Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

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Our Guest Warren Marcus

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SID: To me, it’s absolutely unbelievable. A large auditorium, Jerusalem, Israel, not filled with Christians, but filled with Jewish people that do not know Jesus. I mean, 550 unsaved Jewish people showed up for a lecture on the supernatural. And we had Ladonna Taylor, who when she plays the violin the atmosphere of Heaven invaded that auditorium. What did you feel there Warren?

WARREN: Oh it was incredible. I mean, it was just the, like you said the atmosphere of Heaven and healing was in the wings. You could feel the healing spirit of God moving.

SID: In fact, right after she played the mini concert, I had immediate words of knowledge and unsaved Jewish all over the auditorium stand up and say, I’ve been healed. In fact, God just told me someone’s back was just healed. Let’s go to the first segment of Ladonna playing.

[begin video]

[violin music, people singing]

[end video]

SID: You know, just before the show started, I got an email. A woman was in this group, Jewish, unsaved, and I had a word of knowledge, as I just had, someone’s back was healed. And she didn’t have a problem. But her son had such a bad back condition he had been in bed for a month. And she said, “Yeshua, if you’re real, I want my son to be healed.” She gets home and she can’t believe her eyes. Her son is standing, cooking a meal, and she said, “What happened?” And he said, “I don’t know, but at such and such time,” the exact time she prayed, the exact moment she prayed, “all the pain left me.” I mean, we are serving such an amazing God, Warren. But the altar call, I’ve given altar calls for years, but something happened on this altar call with Jewish people in Jerusalem I personally have never witnessed in my life. You explain it, Warren.

WARREN: Oh it was incredible. I mean, in a church if you see a few people go forward you’re like, wow, isn’t this wonderful.

SID: We got letters at the last time I said how many Jewish people were saved in Jerusalem, we got letters of people accusing us of fudging the figures. And what did you tell them, see it in the video

WARREN: We said, we shot it with seven cameras. You can count them for yourself. But here’s what happened, Sid. It’s like they were just swept up. The whole group of them, just, boom, were swept up. It’s like I didn’t see hardly any seats that were remaining where people were sitting in them. It was the most amazing altar call I had ever seen. And I had to keep pinching myself. We were in Jerusalem. These were Jews coming to Messiah.

SID: Look, I don’t want those watching us right now to pinch themselves. So let’s go with the rolling.

[begin video]

SID: The Lord has already given you his shalom, his completeness in your spirit, in your soul and in your body. In the name of the Sar Shalom, the Prince of Peace, Yeshua [Hebrew], Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel.

[end video]

SID: When I returned to my hotel from Jerusalem, there was a taxi driver, and he’s Russian and he didn’t speak any English. But I was so high in the spirit that I had to keep talking about Jesus. I couldn’t keep quiet. But he didn’t understand anything I was saying. So I took myself out, I called Warren and another friend, Ryan, from the ministry, and I said, “We’ll be in the hotel in a few minutes. Get me a translator.” They must have thought, again, meshuga, a little crazy. But they got me a translator. The translator they get is the bellhop and he speaks Russian. There’s only one problem. He’s an atheist. He wants nothing to do with God. So I force him to translate and he’s sharing the Gospel to the taxi driver who accepts the Lord. This atheist who hates that I believe in Jesus is leading this Russian to the Lord. I mean, God must have such a sense of humor. But Warren, in all seriousness, we are at what the Bible calls the fullness of the Gentile age. There’s two scriptures that’s talked about in the New Testament. The first scripture is found in Luke 21:24, in which Jesus said that, “The fullness of the Gentiles will occur when Jerusalem is in Jewish possession.” Well Jerusalem is in Jewish possession. The second time it’s mentioned is Romans 11:25, which says, “Partial blindness has happened to Israel until the fullness of the gentiles.” I’m telling you, the scales are coming down. I’m telling you this is the set time to favor Zion. I’m telling you Jesus is coming back soon.

WARREN: Sid, you know, I am reminded, in Romans 11, it talks about how great it was, really that the Jewish people didn’t receive Yeshua, because it opened up the covenant promises to the Gentile, to the nations of the world. And it says, that was great, but how much greater when they begin to come in, and they are coming in right now. What it means is resurrection life, life from the dead, we’re ready for the greatest revival about to happen as more and more Jewish people come in to know their Messiah.

SID: When it says “life from the dead,” I take that literally. I believe that people are going to into hospitals and clear out, they’re going to go into morgues and clear out the dead people. They’re going to clear the dead people out of hospitals. When Jewish people come back, you mark God’s word, it will cause life from the dead. Well, so I’m on the air playing, I am basking in the Glory of God. God you’re so good. I mean, I can’t perform any miracles. I’m just like you. If God didn’t show up and demonstrate his power with miracles, that wouldn’t have happened. But this is the set time to favor Zion. And so I finally get to sleep on the plane going back to the United States. Two in the morning, it starts bumping a little, and they get on the P.A. and they say, “Put your seatbelts on.” And my seatbelt is stuck under the seat. And I’m pulling, I’m pulling hard for all that I’m worth, and I can’t get it out. So I go to the flight attendant. I say, “I have a problem” and I’m saying, oh that devil, he really got me. Oh no, no, no, no. My God, your God, our God is bigger than any devil. God had a plan. So I’m awake already. I let him struggle with the seatbelt. I don’t know how it could get so stuck. And I see a woman and she doesn’t look Jewish. She doesn’t look Israeli. She’s a flight attendant. And I say to her, “Are you Israeli?” And she said, yes. I said, “How come you don’t have an accent?” She said, “Well I lived in the United States for a while.” And then I started talking to her about the Messiah. I wish I had had one of those reality show cameras on me at the time. Because I said, “You know I happen to be a Jew and I believe a little different than some Jews.” “Oh, what do you believe in?” I said, “Well I believe in one God. He has a name, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And I don’t believe there’s a Messiah for the Jews, a Messiah for the Christians, a Messiah for the Muslims. I believe in one Messiah, the Jew, Yeshua.” And the reason I do is because the Jewish prophet Jeremiah, in the 31st chapter, said, “Behold the days come and I will make a [Hebrew], a new covenant,” meaning that the Mosaic Covenant, it goes on to say, we didn’t even follow it anyway, we couldn’t follow it. So God is going to make this [Hebrew] and it’s going to have three things that the Mosaic Covenant did not have and we cannot follow the Mosaic Covenant anymore because you need a temple, you need animal sacrifices, and the Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. So you have two choices. You can either follow Jeremiah, the Jewish prophet, or follow the rabbis. I like Jeremiah. Jeremiah says these three things: “First the Torah will not be so much outside to fill in the seeds”, that’s fringes. It’s not an external. It says, the Torah will be inside of you. The second thing it says, your sins won’t just be covered as they are at Yom Kippur. But God says, I’ll remember your sins no more.” I mean, you could have been the worst prostitute in town and God says, if you repent of your sins, tell God you’re sorry, and He will wipe it away as if they’ve never existed. But the third is the best. That would have been enough, as we say at Passover. But the third part of the New Covenant that Jeremiah 31 says is, “You will know God.” It’s the same “know” that Adam knew Eve. It’s intimacy with God. And I’m going to tell you something. If God is for you, who can be against you? The times we’re living in right now are the times you must know God. You must know. So they finally fix my seat. I go back to my seat. I give her my web page for Jewish people that don’t know the Messiah, She’s going to go there. She said, “Everything you said excites me.” We’re in a new day, new day for you, too. You come unto this new covenant. Whether you’re Jewish or Gentile, we all come in the same way. There’s no other name given unto man in which we must be saved, but the name of Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah. Tell God you’re sorry for your sins. Believe the blood of Jesus washed them all away and invite Jesus inside now.

Written by sidroth

January 28th, 2015 at 5:42 pm

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