Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Tom Horn

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SID: I hope you told them.

TOM: I did.

SID: Especially those media.

TOM: I did. I told them it was the Holy Spirit, and then they were really confused.

SID: Okay. Well you had another sealed instruction, it was sheer Bible prophecy from Revelation 8.

TOM: Yeah. So this one was the most terrifying experience I’ve ever personally had, which conflicts with me because you know me Sid, I like to be positive, I like to talk about positive things, I like to be filled with hope. So approximately one year ago now, I went to bed, same scenario, 2:00 AM in the morning and all of a sudden I woke up into this panoramic, what almost like a film that’s playing out in front of me and I’m in the middle of it. And what I first thought I was looking at was a giant fiery dragon, deep up in space, moving, undulating like a serpent, racing towards the earth.

Then suddenly my point of view changed and now I was up above the object and I could see that it was not a fiery dragon, but rather it was a giant space rock, an asteroid. And the way it was turning as it was moving through the space and the light of the sun, was glistening off of the elements of the stone. It only gave it the appearance that it was moving back and forth.

TOM: Now, all of a sudden I’m back on earth again and now I am surrounded by literally tens of thousands of people and we are on a mountain and we are running for our lives and people everywhere are screaming and begging God to deliver them from what is coming. And I turn and I look over my shoulder and I can see this fiery mountain basically, this giant rock entering into the atmosphere, burning as it comes through the atmosphere, breaking apart as it comes through the atmosphere. A huge part of it strikes the ocean, a huge part of it strikes here and all of a sudden the earth is shaking so violently that none of us can stand up. We’re all knocked off of our feet. It was the most horrific thing. I can hear this terrible sound as if the earth is literally cracking, like the mantle of the earth is breaking apart. And now I’m looking back over my shoulder again and this giant wall of water, just an enormous tsunami, hundreds of feet tall coming up over the top of this mountain, and again, everybody’s trying to run.

TOM: Then these, what felt like large hands, come down underneath my arms and lift me up into space and now I’m looking down upon the earth. And here’s an important part about this entire thing. I’m not a scientist, I don’t know what would happen if an asteroid of that size were to impact the earth. But what I saw, I later found to be exactly how scientists describe what would transpire. With the water’s boiling beneath this giant burning rock, the aerosol coming up off of that, entering into the upper atmosphere, setting in motion hurricane activity. The second part, hitting the earth, causing a volcano to begin erupting, filling the atmosphere—

SID: So what you saw is what would actually happen, but you didn’t have the knowledge—

TOM: No I didn’t.

SID: Of what would actually happen from a scientific viewpoint, but you still saw it.

TOM: Yeah. And to use street lingo, it freaked me out, when I started doing the research. It really freaked me out.

SID: But I’ll tell you the thing that strikes me even stronger. You heard a name?

TOM: Yeah.

SID: What was the name?

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Written by sidroth

May 6th, 2020 at 1:10 am