Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Tim Sheets

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TIM: What they permit will be permitted. We can speak into the region. It’s how apostles and prophets change or shift regions. But angels come to back those decrees of the apostles and prophets or pastors or New Testament church, however you want to put it. They’re there to back it. And the Holy Spirit’s bringing more of them for the greatest days in church history. He’s actually doing – He’s doing 3 different things. First of all He’s converging all the streams of the ages.


TIM: All the past dreams of our kingdom, our church from the birth of it in Acts 2 on. There’s been various streams. He’s taking the best of all of those streams and He’s converging them into our times in the Third Great Awakening! Think about that! All those streams, the best of all of them happening at the same time!


TIM: That’s never happened before. You always have an emphasis of a certain stream –

JAMIE: Right.

TIM: In a certain awakening.

JAMIE: Yeah!

TIM: Now we’re getting them all at the same time! Secondly all the anointings or outpourings of the past and there have been many. Holy Spirit said to me you’re moving from Acts 2 – or just Acts 2 to Acts 7. And Acts 7 is when Jesus stood up. He became the standing King. And the picture of that is Psalms 133. When the High Priest sat down oil was poured down over his head and it went to all of his garment. Well on the Day of Pentecost is when Jesus sat down becoming our High Priest and He sat down on the throne of heaven. Father God takes the horn of holy anointing oil which could have been as much as half a gallon of oil – we don’t know how big the horn was – but He poured it over Christ’s head. It ran down off of His head just like it’s pictured in Psalms 133, down off of His beard and dripped onto His body. Well His body in Acts 2 is sitting in the Upper Room. He’s in heaven. The anointing’s poured on Him but it begins to drip upon His body so for the first time ever the same oil on the Head is now on the Body.


TIM: Why? So that the Body can do the same works as the Head! We represent Him! Well through the – the picture is when the High Priest is seated the anointing poured out on his head flows into his lap.

JAMIE: Phew!

TIM: I mean if I pour a gallon of oil on your head it’s going to run – a lot of it run right into your lap. And when you stand up it runs down on your legs or feet and that’s what happened to the High Priest. When he stood that’s why his sandals would squish for the first day. Oil would be all over it.


TIM: Representing a new anointing to move, to minister! And so now we’re moving into that anointing. Well so some of the outpouring of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 some of it ran down and touched the Body seated in the Upper Room but a lot of it settled into the King’s lap waiting for the day when He makes His stand! That will be when the Church is glorious! It’s our time! But not just that anointing, Jamie. All the other outpourings – and there have been great ones – some of the Azusa Street outpouring ran down and accumulated in His lap. Yes they got some of it but some of it is in pristine freshness in the King’s lap! 

JAMIE: Phew!

TIM: What about the Moravian revival? What about the healing revivals? All those outpourings. And when He stands they’re all splashed down at the same time. So you’re also getting not just a converging of the ages and the streams, you’re now getting a convergence of all the outpouring anointings. A portion of those outpourings are also being poured out in our time at the same time!

JAMIE: Phew!

TIM: So when you think about what one outpouring how it affected the world what’s going to happen when they all happen at once?


Written by sidroth

February 25th, 2021 at 6:23 am

Our Guest Art Thomas

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ART: Just being real with you. Now the another case is when Saul became Paul he’s ministering and there’s this   guy out there who after Saul—after Paul preaches the gospel this guy stands up and starts preaching the opposite, opposing the gospel and Paul says you’re going to be blind for a time. In other words this wasn’t even a permanent blindness. It was just to shut the guy down and move him out of the picture so the gospel could take root. So in the New Testament whenever God did something that brought sickness or disease it was always temporary and the clearest picture we have the prescription was healing. The other one was it was to wear off. You see? So don’t be like no, this is my cross to bear. Jesus gave— No, that’s not your cross to bear. It was Jesus” cross to bear and He bore it. Your job is not to carry what He carried. Your job’s not to pay for sin. His job’s to pay for sin. Your job’s not to carry sickness.

His job is. So here’s what we’re going to do. I only have a few minutes left and I want to see some people healed. We started tonight. We saw a gentleman’s knee get healed. That was awesome. And so if there’s anybody here who needs physical healing. Anybody watching you need physical healing. Here’s what we’re going to do. I want you to— if you’re in the studio audience raise your hand just so we can see what we’re working with. All right. Look at this. There’s hands all over the place. Many behind us. The guy whose knee we prayed for he’s got his hands down. I love it! And were going to see Jesus do something here. Now look around you at the people whose hands are up. Okay? Because I’m about to teach you exactly what we do to minister healing. All we do is we lay hands on someone and we say be healed in Jesus name and we have them test it out if they can. Some things can be tested immediately. Like pain in your body or something like that. Vision problems. Hearing problems. Some things you’ve got to go to a doctor. You can put your hands down so you don’t need healing for your shoulder too.


ART: Some things take some time to test. Because maybe it’s diabetes and you got to go to your doctor and get checked out and things like that. That’s great. You just need to test it somehow. If you could test it now test it now. If you can’t test it for two weeks test it in two weeks. All right? We want to see if Jesus did it. I’ve seen people healed of diabetes. I’ve visited a church a year later after visiting it before and a gentleman testified I’ve been diabetes free for a year. So we know Jesus does those ones. It’s just hard to count those in a service. Fair? Okay. So if you’re watching I want you to put your hand wherever the pain is. If you’ve got somebody with you I want to have them lay hands on you. Now here’s something. Sometimes we’re afraid of what if the person next to me isn’t a full strong Christian believer. What if some evil spirit’s going to jump on me or something like that. “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” Okay?   

AUDIENCE: Yes! Amen!  ART: So if you’re a believer you’re good. You’re safe. All right? Jesus said “the prince of this world is coming. He has no grip on me.” Okay? That’s what’s available to you. So let’s just stand firm on the Word and just believe that all we’re looking for is Jesus. If you ask your Father for a fish He’s not going to give you a snake. Right? So if you’re asking for Jesus to touch you He’s going to expel anything else that doesn’t belong, that’s not from Him. Right? So you’re safe. You’re safe in this environment.  Jesus is with you. But before I do this, this is a promise for believers to minister healing. And so if there’s anybody here or anybody watching who has never come to Jesus and said Lord I want You to be my Savior. I want You to wash me clean and make me pure. Set me free 100%. I’m telling you right now Jesus wants to do it. There is no question in my mind that He paid the price for you right here right now. And whether you’re sitting here or watching this film you can be saved. Not just your body but your spirit, your eternal spirit which has ramifications for the rest of eternity far beyond what we could see.

Jesus paid for you. He paid for you because He loves you and because He wants you whole. So right now if that’s you I want you to pray along with me. In fact if you’re in this studio audience and you want to make that bold public confession of faith, I’m not going to ask you to stand up or shout or anything or tell me your story, anything like that but I do want to be able to personally pray for you. I’ll stay right here. I’m won’t jump on you. But if that’s you I’d like you to raise your hand cause Jesus said— Yeah, awesome. Is there anyone else? Praise You Lord. Awesome. Anyone else? Yeah. Praise you Lord. Three. Four. Five, Six. Yeah. Anyone else? Seven. Awesome. Eight. Yeah. Thank You Lord! In Jesus” name right now I speak to every one of you. You are forgiven. You are forgiven. You are forgiven. That’s something He told us to do, to do in His name, to express that to you. You are forgiven in Jesus” name. And so right now I want you to pray with me. Lord Jesus. Would you just say that after me

Written by sidroth

February 17th, 2021 at 3:14 am

Our Guest Guillermo Maldonado

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SID: Oh, thank you, Toni. Now I have to ask one question before I turn him loose again. This will stretch you a little bit. Tell me about the man that you prayed for that grew in height.

GUILLERMO: You know what I was saying about when you walk in the supernatural. I learned to disconnect my reason. And when I’m saying disconnecting your reason it doesn’t mean you’re stupid. That’s not the point. I went to ORU [Oral Roberts University] so I understand and I know the part of the natural knowledge. And I’m ministering in Argentina and this little man, he was a man like in an 8 year-old body, and he was 21. And I saw him on the stage because he was in a wheelchair. And the Lord said, “declare that he will grow.” So to my reason it went “what?” It didn’t make sense, but I learned to move even though it doesn’t make sense. Are you going to do that? So I said you will grow in 24 hours. So in 24 hours, his pastor is a doctor, and the doctor called me and then he said, “You know, I know his case, this sickness cripples the people and it’s one in one million.” And then he said, ‘now he grew 8 inches.” That was a miracle.


GUILLERMO: Now I’ve got pictures because he had to sell all his clothes because [they] didn’t fit anymore. So are you ready, Sid? Can I go [ahead] now? All right, thank you. Take your seat. Okay, let me introduce myself saying this. I was visited, I had a visitation from the Lord. And [in] that visitation He spoke to me. The room, my room got filled with the presence of God and the Lord said I have called you to bring my supernatural power to this generation. This is what I have been doing for the last maybe 25 years. So it hasn’t been easy, has been sometimes hard. Why? Because [in] the western society you are mired by knowledge. If you have a lot of knowledge, oh my God, you’re the best. The thing is can you demonstrate that knowledge? Jesus began to DO and then teach. We are very good teachers, but not demonstrators. Not do-ers, in other words, that has been my challenge, to take the people from knowledge to demonstration. And today I will demonstrate it. Because the kingdom of God is not only in words but in power. So let me speak to you [from] one of my chapters on the supernatural and the kingdom of power which is the last book on the restoration of the supernatural. And when we’re talking about restoration, the word “restored,” something is restored because it lost the original state. And when you see in the scripture the word “restored,” the prefix “re” means going back into the original intent. And why the restoration of the supernatural? Because we’ve got many anti-Christs, and the word “anti-Christ” means substitute and also means the one that opposes. So the anti-Christ has become, and in many churches what we got is substitutes of the supernatural. When you don’t have power you entertain. And that’s why we have in churches we’ve got substitute and they got the form of godliness but there’s no power. How do you know? People call Pentecostals, 200 hundred people and [of] those 200 people 150 they don’t speak in tongues.

As a matter of fact we don’t sing in tongues anymore. And I got my young people, they’re on fire, they’re going to malls, they’re going to streets in Miami, they going to, they close malls literally, people getting healed, getting delivered, demon-possessed people getting delivered in the streets and parking lots. So when they go to school and they got cell groups, there are some other people that don’t believe in the things of the spirit and they make fun of them, because today it is very rare to find somebody filled with the spirit. And being filled one time is not enough. You need to be continually being filled. So the supernatural, why the supernatural? Why the restoration? Because we have lost, the church was born as a supernatural entity. You never see in the Book of Acts counseling. You never see people being counseled. Why? Because they have the supernatural. Why we need the supernatural? Because number 1, the supernatural demonstrate[s] God in the now. In the now. So we understand the Jewish people knew God as the historical God. They knew God a historical God. They knew He could do miracles. But they didn’t know the God of the now. So the church does the same thing. They know God did miracles and all that. But can we believe in the God of the now? Can we bring heaven on earth right now? I didn’t hear you.

Written by sidroth

February 2nd, 2021 at 7:47 am

Our Guest Bruce Van Natta

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KYLE: Welcome back to Something More! I’m Kyle Winkler and joining me is Bruce Van Natta! Bruce, we’re talking about prayer! And you were just telling us about your friend Tim and how he didn’t realize that God was speaking to him the whole time but yet He was!

BRUCE: Yeah, and I think it’s so common! I think we see this so often with Christians who don’t believe or realize that God is speaking to anybody just like Tim. Even then he said it’s a coincidence! What a crazy coincidence. And I said Tim, look at the timing! Look at the timing! We’re talking about seconds! 

KYLE: And this was time after time!

BRUCE: Three times in a row over the period of three weeks and it comes right down to the second! It wasn’t a coincidence! And I said tell me what prompted you? And he said it was just a thought. And I said that’s it, Tim! That’s how God speaks to us! It’s those thoughts! Now discernment then is realizing that that thought is really from God, right? I mean and getting mature in knowing that. But God is speaking and it’s Spirit to spirit so it comes in our thoughts.

KYLE: How do we get to the point of recognizing that it’s God’s voice in our lives? I know you have something with a State Fair that has helped you with this. 

BRUCE: Yeah. Well, so I just use this analogy a lot of times for people because it makes sense to them. Let’s say you and I are at a State Fair. Any other large function with thousands of people and you got separated from your loved one. A husband, a wife, a brother, a sister. You get separated from someone and there’s thousands of people around you. You can’t see them but all of a sudden they start calling your name in that crowd. You’re going to what? You’re going to recognize that voice. Even if you can’t see them you’re going to recognize that voice because you know them! So you’re going to recognize their voice because you know them and it’s the same way with God!  

KYLE: Which goes back to the scripture you mentioned in the previous segment.

BRUCE: Exactly.

KYLE: “That My sheep hear My voice.”

BRUCE: Exactly. And so once we get to know Him, once we have intimacy and get to know Him. How do we do that? We do that by spending time! Just like you do with anybody else. Spending time with them! How do we spend time with God? Through prayer. Through reading the Bible. You know just that back and forth. Practicing His presence. And then we get to realize oh, this is God speaking! Oh, I just read this verse. This is applying right now! But you know in that State Fair the person recognizes the voice because they know Him! It’s the same way with us! We have to get to know God! We have to get to know Him so that when you know when He speaks we recognize that voice now.

KYLE: After all the distractions, and there are plenty with all the social media and everything that is going on, there are plenty of voices and the only way that we’re really going to hear God is if we can get into His Word. If we can be intimate with Him! Spend time with Him so that we’re hearing His voice over all of the others!  

BRUCE: That’s right.

KYLE: What do you say to people that would say well I don’t know if God speaks anymore? You know there was even a recent media person that said people have, mental illness if they’re hearing from God! 

BRUCE: Sure.

KYLE: What do you say to something like that?

BRUCE: It’s real, simple! I go back to the Word! John 10:27. “My sheep know My voice.” It’s clear. There’s a period on the end of that sentence, right? John 8:47. “He who belongs to God hears what God says.” “He who belongs to God hears what God says.” Again another analogy. FM radio tower. The FM signal is going out. It’s going out. It’s going out. Now if you’re driving along or let’s say old school. You have a really old car where you have a tuner instead of digital and you actually had to turn it. If you didn’t have your tuner tuned in, even though that signal is being transmitted, you’re not going to get it. Right?

Written by sidroth

January 16th, 2021 at 4:30 am

Our Guest John Bevere

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JOHN: Everybody has secrets in their life. How many of you know all secrets aren’t bad? Okay? So your mind went to the negative on that one. Okay?


 JOHN: All right, so let me ask again how many of you got secrets in your life? Everybody’s got secrets. All right. Now this is, this is, I want you to honestly answer this question: Who do you share your secrets with and I’m going to give you two choices. Choice Number One, okay: acquaintances? Choice Number Two: intimate close friends?

AUDIENCE: Close friend, intimate close friends.

JOHN: Intimate close friends. God’s no different. God says I share My secrets with My intimate close friends and by the way My intimate close friends are those who fear Me. Now let me show you I’m not taking this out of context. I’m going to read Psalm 25:14 same psalm out of the New Living Translation: “Friendship with the Lord is reserved for those who fear Him.” So you know what God is saying right there? Not everybody is My friend. Let me be more specific: not everybody in the church is My friend.


 JOHN: Okay? There were two men that were called the friend of God in the Old Testament. Okay? Who were the two men? Abraham and Moses. Were there others? Absolutely! Okay, I believe David was a friend of God, I believe Daniel was a friend of God, I believe Joseph was a friend of God, many others, Deborah, Esther. But these two men’s lives exemplified what it took to have a relationship of friendship with the Lord. Let’s talk about the first guy, Abraham. Why is Abraham called the friend of God? Because when Abraham was really old, one night God comes to him and says, “Abe?” “Yes, Lord, yes.” I want you to take your son who you really love, who you’ve really grown attached to, the son you’ve waited for for 25 years. And I want you to go on a three-day journey and kill him for Me.

Now, okay, you’ve heard the story a thousand times, okay, if not, if not more. But you had the Book of Genesis to read, he didn’t. You have to understand all God says to him this night is I want you to go three days and kill Isaac. He doesn’t tell him why. He doesn’t say if you sacrifice Isaac then I’ll send My Son. He does not say that! Do you understand what God is asking him to do? It would have been easier for Abraham to go kill himself, because there was nothing or no one more important to Abraham than Isaac. Yet do you know what my Bible says? Early the next morning Abraham saddles his donkey and is on his way. You know how some people say, “Well, you know the Lord’s been dealing with me about this now for several months” and they laugh.


JOHN: You are bragging about your lack of the fear of God. Okay? Okay? So now God gives him a three day journey. Why? To think it over. It’s easier when you heard the booming voice of God the night before. But what about three, two and a half days later, you haven’t heard one word from heaven and you’re looking at the mountain, you’re going to put the most important person or thing to death in your life just because God said do it and didn’t give you a reason to do it. But Abraham goes to the top of the mountain, he builds the altar. Can you imagine his emotions while he’s building that altar? And his son’s helping him build it. He ties up Isaac on that altar, he lifts up the knife and he’s ready to put the most important person or thing to death in his life just because God said do it and didn’t give him a reason.

And right as he’s ready to thrust the knife through Isaac, an angel of the Lord appears, and you go read it in your own Bible, and the angel says “Abraham stop, because now I know you fear God? How did the angel know that Abraham feared God? Because he obeyed instantly, because he obeyed when it didn’t make sense, because he obeyed when it hurt, because he obeyed when he didn’t see a benefit, and because he obeyed to completion. Abraham puts down the knife, unties Isaac, lifts up his eyes and there’s a ram caught in the thicket. And out of his inside comes this: JEHOVAH JIREH! The Lord my Provider! Now you’ve heard that before because you’ve read the Bible. But wait a minute. God just revealed a facet of His personality to Abraham no human being had ever known before. Why? Because he’s my friend.

Written by sidroth

January 8th, 2021 at 3:40 am

Our Guest Ivan Tuttle

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SID: You saw millions of people that have bought lies while in Earth that were churchgoers in Hell. What was the cause?

IVAN: Sid, one of the biggest causes are that people believe that all you have to do is just do one little thing, to accept Jesus—

SID: Say a prayer…

IVAN: Right. Then you can do whatever you want in life. And that’s not true. You can’t do that. There’s—

SID: What about the current teaching that says, well, once you’ve accepted the Lord, his grace takes care of past, present and future sins? There’s nothing you have to do about it.

IVAN: That’s not in the Bible.

SID: Of course not.

IVAN: Not only is it not in the Bible, that’s sending so many people to Hell it’s unreal. You would be surprised. Listen, you can’t just say, okay, once you do it, that’s it. Because it tells you in the Bible, certain people, certain things you can’t enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I don’t care who you are. You can’t. It doesn’t matter if you’re telling little lies and you think, “Oh, I’m okay. Just a little white lies.” No, there’s still problems. You have to daily just say, I do every day before I go to sleep, Lord, just forgive me of anything. I just do that on a daily basis. In fact, if I catch myself doing something wrong, I instantly want to correct that because I’ve been there. I don’t want to go back there. I don’t want anybody to ever go there.

SID: You saw some things that will be helpful to us. You saw demons going back and forth from Hell to [earth], to deceive. Tell me about that. Especially children.

IVAN: That deception was so bad. The deception started … There was a couple of things … One was video games, and this was before video games were invented. The demons were going up there and getting into these games to distort young people’s minds. Not only that, the demons were also, they’re going back and forth from Hell, from the center of Hell where Lucifer was at and going back up to the Earth so that they could get to the Earth and deceive these people. They would enter into people’s bodies. They would usually would find somebody that was very handsome or a very beautiful woman or a handsome man, and they would enter that body. They would use that person to deceive as many people as they could, especially lukewarm Christians or warmed up Christians. They would try to deceive them, to take them out, do immoral things with them, et cetera. That’s what was happening. That was what was going on. I saw that in 1978. I watched it happen.

SID: What would you say was the worst thing you saw in Hell?

IVAN: Wow. Everything was the worst thing.

SID: Did people really … I have a question about that. Do people really feel pain?

IVAN: Yes.

SID: I mean like physical pain in Hell?

IVAN: Ah, Sid, the pain in Hell is much worse than on Earth. You see, when you get a splinter or a cut, you feel it one little area. But when you are in the spirit, which you’re in the spirit in Hell, when you’re down there, that pain goes through your whole body. So every bite mark that the demons put on you, every scratch that they do to you, everything they poke into you, it hurts in your whole being. Sid, you can’t pass out. In the flesh if you get in a lot of pain, you can just pass out. You can’t do that. It never ends. See, this is the thing. It never ever ends. It’s always there. It’s always going to keep continuing. It never goes away.

Written by sidroth

January 3rd, 2021 at 6:18 am

Our Guest Art Thomas

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I see a lot of people I’ve laid hands on and I don’t see results. And it’s heartbreaking cause you care about people. But to just be real with you, you’ve got to press through the struggle and keep giving the burden to Jesus, not just carrying it for yourself. That’s Biblical. “Cast your burdens on Him for He cares for you.” It would be sin for me to carry the emotional weight of that but I still have to take responsibility and ask the Lord to change me. But now here we go. People ask me why don’t you just go and empty out a hospital? That’s a valid question and I tell them that. That’s a very fair question too. Cause they say if I could do what you could do I’d be at the hospital. I’d empty it out. And I’m like God bless you, you can do what I can do. Go to the hospital and empty it out!    


ART: Now the truth is I’m just one guy. Okay? Now we know the logistical problems. What hospital is going to let some random guy walk in and lay hands on every person in every bed? But if that was allowed logistically I’m just one guy. I would burn myself out. And honestly when would I meet your expectation? Because even if I did go in a hospital and empty it out you’d say why don’t you go to the next hospital? When would I ever satisfy your demands when the truth is I’ve got a calling and a mission on my life to train and equip the Church to do the same things which is even better because then all of you go in His name and now there’s millions of Jesus-like ministers of healing who can empty out hospitals because it’s not too much of a burden on one person.

And here’s the beauty of this. The Pool of Bethesda, when you look on a map of Jerusalem, it’s just outside the Sheep Gate and just inside the Sheep Gate is Solomon’s Colonnade. Acts chapter 5: “Every single person who was brought to the believers was healed.” And remember John chapter 5, it said “Here a number of sick and injured people used to lie.” Why didn’t they lay there anymore? The Bible doesn’t expressly say it but I’d better believe if there’s a whole bunch of sick people laying there and somebody goes Hey, just the other side of this gate everybody’s getting healed. Guess what? Carry me, buddy! Get me over there! Right? I’m not sticking around here waiting for some angel that may never show up. It’s working over there.

AUDIENCE: Right! (LAUGHTER)  ART: Those Christians were clearing out the sick from Jerusalem. And that’s what I want to see. That’s my vision for the Church. See we are the body of Jesus in this world. Everyone who touched Jesus” body was healed. And now you’re His body. Yes, physically He is in heaven at the right hand of the Father and He does have a physical body there but practically speaking according to First Corinthians 12 and Romans 12, various other scriptures, Ephesians 4, we are His body in this earth. I like to say that a head doesn’t just get from Point A to Point B on its own. Fair? Jesus has permanently submitted Himself to relationship with you. You see Jesus could appear to every single person on the planet right now at the drop of a hat and preach the gospel to ‘em! But He doesn’t. Why? Because He commissioned you. Jesus could snap his fingers and heal every single person on the planet! But He doesn’t. Why? Because He commissioned you. That’s the beauty of following this Jesus. He’s the one who paid for it. He’s the one who wants it. And I guarantee He will do His work. It’s inevitable.

Written by sidroth

December 26th, 2020 at 6:29 am

Our Guest Colonel James Durham

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SID: You’re not talking about storing up food or water. What are you talking about?

JAMES: I’m talking about that we need to become mentally tough, so that whatever circumstance comes, we can stand. As Paul said, when you’ve done everything to stand, stand. We’re going to become that kind of resilient followers of Jesus when we’re really prepared. The second part of that was that we need to have spiritual resilience, because things are going to happen in the spirit so quickly, that if we can’t move with the Lord, we’re going to be left behind. We’re going to be lost. So we need to right now build that kind of resilience that we can stand, no matter what, keep the spirit strong, stand on faith, and believe in the Lord, and trust him that he will be with us and take care of us.

SID: And what would you say to someone that says, “Well, all that is true, but we’ve got 50, 100 years. I’m not going to fool with that right now.”

JAMES: There are people who say that, and my concern is that they’re not discerning well enough in the spirit, and they need a gift of spiritual discernment, because everything I see in Jesus’ teachings about the last days is, they could come right now. It could happen today. It could happen tomorrow. It may be 100 years. If so, hallelujah, we’ll live with it and we’ll expect another day, but it could be today.

If I really believe and understand that, and I do, then I need to be ready every day, every moment of every day, to meet him when he does return. And so I believe that it’s imperative that we must prepare. A lot of people have gotten tired, tired of the messages about it. They’ve heard things over and over again, and it seemed like nothing manifested. I’m just believing, and Jesus told me, “Tell people, don’t give up. Don’t get tired. Don’t waiver, but hold to what I have taught you, and hold to the notion that it might happen any minute.”

SID: Well, Jesus says, “No man knows the day or hour.” Jesus told you, “You better tell people to be prepared.” James says special doors to heaven are being demonically blocked to prevent answers to your prayers. When we come back, James will share how you can have heaven open for all your prayers. For all of them.

SID: James, recently, you had an open heaven vision.

JAMES: Yes, I have. And it’s a vision similar to some I’ve had in the past, but this was very recent. And when I talk about open heaven, I’m not seeing something like rectangular shaped doors or windows, but I see like a round opening, almost like it goes through the clouds, and then heaven is opened up. And in this vision, I was kind of hovering in space and looking at the open… There were several of these, I call them portals instead of doors. There were several portals that were open into heaven, and it was my desire to go through one of those portals and spend some time with Jesus. That’s one of my favorite pastimes, is to spend time with Jesus. But as I looked up at these portals, dark clouds started covering over the openings of almost all of them. And the clouds would move, but then another dark cloud would come in and cover it up.

Written by sidroth

December 14th, 2020 at 3:24 am

Our Guest John Bevere

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 JOHN: Okay? There were two men that were called the friend of God in the Old Testament. Okay? Who were the two men? Abraham and Moses. Were there others? Absolutely! Okay, I believe David was a friend of God, I believe Daniel was a friend of God, I believe Joseph was a friend of God, many others, Deborah, Esther. But these two men’s lives exemplified what it took to have a relationship of friendship with the Lord. Let’s talk about the first guy, Abraham. Why is Abraham called the friend of God? Because when Abraham was really old, one night God comes to him and says, “Abe?” “Yes, Lord, yes.” I want you to take your son who you really love, who you’ve really grown attached to, the son you’ve waited for for 25 years.

And I want you to go on a three-day journey and kill him for Me. Now, okay, you’ve heard the story a thousand times, okay, if not, if not more. But you had the Book of Genesis to read, he didn’t. You have to understand all God says to him this night is I want you to go three days and kill Isaac. He doesn’t tell him why. He doesn’t say if you sacrifice Isaac then I’ll send My Son. He does not say that! Do you understand what God is asking him to do? It would have been easier for Abraham to go kill himself, because there was nothing or no one more important to Abraham than Isaac. Yet do you know what my Bible says? Early the next morning Abraham saddles his donkey and is on his way. You know how some people say, “Well, you know the Lord’s been dealing with me about this now for several months” and they laugh.


JOHN: You are bragging about your lack of the fear of God. Okay? Okay? So now God gives him a three day journey. Why? To think it over. It’s easier when you heard the booming voice of God the night before. But what about three, two and a half days later, you haven’t heard one word from heaven and you’re looking at the mountain, you’re going to put the most important person or thing to death in your life just because God said do it and didn’t give you a reason to do it. But Abraham goes to the top of the mountain, he builds the altar. Can you imagine his emotions while he’s building that altar? And his son’s helping him build it. He ties up Isaac on that altar, he lifts up the knife and he’s ready to put the most important person or thing to death in his life just because God said do it and didn’t give him a reason.

And right as he’s ready to thrust the knife through Isaac, an angel of the Lord appears, and you go read it in your own Bible, and the angel says “Abraham stop, because now I know you fear God? How did the angel know that Abraham feared God? Because he obeyed instantly, because he obeyed when it didn’t make sense, because he obeyed when it hurt, because he obeyed when he didn’t see a benefit, and because he obeyed to completion. Abraham puts down the knife, unties Isaac, lifts up his eyes and there’s a ram caught in the thicket. And out of his inside comes this: JEHOVAH JIREH! The Lord my Provider! Now you’ve heard that before because you’ve read the Bible. But wait a minute. God just revealed a facet of His personality to Abraham no human being had ever known before. Why? Because he’s my friend.

Written by sidroth

December 1st, 2020 at 1:43 am

Our Guest Guillermo Maldonado

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GUILLERMO: Let’s do this, let’s do this? Can you stretch your hands, let’s pray for Sid. How many of you here don’t speak in other tongues? I want you to stand if you don’t speak in tongues, and both hands, put your hands up if you don’t speak in tongues, both hands, both hands, come quickly. If you don’t speak in tongues. Uh, give him the combo, uh, you pray for her, she can get the combo, the healing, and the tongues, and the deliverance, the whole thing. Okay. You need— you don’t speak in tongues? Okay, how many of you don’t speak in other tongues? I want somebody of you, any of you get close to the people and pray for them, please for those people. Now stretch your hands toward Sid. And the Holy Spirit spoke to me— Ryan can you come up also and receive or you need to be busy? Thank you, Jesus.

The presence of God is here. And I want, I want to release a fresh impartation. Sid, on the power of the resurrection, I want you to be and be bold like a lion and demonstrate it, and pray for the people. And let’s believe for bones to come alive, organs to come alive, dreams to come alive. I want you to start praying out loud in the Holy Ghost. One, two, three! Pray in the Holy Ghost. Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray right now for an impartation of the power of the resurrection! The power of the resurrection, Father, come upon Ryan, come upon Sid and when I count to 3, the fresh infilling of the power of the resurrection. I release it upon their hands, I release it upon their mouth, and when they pray for organs and the organs come alive, miracle signs and wonders be activated.

If there are more pastors here, pastors come up here. There are pastors here. I want you to stand here. Pastors, come up here, stand here. Organize, organize here please, one line, one line, one line, one line, please, come over here, come over here. (prays in tongues) C’mon, pray in the Holy Ghost, people (prays in tongues) I need somebody behind them, please, help me here, please. I need you to help me behind them, please. C’mon hurry up, help me, help me pastors. C’mon pastor, pray in the Holy Ghost. It is not enough being filled in Spirit one time. You need receive fresh impartation, and the Holy Spirit is releasing fresh impartation of the power of the resurrection! When I count to 3, you receive that quickening in your spirit, quicken your body. Father, I release fresh impartation of the power of the resurrection. One— there you go, there you go, it’s over him— two— three— three, power, power, power, power, power, power, power, power, power in Jesus” name. Jesus. There you go. There you go. C’mon, pray in the Holy Ghost, pray in the Holy Ghost, pray in the Holy Ghost.

Written by sidroth

November 25th, 2020 at 7:10 am