Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Kynan Bridges

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KYNAN: Then while he’s crying over that, he’s literally on his knees crying, while he’s crying over that, someone else comes in the back room and says, “Where’s the pastor? The Lord just spoke to me and said I have to give him $10,000.” Now, mind you, nobody has asked money from anyone.

SID: This is right after you spoke revelation to him.

KYNAN: When he got the revelation, it began to change his entire environment. But guess what? The next Sunday, he comes to church and a man says, “Pastor, I’ve been sitting on this. But when you came before us and repented for a lack mentality, something happened,” and they said, “God told me to pay your mortgage for a year,” and they wrote him a check for $15,000 on the spot. Now I want to say this because this is important. When God does something and man’s not involved with it, we can’t blame manipulation, we can’t say that somebody’s hands were twisted. But when God comes down himself and moves, no one can refute it.

KYNAN: And I believe, Sid, that we’re entering into a season of irrefutable miracles. I’m talking about the new stations are going to have to come and say, “You know what? We were wrong. We were totally wrong about this Jesus thing. He is real. He’s alive and He’s moving.” Yeah, God’s about to do these kinds of unusual miracles all over the place. And what I’m saying, Sid, this is a move of the spirit of God. We are in a move of God. It’s not about to happen, it’s already happening right now.

SID: Okay.

KYNAN: We have to have an attitude of expectancy, because it’s the attitude of expectation that creates the atmosphere for miracles. In other words, we have to live in anticipation every day. Every day I wake up, I say this, I literally say this out of my mouth, “Something good is going to happen to me.” That’s what I say when I wake up, “Something good is going to happen to me.” But not only do I say that, I say, “Something good is going to happen through me.” I’m not just a receiver of the miracle, but I’m a distributor of the miracle as well. Yeah.

SID: A lot of people that say why are you so miracle conscious? What’s the real purpose of miracles?

KYNAN: See, miracles are not about impressing people. It’s not about having a big social media platform. The purpose of miracles, the Bible says in Mark 16, “And these signs shall follow them that believe.” Miracle is God’s advertisement plan to demonstrate the power of His kingdom above all other kingdoms. You see, miracles demonstrate that the God we serve is really alive. This is very, very important. We’re never to follow science, but we follow Him and science follows us.

SID: As far as physical miracles, if I speak, the average place I speak and people are honest and I say, “How many need a healing?” Just about every hand goes up. You’re seeing this even in your own church all over the place. You were telling me about this disease. I still can’t pronounce it, vitiligo or?

KYNAN: Vitiligo. It’s actually—

SID: Vitiligo.

KYNAN: It’s a pigmentation condition that basically reverses the pigmentation of the skin and it creates like these spots all over the body. And mind you, it’s mostly cosmetic. It’s not something that a person has to be healed of, I want to be clear of that. But this particular young man was in the church and his mother brought him. And I saw him about, I would say a third of his head was covered in this pigmentation thing. And I said to the mother and said, “God can fix that.” That’s all I said. I didn’t go through a long prayer. I didn’t take him in a back room. I didn’t rub oil all over him, any of that. I just said, “God can fix that.” “Int—

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Written by sidroth

June 26th, 2020 at 2:59 am