Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Dave Roberson

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Dave Roberson

Sid: My guest by way of telephone is Dave Roberson I’m speaking to him at his head quarters at Tulsa, Oklahoma. On yesterday’s broadcast we found out about the supernatural call that he received on his life for full time ministry. So he quits his job and he says “I’ll just put 8 hours in a day of prayer.” However you know he knew about praying in tongues but he didn’t know much about it and it’s pretty hard to occupy 8 hours praying 5 days a week. And so how did you transition to the point to where you were praying in tongues the whole 8 hours?

Dave: It was hard Sid not knowing what to do with myself after the visions I had that we talked about yesterday. I didn’t know what to do with myself so I thought well I’ll just report down to this 8 x 8 prayer closet down at the church. I just put in the same amount of time that I’d have worked at the mill. So I never will forget those first mornings that I reported in. I took a real holy stand you know I fell on my knees and I’m going to pray in tongues you know. Well at first the tongues that I ended up praying and I didn’t know the importance of it or anything. And the only way that I really knew how to pray was English so I’d pray and then I’d get over into English and it wasn’t 15 minutes that I exhausted every English prayer I could think of I was praying for missionaries, I was praying for counties, I was praying for anything our cupboards anything I could think of to be full and I was afraid. And anyway after running after running out of everything I could think of in English I’d switch over to praying in tongues. After a while you know I remember those guys teaching “You just can’t pray in tongues any time you want to.” That would flag me for awhile and I’m thinking what option I’m going to do? So I begin to pray in tongues and pray in tongues and it seemed like minutes turned into hours and I kept checking my watch and finally I’d remember I’d take and break at 10:00 at the mill and I’d be thinking that it’d be legal to take a 15 minute break at 10:00. So I’d hurry and I’d run off and have a cup of coffee because I had to be back and I’d start in again on my knees praying “Oh God remember the missionaries and it’d last 15 minutes again so just to survive the time I’d begin to pray in tongues again. Sid I had no idea what that was doing for me. I had no idea it was beginning to sequence it, it changed my life and 30 years later now.

Sid: Well, you just described yesterday what happened in Brazil would have never happened.

Dave: No.

Sid: If it wasn’t for that foundation that you put within yourself. Most people that accept praying in tongues is for today they don’t have a clue what they’re accomplishing. Tell me in your book you have so many insights in this arena that very few Christians. I think that any Christian that reads your book would be forced to pray in tongues at least an hour a day. Like I explained on yesterday’s broadcast about this young man whose whole destiny was changed just as yours was by praying in tongues. How does this affect our destiny?

Dave: Sid when you was talking about the young man how this young man thought that he was called to be a businessman and wanted to come in and pray and pray and he’d got a hold of our tapes and he got a hold of our tapes and found out what I did and made his mind up to do the same thing. Well as I continued to pray in tongues the first thing I found out about it was that it encompassed it it said “He that speaks in this unknown tongues speaks mysteries.” The mysteries you’re speaking in prayer not unto man l Corinthians 14 but unto God. It says “How be it in the Spirit this man is speaking mysteries?” Well the mysteries we’re speaking everything that the mystery that Christ is in you, into you, and through you the hope of glory. And praying in tongues is like any other kind of prayer Sid it’s designed by God to be answered. When I pray the mountain moving prayer of faith and it manifests in the mountain goes my senses can report to me that the prayer of faith has been answered. Or the prayer of consecration I’ll go anywhere and be anything you want me to be I’ll open my eyes and God will answer a prayer like that so fast you’re likely to find yourself in Africa or something. But praying in tongues is like any other form of prayer it’s designed by God to be answered. Yet these mysteries that you’re praying the mystery of everything Christ is in you and to you and through you the hope of glory was designed by God to be answered. And the young man found out that he’s called to be an evangelist, and not only an evangelist a powerful miracle manifestation of glory in God’s presence in his meetings kind of evangelist. In Romans 8:26-27 and 28 it says “He that searches the heart,” the Holy Spirit, He knows what the whole plan and mind of God is for you and I and that He makes intercession for that plan according to the will of God. You cannot pray even one hour in tongues that the powerful that the mighty Holy Spirit who holds the whole plan of God for your personal life will not run out ahead of you. And this mystery and this prayer that you’re praying in tongues the Holy Spirit knows the whole plan of God for your life and he supernaturally will begin to lay it out ahead of you. For if you will not stop praying even that one hour a day it if need be it will produce the other hours that you’ll need to pray. If you will not stop praying then His plan will be worked and just like the gentleman that you told me about if he found his way into God’s perfect plan for his life. You and I wouldn’t have chosen him for that he didn’t seem to qualify. I wouldn’t…

Sid: I’ll tell you Kathryn Kuhlman type of thing (The least likely). Laughing

Dave: I know the feeling I wouldn’t have called myself or chose myself. You know but this man supernaturally because it’s the Holy Spirit who knows the Father’s whole plan for his life is to the one that is choosing the words; the one that’s creating the prayer on the inside of your spirit. He’s the one that is laying a prayer out ahead of you that has no error in it. And if there’s one prayer that God is ever free to answer it will be that one Sid and that’s what happened to your young friend.

Sid: And not only that I have to believe that you know “Without faith you can’t please God.” And in most prayers you need a certain degree of faith to believe that God is going to answer it but when you’re praying in unknown tongues I don’t think that you need any faith at all.

Dave: The only faith you need is the one that was enough for you to go into the closet and utter it (Chuckling). That’s all the faith you need I call it mustard seed just enough.

Sid: Now you had been praying in tongues for a while and you went to a church meeting and you had a vision like an x-ray of someone’s hip was that the first time something like this had happened to you?

Dave: It was.

Sid: Well tell me about that.

Dave: A woman caught on to what I was doing and she knocked on the door and said “Are you feeling any difference?” And I told her “Oh yeah the only thing I’m really feeling is a dry chin and a dry throat.” And she said “Well, I’ve got to go.” Well, she belonged to a church that really didn’t believe in speaking with tongues and things. So she came back a month or so later and she said “Could you go with me to a lay witness?” And I said “What’s that?” She said “Our church’s meeting of statewide at our building and we’re having a lay witness where we teach and testify and we’re having it at a home this morning will you come?” And I’m thinking “Oh yeah” I love any legal reason excuse I wasn’t feeling anything or edification or nothing I didn’t know how it worked.” So I said “Oh yeah” I ran home and changed and knocked on the door. And I didn’t I was a little late because I had to go change and so I didn’t know the woman who was setting next to me or whom they set me next to that had come in on a crutch. And so Sid you know I was just… I was so happy to be with people you know I’d been locked away for about 3 months.

Sid: I know the feeling.

Dave: (Laughing) I was just so happy going “There’s real people around me I get to hear a real teacher.” So they brought me I believe a cup of tea or something. And I was setting there and so he began and since then I’ve affectionately named him the golden tongue orator you know because he began speaking. He says “And we know that God is the great celestial between the trouble waters of mankind.” And I’m going “Oh, what did I get myself into?” I’m shaking, my tea watching the tea grounds just for excitement you know this was horrible. Out of sheer boredom I turned around and looked at the elderly lady next to me and suddenly it looked like an x-ray was put up between me and her it was so vivid Sid that I looked around even to see if anybody else could see it I didn’t know what was going on. And so finally finally I leaned over to her and I said “Mam do you have trouble in your right hip?” She says “Well young man that’s what the doctor tells me” Because it was an x-ray of a deteriorated hip socket where the deterioration reached at least 4 inches down into the leg bone. She says “That’s what the doctor tells me.” And I yelled “Glory to God!” she says “I beg your pardon young man.” I says “Oh, I don’t mean that you’re sick I meant that God wants to heal you!” And she says “He does?” And I says “Yes can I pray for you?” And to her prayer meant “In the course of your day would you bow your head and remember me” but to me it meant the Pentecostal hardest prayer I could muster. And when she said yes I jumped around in front of her got on my knees grabbed her by the ankles and pulled both of her legs up even with my stomach while she was on the chair and I was on my knees. And Sid one of them was 3 or 4 inches shorter than the other I didn’t you know I didn’t do these things. I closed my eyes and prayed my hardest prayer. And I didn’t know it the first prayer her leg cracked and came out. I like to wrestle the poor lady off on the floor.

Sid: Listen after she was healed the silver tongued orator said “Lady, we don’t believe in miracles here.” And what did she say?

Dave: She grabbed her crutch and say “Well Sonny he healed me anyway.” And she was out…

Sid: Dave we’re out of time.

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Written by sidroth

January 28th, 2016 at 7:49 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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