Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guests Dennis and Jennifer Clark

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JENNIFER:  God has been teaching us amazing secrets on how He created us and also how science and the supernatural collide.


DENNIS:  Actually that’s the two of us. She’s the science. I’m the supernatural.




DENNIS:  And we’re going to collide and then express that collision all over you.


AUDIENCE:  Glory to God. Thank You, Lord.


JENNIFER:  Let me start out by painting a picture for you. I want you to imagine being in the desert with the children of Israel. They have come out of Egypt to mighty deliverance and God parted a way through the Red Sea and then swamped their enemies with the waves and they drowned the Egyptian army in the waves. They come out on the other side. They experience the miracle of the healing of water at Marah. This is the first time God revealed Himself as the healer. And then God continues to unfold His plans. And Moses begins to cry out for the glory of God. And God comes. He sends the rays of His glory to Mount Sinai. But the children of Israel said you can go up Moses because we’re afraid. But Moses boldly went up and spent 40 days and nights being immersed in the glory of God. And when he came down out of that mountain the skin of his face had been so transformed that he glowed with such a light that the children of Israel were terrified. What is this that has happened to him? And so he put a veil over his face because they were afraid to come near him. Now let’s go to science. What physical mechanism did God put in Moses’ body that allowed him to be so transformed by the glory? It appears that according to recent scientific discoveries our cells are made for the glory of God. Amazing secrets. God formed you for health, spiritual, emotional and physical.




JENNIFER:  And then we have Psalm 103 our covenant of healing that says our healer heals all our diseases. Now I want to tell you another secret. The divine healer Himself lives in your heart. Jesus Himself said the kingdom of God is within you. That means the glories of the kingdom are within us. That means the glory is in us. The same glory that transformed the cells of Moses. Now let me tell you about your cells. On the surface of your cells is the cell membrane. That cell membrane is fascinating scientifically and spiritually. First of all that cell membrane has receptors that pick up all environmental signals that are impacting that cell whether its nutritional information, whether it’s emotional information, whether it’s information of about who you are, your identity and spiritual information. As born again children of God through your emotions and the Holy Spirit working within you, your life story is told on the surface of each one of your cells. Who you’ve become is reflected on your cells. The more you know God the more your new creation identity rises to the surface. That is written on your cells!

AUDIENCE:  Whoooa!


JENNIFER:  Eventually by the time you’re in heaven your cells are going to be so impacted by the new creation identity and the glory of God that you will live in a glorified body for all eternity! That’s what God created you for.


DENNIS:  We can start now, can we?


JENNIFER:  We can. On your cells too there are gates and channels that open according to the environmental information and then draw the information into the interior of the cell and that changes the cells and then when the cell divides that information is passed on to its offspring and that new cell offspring learns more about God and that’s transmitted to the next offspring. So you see we’re continually being changed. You cannot spend time in the presence of God without being changed emotionally, spiritually and spiritually!


AUDIENCE:  Glory to God! Yeah! (CLAPPING)


DENNIS:  Think about that for a while. You can soak in that.


AUDIENCE:  Yes. Yes.


JENNIFER:  We however can sabotage the process. Who thinks that maybe we humans can mess up things sometimes? Maybe interfere with God. Maybe not believe God. Maybe limit what God could do in our lives. You remember when Jesus went into some towns that the people said oh, that’s just Joseph’s son. And He could do no mighty miracles in those places. So we can limit God. Now I’m going to give you some secrets that we’ve learned. Do you know what writes the information of your life on your cells? Your emotions. Your emotions are not mental concepts. Your emotions are transmitted through your entire body through tiny molecules of emotion called, here’s a big word, neuropeptides. You can just call them molecules of emotion. When those impact our cells our cells read that signal and we experience it as an emotion. Now scientists know, it is well proven, that even in an unsaved person, that good emotions promote good health. Negative emotions promote sickness and disease. Now remember our life story is written in our cells. Our biography becomes our biology. So anything that we don’t deal with that comes from the enemy, and by the way where do you think negative emotions came from?


AUDIENCE:  The enemy.


JENNIFER:  Right. And the negative emotions give the enemy legal ground to bring diseases into our body. So the traumas of childhood if undealt with by forgiveness, our key for removing negative emotions, the disease, the negative emotions of childhood can become the diseases of adulthood. But we’re going to tell you how to sabotage what the enemy has been trying to do in your life. We are going to give you the keys today because Jesus has given us the way to, through forgiveness, wash out those negative emotions of even things we’ve forgotten about. But negative emotions, our emotions don’t die they just get buried alive and go under the surface so it doesn’t matter if we’ve forgotten them. It’s… so our heart and our emotions hidden in our cells are continually whispering their message to our entire body but Jesus wants to set you free. He wants to tell you how to remove those barriers to your health and He wants to take you from needing healings to walking in a place of divine health. It is the children’s bread. It is our covenant with God!



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Written by sidroth

February 10th, 2018 at 7:43 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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