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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Steve Hill

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Sid: My guest Steve Hill yields himself as much as he possibly can to the Spirit of the Living God and sees the same results happen when he speaks as we read in the New Testament, that is normal.  And he is on a campaign to make Christians normal. I’m featuring his latest book “Operating in the Miraculous” and you can see God’s hand on his life and on his family’s life of how step by step He taught him on one of the greatest generation the Argentina.  Miracles like… is it true Steve you were telling me that one of the people that you were working with or observing was Carlos Annacondia outside this gigantic tent even coming in and start manifesting demons because of the anointing of God was so strong?

Steve: Oh absolutely Sid we call that the demon tent and for a lack of a better term you know because you know it was people would be so delivered by the power of God. In Argentina and also in the U.S. there’s a lot of cultic activity there’s a lot of witchcraft and people would be mightily delivered when they’re confronted by the power of the gospel, when they’re confronted by Jesus there is power in the Name of Jesus.  You know you can say Baptist, you can say Methodist, you can say Assembly of God, you can shout out Sid Roth or Steve Hill and nothing happens, but when you call out the Name Jesus I want to tell you all Hell itself trembles.

Sid:  Now in Pensacola, Florida at the Brownsville revival with so many people just coming from all over the world. and you were the lightning rod that God used on Father’s Day 1995 almost a half million people made professions of faith and so many miracles and deliverances.  Did you have witches actually come in and try and stop this move of God?

Steve: Many, many, many, many, many, many times and there’s one particular time that a host of them came from New Orleans because we’re only three hours from New Orleans.  And this group came over and sat in the back row and they had their little rattles and they sat there and they were chanting in the back row.  And you know I welcome them, okay I stood and I told everybody welcome everyone to the revival and if you’re come here and maybe you’re a witch or a warlock and you’ve come to chant against us we welcome you and we don’t mind you chanting just keep your chanting down low as not to disturb the people around you.  And…

Sid: And my goodness Steve you got chutzpah, that’s a Hebrew word and it means nerve, okay go ahead.

Steve: Then I said this I said, “But let me remind you that you’re wasting your time because the power of Jesus Christ is that’s in this room is more powerful than anyone you’re chanting to so in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we pray, we bind you.  And we’ve seen so many witches delivered, we’ve seen so many people set free. You know you’re bringing up a subject right here that is real pet peeve of mine and that’s how Christians are afraid for some reason they are afraid of the occult, they are afraid of witches and warlocks and you know they see some kid at the mall all dressed up in black and wearing a pentagram and they’re afraid.  My friend we have, we’re covered in the blood, we have total authority over every other power that’s out there; walk right up to the people you can have a conversation with them.  Say the Name Jesus and watch what happens. (Laughing)

Sid:  Steve you’re like the Bible speaks about, you’re a dead man that was given your life back, you should have died from drug overdose and crime and a whole slew of things before you got saved.  Then after you were saved you picked up an incurable disease hepatitis; when you found out you have that disease it’s a death sentence what did you do?

Steve: Well, it is a death sentence and it was killing a lot of my friends and it’s killing a lot of people today.  Well, I wasn’t happy when I heard about it you know the doctor said that’s “It’s incurable, he said that “There’s one medication you can take and there is only a 5% cure and it’s got really bad side effects.”  So I decided well God’s going to have to heal me; it’s funny I went home and told my wife, I told her I said, “I’m going to die.”  And of course I look forward to death okay, when death comes I get to go with Jesus so I have no fear of death, I want to live long don’t get me wrong but I have no fear of death.  And she said, “You’re not going anywhere, she said, “You’re not leaving me here with all the kids.”  And so she just…

Sid: (laughing)

Steve: She was straight man and so that night I went to the revival and Suzette Hadding who had worked with Reinhardt Bonnke for years she was visiting and she had a word from the Lord that I had an incurable disease.

Sid:  Did she have any way of knowing this in the natural?

Steve: Oh, no one knew, no one knew outside of my wife and my doctor, because I had just been diagnosed.  And then she prayed a prayer she said, “God’s going to heal you.”  Instantly right after the prayer the next day went back to the doctor, had more blood work couldn’t find it.  God more blood work, couldn’t find it.  And you know Sid, all that we’re talking about is the Bible says in Mark 16:17 “That these signs will follow those who believe.” You know verse 18 says “They’ll lay hands on the sick and they will recover.” If you’re a believer these things should be happening.

Sid: Okay, you’ve had so much experience in the Argentinean Revival, Brownsville and Pensacola, Florida I mean from two different major revivals you’ve had this experience you’ve written what you’ve learned. But most people would say “Yes Steve but we know the anointing that you walk under, I’ve seen you at Brownsville, I’ve seen you on television, I’ve seen people just fall over when you walk by them that’s not me; so this is going to work for me.  What would you say to them?”

Steve: Well, take your pick, “What do you want, okay.”  I want the power of God and this is not, God is no respecter of persons if you’re living holy, you love the Lord with all your heart, soul and strength.  He wants to use you sister, sir, he wants to use you but you’ve got to choose to be chosen.  And you say “Lord use me.”  And then one of the reasons I want to encourage people to get this little manual to me is all it is this “Operating in the Miraculous.”  Because I tell people what the steps to take, I try to make it easy to understand that it’s not you, you’re not…Steve Hill is nobody.  I’m a you know I’m a drug addict saved by grace, but as I follow the Biblical patterns for miracles then they’re going to happen.  See it’s not up to me, it’s up to God, He’s the one that’s on the spot, not Steve Hill.  Because He says “He will heal.”  So we need to know what to do and how to do it and watch what God does.

Sid:  You know what would you say to a mother listening right now whose kids are on drugs, one raised as Christians and there out there selling their bodies.  They’re alcoholics and you know it’s very few of these people get healed through science.

Steve: What I would say is never stop knocking, never stop asking, never stop praying and one of the things that moms and dads forget about if that we live in this…our own little world but we forget that there’s angels, this is a spiritual warfare and if your son or daughter has left home or your son or daughter is in another area or family member that’s sick or lost or on drugs.  Remember God has got warring angels he has got men and women that are outside of your world.  My mom did not lead me to Jesus, another man led me to Jesus but my mom was the one praying and so believe God for the miraculous, step outside of your little world and say God whatever it takes touch my loved one.

Sid: Steve I got to ask you this question, when you were through a word of knowledge you were prayed for; you were healed of an incurable disease hepatitis did you go back to the doctor that gave you the death sentence and what did he say?

Steve: Well, I had to yeah because you know I want to see the paper, and on top of that I was trying to get some life insurance so I need, and they’re not going to give me anybody life insurance that’s about to croak.  And so I went back had the blood tests and all clear and went back again and had it clear and several months, I mean I’ve had blood tests for the last several years and there is just no sign, as a matter of fact I had one two days ago.  No sign of it and so Jesus heals, oh Jesus right now in Jesus Name for those that are listening that need a fresh touch from God in Jesus Name I speak healing on your body, I speak healing on that neck, I speak healing that arthritis, that arthritic hand in Jesus Name be healed.  That heart be healed in Jesus Name.

Sid:  I tell you what’s interesting Mishpochah how about a second witness as Steve was calling these words out he was calling them as I was hearing them also.  I know that you’re healed just proceed by moving your body and you’ll see, you’ll see that anointing.  What if someone moves there body and the pain is still there, what would you tell them to do?

Steve: First of all say the Name  Jesus, oh that…whatever you do don’t stop saying the Name of Jesus and say Jesus I’m healed, Jesus I’m healed, Jesus I’m healed and keep trying to move.  You know don’t do anything ridiculous you know it you’re in a wheelchair don’t wheel up to a stair well and throw yourself down but start moving around doing things you haven’t.  Be stubborn, oh please be stubborn about this go after God with all your heart soul and strength.

Sid: You know I’m reminded of someone that had hepatitis and had a death sentence and as a young man and as young children and a wife and a family and everything to live for and his ministry is prospering but as far as you’re concerned you got so desperate that’s how desperate we’re to be normally whether we have a death sentence of not.  That’s the normal way to fight, be a fighter don’t be a quitter, and some of you need a real shot in the arm on understanding of the lessons that Steve has learned over the years in miraculous.

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Written by sidroth

January 9th, 2013 at 11:51 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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