Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Jonathan Cahn

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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. We had the high privilege, before the book “The Harbinger” even came out, of interviewing, we were the first ones in the country. We had the CD series of “The Harbinger” by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, which has gone on to be a New York Times bestseller, over two million of these books have been distributed. But Jonathan called me the other day and he said, “Sid, God has given me a revelation. I call it the Mystery of the Shmitah and it’s so big that it affects everything we as a people are personally doing and will affect the rise and fall of the United States of America. You know, the bestselling book, “The Harbinger,” which heeds a warning of judgments, they’re reappearing again. There’s nine of them. But one of the ones that is reappearing is the understanding and the revelation of a biblical term called the Shmitah. Now Rabbi Jonathan, what is the Shmitah?

JONATHAN: The Shmitah is an ancient mystery. It goes back over 3000 years to Moses, Mount Sinai. Yet is affecting everything from 9-11 to the rise and fall of the economy, to the crashing of the stock market, to the rise and fall of nations, everything from World War I, World War II, what is happening right now and what will happen. It is the most precise mind-boggling, biblical mystery and it’s coming true now.

SID: Now when you talked about it in your book “The Harbinger,” did have any idea that this would so affect us today in our everyday life, I mean, and how big it is?

JONATHAN: I knew it was happening, I mean, at least in a certain period, but I had no idea that it didn’t just happen then. It’s been affecting us, every single one who’s watching right now, it’s affecting every life since the day we were born and the future. I had no idea until very recently how big it was. It just, it’s really mind-boggling.

SID: Okay. Let’s just start with basics.


SID: What does the Shmitah mean? What does the word mean?

JONATHAN: The Shmitah means the release but, or it could also mean, literally, it could also mean the fall or the collapse, in Hebrew. It could also mean the shaking. And what it is, is this. In Mount Sinai, God gave this law to Israel. Every seventh year you would have a Sabbath year, a year of rest. That rest was called the Shmitah. There was no sowing, no reaping of the land. And on the last day of the Shmitah, the day is called Elul 29 on the biblical Hebrew calendar. On that last day, something unique happens. All credit is wiped away, all debt is wiped away. The financial accounts of the nation are wiped clean. Now this was to be a blessing. But when Israel turned against God, the Shmitah comes back as a sign of judgment on a nation that is driving God out of its life. So this is where it affects us particularly today. So the thing is that the Shmitah affects, as you can see, the economy right away. Today it would be a recession or a depression, I mean. And the Wall Street literally is the collapse of our financial realm. So what we’re going to see—

SID: So we’re going to have a collapse that’s not a blessing.


SID: We’re going to have the judgment type of collapse.

JONATHAN: We have already seen it happen and it’s actually getting more specific. The last two Shmitahs have been so exact, so precise since 9-11, and we’re coming up to another one as well. So what we’re going to see, and this is what blew me away, is it has been affecting everything in our lives from really, there’s no end to it. It’s amazing and it’s precise down to the days, the hours, even the seconds.

SID: Okay. Give us some background. Explain every seven years.

JONATHAN: Yeah. Yeah. Every seventh year, so you have this rest and here’s the keys to know, because we’re going to see what’s happening right now. The keys are, number one, you have a seven-year cycle. So the seven-year cycle, everything stops and then you have this financial wipeout.

SID: Okay. According to the Bible, every seventh year…


SID: We have just a blessing from God or if we haven’t done what God has asked, it becomes a judgment.

JONATHAN: It became a judgment. Actually, 586 B.C., wiped out Jerusalem. They were in battle for 70 years and the Bible says it was because it was time according to how many Shmitahs they broke. So it becomes an amazing thing. It not only wipes away accounts, it can wipe away cities and nations.

SID: You know, if someone is a non-believer in the Bible, as being from God, just looking at these patterns that are affecting us today, that have affected historically, nations being rising and falling, economies rising and falling, I mean, it’s just, how could anyone not be a believer in the Bible?

JONATHAN: Yeah. Yeah. Amazing. And here, Sid, if you look, here’s an example. If you look at the last 40 years of our financial history, you look for, there’s five great turning points or long-term collapses combined from the recessions. When did they take place? I’ll give you an example. 1973, first one. Second one, 1980. Third, 1987. Fourth, 2000, and fifth, 2007, great recession. What do you notice about all them? Every one of them is separated by a seven-year period. I mean, ’73 to ’80, seven years. ’80 to ’87, seven years. 2000, seven years. Are any of them linked specifically to the year of the Shmitah? 1973, year of the Shmitah. 1980, Shmitah. ’87, Shmitah. 2000, Shmitah. 2007, the Shmitah. Every single, a hundred percent of them happened according to the appointed time in the Bible. Some of these things went down to the second. Sid, if you go, listen, take it larger. Go to the greatest crashes in history and you’ll find, do any of them take place linked to the year of the Shmitah? The majority of them do. I’m going to give you an example. This is the third greatest crash in history. 1937 to ’38, when did the Shmitah happen? 1937 to ’38, same year. In fact, when the Shmitah begins, the next day Wall Street collapses. Here’s another one. The great recession, when does that happen? It is 2007 and ’08. When does the Shmitah happen? 2007 to ’08, and on the exact day of the Shmitah appointed to wipe away the financial accounts, Elul 29, the whole stock market collapses. The Great Depression is even linked to this. When you have this peak day of the Depression, of the Shmitah, right after that comes the greatest month collapse in American history. It is mind-boggling.

SID: You know, Jonathan, I used to be a stockbroker on Wall Street. If I had only understood these biblical principles, if I was a mutual fund manager I could be to the top mutual fund in the world. I don’t understand. Maybe that’s why there’s going to be a great wealth transfer. The wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous. But we have to understand these biblical principles. When we come back, I’d like to find out the future of America based on the Shmitah. How about you?

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Written by sidroth

April 20th, 2015 at 6:24 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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