Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Ana Werner

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SID: Boy, I’ll tell you what. You just opened yourself, and feel the presence of God, the glory of God because in his presence all things are possible. You know, when I sit with guests that are in specific anointings, I pick up their anointing. I’m going to pray it won’t leave, but I just had a vision of a box of Band-aids, and someone has a band-aid on their body. And what is that you’ve covered up is being healed right now in Jesus’ name.

ANA: Wow.

SID: Ana, tell me briefly about knee-to-knee, eye-to-eye.

ANA: That was during that 30 days where I woke up and was in heaven. I just feel the anointing on this story right now, but I would wake up and I would see Jesus. We would meet kneecap to kneecap, we’d meet in the garden, and we’re kneecap-to-kneecap, eye-to-eye, and we would talk heart-to-heart. And one day I came to him with, like a heavy burden on me. We had just seen someone incredibly healed through our healing rooms, and at the same time, a friend of ours was really suffering from cancer, and so I was holding both of those experiences in my hands going, “God, where are you in both this” And then also, I was going through normal parenting struggles with my kids, and knee-to-knee, eye-to-eye, and I said, “Jesus,” and I was crying and I said, how did you handle it? How did you carry the weight of the world and handle this?

ANA: And he said, “Ana, lean into me. You lean into me.” He said, “This world will strip you. But you lean into me, worship me and keep your focus. And he said, “Ana, look at me. Lean in.” And ever since then, I’ve learned just as I go about day-to-day just to lean into him more. I want to, I just want to speak. I just feel like somebody, you’ve been going through something, you’re in this season where it’s incredibly hard, and there is a lot of discouragement on you right now. You’re going through something and you are not seeing the breakthrough. You’re not seeing the promise of God that you’ve been declaring and praying into. Right now, I want to pray for you, discouragement to be broken off of you right now, in Jesus’ name. Let hope arise. He is for you. He is not against you, and he’s that close. He’s right there. Although you can’t see them, you can’t feel him, he is right there beside you. Just lean into him.

SID: I like that phrase. Lean into him, and he’s more than enough. When we come back, Ana who sees in the invisible world, she’ll see demons, but she’ll also see angels, saw angels in a meeting bringing literal body parts to people. Be right back.

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Written by sidroth

March 6th, 2019 at 2:32 am