew it was the Lord Sid because the word “aberrant” was not part of my vocabulary; I didn’t know what the word meant. So I pulled my car over and pulled out a little electronic dictionary that I have because every now and again the Lord does that to me to let me know it is Him and not me. I typed into the dictionary aberrant and of course I spelled it wrong and it came up and it said “Do you mean this word?”  Aberrant is that which has moved away from the pattern; that which has diverged from the original intention. When I saw that word and I heard in my spirit, God was saying “These people are practicing a religion that has moved away from the original pattern, that apostolic and prophetic pattern of love, and power, and anointing, and freedom… all the things that we see in the book of Acts, and we read about in times of revival and restoration in the body of Christ. Many times when we’re preaching about revival and talking about revival I say to people “I don’t think that we should use the word revival, I think we should use the word normal because we should be praying for normal.” So many times when there is revival breaking out that’s what should be going on all the time…

Sid: And it should not be happening in the 4 walls, if anything it should be happening outside of the 4 walls of the church.

Dr. Morgan: Well and that’s another thing most people fail to understand is that the church is not the building. Another revelation, if you will or insight the Lord gave me, as we were talking one day to some church elders in New York City. Talking about this whole dynamic of aberrancy and what does it mean and how does it affect us? What God wants to do in His body, I saw a picture of a church, a classic country church you know with a pitched roof and a steeple. As I was looking in my spirit I saw this building and all of a sudden it split from top to bottom, it split in half. From the base of this split this enormous tree emerged, and I heard in my spirit the Lord say “I’m going to deliver to the body of Christ from the spirit of the Christian religion.” When He spoke that to me it was like things started popping off that Christianity as it has been practiced, not the doctrines of our faith, but the way the religion we call Christianity has been practiced was… there was a spirit an actual demonic principality that had so influenced the church, the real body of Christ, that we practiced in so many ways the wrong things, done the wrong things, and wondered why we’re not getting the results; we’re seeing the fruit, we’re not seeing the gifts; we’re not seeing the demonstration of the kingdom that was so clearly promised to us by Jesus, and by Paul and we saw demonstrated. We’ve seen down through church history believers expressing the kingdom of God and literally change nations.

Sid: I know you’ve heard this expression, but the definition of insanity is to keep to doing the same thing and expect different results.

Dr. Morgan: Right, absolutely.

Sid: I have to go back to that word because I was not familiar with the word that you used. You said “That Christianity has become an aberrant religion.”

Dr. Morgan: Yes.

Sid: And the word aberrant means deviated from the pattern. So perhaps that’s where I’d like to start.

Dr. Morgan: Good.

Sid: Where did we deviate from the pattern, and what is the pattern?

Dr. Morgan: Well I think in simple, and I tried to ask the Lord to keep things simple because I’m not the smartest guy in the pack, and I’m always asking the Lord “Help me to understand this.” What He did was take me back to Colossians chapter 1 where Paul writes, and I believe this is his philosophy of ministry. That is what was he doing, and why was he doing it. He writes in the end of Colossians that he does everything he can by the wisdom and power of God to bring people to maturity in the Messiah. Everything the church is supposed to do, the environment that we’re supposed to be creating in our meetings is supposed to be conducive, that environment is supposed to be conducive for helping people grow. Instead, so much of what goes on in church can really be described as theatre, religious theatre, it’s a show. You know, I was in England ministering a few months ago and went to the Centennial celebration of the Liverpool Cathedral. The bishop in his talk about the mission of the cathedral, and the vision of the cathedral; he actually said that the cathedral was literally spiritual theatre that everything that goes on in the cathedral, and the way the architecture and its design from the high altar even out to the gargoyles, was all to represent the invisible realm in a visible way, it was theatre. I sat there Sid and my mouth was open because he was saying exactly what I have been hearing from the Holy Spirit. Instead of us experiencing the reality we’ve settled for something that was a ritual, or something that was simply an expression of what should be a reality. There was not the power so we had something that talked about power, or something that modeled it but it really didn’t demonstrate it.

Sid: Now you and I both have studied early church history and we know where we moved from the norm, but we literally went away from Jewish roots of the faith. We know that the church went away from the Jewish roots of the faith for very bad reasons…

Dr. Morgan: Right.

Sid: But they did, basically for anti-Semitic type reasons. What did they substitute instead of the Hebraic roots? Then let’s talk about what they should have kept.

Dr. Morgan: Right. When the church moved into the Greco-Roman world they began to be influenced by the philosophies of the Greeks and the Romans. Greek philosophy was very very seductive. The Jews were seduced if you will by Hellenistic philosophies you know in the times of the Maccabees. There were Hellenistic Jews that became very secular. They were brought into the web of deception of Greco-Roman philosophy…

Sid: Is that that religious spirit you’ve been talking about that’s so seductive?

Dr. Morgan: Yeah that spirit uses that because the devil… you know the devil will use any lie he can to move people even one degree away from the call of God. If you move just one degree away, if you believe one lie, that one lie, that one degree of separation from the truth of God, as you move on in your life that one degree takes you hundreds and hundreds of miles away from your appointed destiny. Like that letter “V” at the base of the “V” your right there doing what God wants, but one little lie, one even wrong thought starts taking you off on a path that diverges that becomes aberrant it moves away from the pattern. So when the church moved into the Greco-Roman world with power and signs and wonders, little by little, this stuff doesn’t happen in a day the philosophies of the Greeks and Romans began to influence the church. In a nutshell, the essence of platonic, if you will, our statillion philosophy is “That I think, therefore I am. Man is the measure of everything if it makes me feel good, if I like it it’s good.”

Sid: So they are the originators of what is called “Seeker Sensitive?”

Dr. Morgan: Yep, absolutely.

Sid: Versus God sensitive. Tell you what we’re out of time…

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Written by sidroth

December 1st, 2014 at 7:56 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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