Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Hank Kunneman

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Sid: My guest Hank Kunneman is red hot for the Messiah because God has given him a revelation that transformed his life and is going to transform the lives of a generation. Why? Because we’ve had the revelation of God the Holy Spirit and we needed it and rightfully so. We have had the revelation of the power and the name of Jesus the Son of God rightfully! But we haven’t had the revelation of God the Father, it’s the final revelation before the Messiah returns. On yesterday’s broadcast Hank Kunneman said “I’m going to share things for the first, I’ve never shared to this degree publically before and I’m doing it because God told me that there are people that need this.” And I’m going to tell you something on yesterday’s broadcast we found out he had a stepfather and he had a blended family, and he felt as if he really wasn’t a Kunneman because it wasn’t his natural father but even more so as a child notices differences his father’s parents favored the children that came from his father’s first marriage and it hurt. Christmas time Hank would see a difference but in this maze I mean we humans are so complex and all of the emotions going on as a child and Hank sees these things going on; even in the midst of all of this at age 5 God reaches down and speaks to him. And of course he was raised in a non-Christian family and what did you make of this at age 5 when God spoke to you?

Hank: You know what it did for me is it gave me awareness and a hunger. It was like a seed that went into me that I began to search to know what that was and who it was. And so things would happen, in fact one of the things that was said to me growing up I was a little guy walking into the grocery store with my would be my blood grandma. You know people would stop me some elderly woman who were shopping and say to my grandma “You know that young man God’s hand is upon his life.” And that would scare me not like I didn’t think of it as the call, I thought that His hand was upon me and He would bring me back to those words that “I was to do good and treat others nice.” And even when I was being mistreated you know by even some of my brothers and sisters at times and my grandparents you know the adoptive grandparents. I stayed in an attitude the best that I knew how to treat people with honor and treat them with respect. But I’ll tell you what I’ve learned though, God is more than just a creator, He’s more than just a biological parent. You know He’s not like some of us like my biological father who disappeared; you know some that are listening today they had fathers who disappeared they don’t even know where they are at. Or maybe they do know where they are at but they were left without a father.

Sid: We have a generation that is raised with single parents.

Hank: That’s right but you could tell by the first question recorded in scripture that God wanted to be more than a creator. This is why I believe it’s a Father Revelation.

Sid: What was the first question in the garden?

Hank: “Adam where are you?” If He didn’t want to be more than a creator He would never have asked a question “Where are you?” and then go and find his son who had blown it, who blew it. And that’s the thing sometimes we think “Golly you know our lives we’ve blown it, we’ve made mistakes, you know we’ve been without a father; maybe we didn’t grow up in the most ideal family.” God is the one as Abba, He’s always pursuing, we see this with the story of the prodigal son. It was the father that ran and kissed the young man falling upon his neck and kissing his neck after the prodigal son blew it. And so I see this with Abba’s love and I see where this is very important revelation for today; let me give you an example you know. As I began to grow up in my home and things were heated. I used to sit back and think “How come my mom and dad you know they’re allowing a lot of this to go on you know this devise, this divisiveness between the grandparents and you’re not a real blood relative or you know you’re half or you’re not at all. And that’s not to fault them. But I couldn’t understand why this was taking place. And so even my stepdad he was a tremendous man, a very hard working man. He would come underneath the protector and the provider type you know put a roof over your head. Put food in front of you but there wasn’t a lot of affirmation. In fact Sid I was never told growing up, I never heard the words and I’m not saying this to be divisive, I’m not saying this to be harsh because the story there’s a good ending but I’d love to share with this listeners, but here’s the point, I never heard the words, “I love you.” And that’s…

Sid: How important is that for a child to have that affirmation, to hear “I love you for a parent?”

Hank:   Well the revelation of love you know we think about lst Corinthians chapter 13 and we always quote it you know that that’s how we’re supposed to be as Christians. “Love is patient, love is kind, love doesn’t boil over in jealousy, you know love doesn’t take in account a suffered wrong.” But if you think about what the scriptures says in the book of 1 John it says “That God is love.” So the very essence and definition of love is who God is and so when you read that in Corinthians it isn’t just how we should be as loving Christians and loving others and but it’s God’s revelation of who He is.

Sid: You know what I believe that if you would read those characteristics if God is love what are the characteristics of not necessarily our love but a God kind of love. I believe that as you read this Hank say it almost prophetically and it’s going to start healing people that are listening.

Hank: God is patient, God is kind, God is not prideful, arrogant, or conceited. God’s love does not boil over in envy. God’s love is He doesn’t take into account of a suffered wrong. And so the reason why I say this is because when you don’t have that in your life from a parent and all your getting is the opposite you’re getting harsh. Like I was never abusive but he never showed very often the affirming side of love. Because he didn’t know how he came from a generation and from an upbringing that really didn’t emulate…

Sid: You know I can really relate to what you’re saying because my father came from that same type of generation. Now I know in retrospect he loved me, however he never said it. He never affirmed me to my memory so I can really relate to what your background was Hank.

Hank: But see that’s the whole reason Jesus came into the earth. He said “If you’ve seen Me you’ve seen the Father.” It’s the very reason why the Pharisees got angry, I mean John 8 they were accusing him of being illegitimate because of the revelation they had was God the Father has a corporate Father but not as a personal Daddy. And it also upset the Pharisees that Jesus was using the word Abba. He was talking in their mind as a small child that he wasn’t using an older term for Father. And he was also personalizing, this is my Dad, this is my father. And I talk about that in my writing. Now here’s what’s interesting when Jesus rose from the dead this is why affirmation is so important. There may be some out there listening today saying “You know what I can relate to Hank when I grew up I never heard the words, ‘I love you’ from my father.” And now the Father is speaking out of heaven and I believe He is speaking to this generation and He is saying “I love you, I’m not mad at you, I affirm you; yeah you might have made mistakes and yes maybe you are making mistakes, but I as your Father am looking down and I wanted to do what Jesus did with the children.” Because if you’ve seen Jesus you’ve seen the Father and that is where he began to welcome the children into his lap, Jesus did. And I believe that the Father is calling people today to Himself, He’s reaching His arms out and saying “Come here.” Maybe you had a father that disappeared, maybe you don’t even know who your biological father is, maybe you’re adopted, maybe you have a stepparent. Maybe you had those that say “You’re not real flesh and blood.” The beauty of it Sid is God is pulling His kids and those that He had created close to Him and He’s wanting to pour out His love an affirmation. You know I had teachers growing up they told me “Don’t publically speak you’re not good at it, don’t write you’re not good at it.” But today Abba has graced my life to where I’m now able to stand on platforms around the world preaching for Him, and I’m able to write books. Just because somebody said we can’t do something Abba will affirm us and I think that’s the message I want people to hear today is “Yeah we might go through some things and yes we have hurts and pains but if we’ll turn over to the Lord and we’ll call out to Abba and we’ll say Abba I need You He’ll affirm you.”

Sid: What does the word Abba mean exactly?

Hank: It means Daddy, or Poppa. It’s a more intimate description. Well if somebody says “What happens if I call God Abba?” Here’s what I said, whatever you… Moses wanted to see the glory of God. He said “Lord show me You glory.” And then God said “Alright, here’s how you’re going to get my presence.” See Abba wants to hug people, how does He hug people? He brings His presence, it’s like a magnet when you call God that’s why when He appeared to Moses He said “I will proclaim the name of the Lord, I am merciful and gracious full of loving kindness and truth and goodness.” So God was telling Moses “If you want to draw Me to you here’s what you say,” it’s the same way today. If we want the affirmation maybe we didn’t get from our parents we need to say “Abba.” And I…

Sid: And by the way your literally telling us to say that, you are literally because in your book you explain this. You are literally saying every time we say out loud and with our heart and with our words, “Abba.” He draws closer to us oops we’re out of time again.

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Written by sidroth

April 2nd, 2015 at 5:57 am

Posted in Sid Roth