Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Archive for February, 2023

Our Guest Patricia King

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When I learned that there was children at risk who were being raped day and night by pedophiles. You know, I thought that this is not okay. We can’t just sit back as God’s people saying, “Oh, wow, that’s too bad.” Not when we can do something about it. So we went into the darkness and said “Okay, God, you know, we must be able to do something little.” And I’ve been amazed at this over and over again. That just a little, just one little thing. One little act, action of obedience. One little act of faith can produce a ripple effect. And we started seeing just by our little efforts in the beginning that we’d share the testimony of what God was doing and it would grow and grow and grow.

And now to this day there are whole nations. In fact someone, um, from another nation was listening to our testimony share about, you know, the children at risk and the Lord spoke to her and said “What are you going to do about it?” She happens to be moving on a very high level of prophetic authority and she works with government. She went to the government in her nation and said you know, uh, we need to do something about anti-trafficking and our government does not have any policies in place. I want to work with you to put those policies in place.

In one year and four months that nation now has anti-trafficking polices that are created. You see they never were before. And now other nations are looking at what that nation did and they’re following suit. And that was just because of one person saying “yes” to God. You see what you do and your testimony that’s produced in it will produce a ripple effect. Some of you are saying, “Yeah, but some of these problems are so massive and what I have is so little.” But God’s, God’s little… or your little is God’s big. You see when He sent the Messiah He didn’t send Him as a full grown man or a giant or anything. He sent Him as a little baby wrapped in swaddling clothes who looked very insignificant to the eye of man.

Written by sidroth

February 21st, 2023 at 4:47 am

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Our Guest Patricia King

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In Genesis chapter 1, verse 27 and 28 the word says that God made us in His image and in His likeness. And so He is Divine Creator. He is Divine Ruler. And we’ve been created in that image. That’s why human beings are able to create anything at all. It’s because He made us in that nature. But then in Matthew 16, Jesus said that we’ve been given power in Him. That there’s a power that’s been given to the Church that even the gates of hell cannot prevail against that. And He says I’m giving you the power and the authority to bind and to loose. And so whatever you see that’s been done through the finished work of the cross, those promises that Jesus died on the cross to give you, for your peace, your harmony, your love walk, your, your, uh, prosperity, everything that has to do with your life in the earth, He said I’m giving you the power to bind anything that is not according to that life. For whatever I gave you in heaven that’s what’s going to stand. Whatever I did through my finished work on the cross that is what I’m giving you. That’s what you can go to the bank with. That is your heavenly currency. So if there’s something that’s not according to that, you can actually do something about it. You don’t have to wait even for three dreams and a vision. You can just wait for that agreement in the spirit and enter into that. And He says I’m also giving you the power to loose. If you see that it’s already been done by Jesus, and He sits at the right hand of the Father in the heavens, if it’s completed by Him you have the power to loose that or release it into your place in the earth, into your home, into your workplace, into, into your financial arena of life.

Written by sidroth

February 15th, 2023 at 3:15 am

Our Guest Warren Marcus

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WARREN: And then I saw Him on Mount Sinai, and I saw the glory that was around Him and the finger of God writing the Ten Commandments. And I’m feeling the exact same thing I did when I had that dream in heaven. The whole place, atmosphere was filled. And I said, “Wow, this is incredible.” But here’s what happened as a little boy. I started praying to God, Sid. And you see, not everything was great in my life. My father, he was an alcoholic. His four brothers were alcoholics, and he would stay out late at the bar. He loved his family, but when he was drunk, it really didn’t go well. And I found my mother never told this to anyone. But I found my mother in the room, many times crying. And when I went in there, I said, “Mommy, what’s wrong?”

WARREN: And she says, “Nothing, Warren, I’m just sad right now.” I said, “Mommy, I don’t want you to be sad.” I laid my hand on her. And I said, “Oh God of Israel, make my mommy happy again. I don’t want her to be sad.” And I remember my mother getting up and she put her arms around me and she says, “I love you, Warren. You’re so special.” But here’s the thing, all around me, there were kids growing up, pornography, wrong, sexual perversion, all kinds of stuff that was going on. My mother would take me every Saturday to the synagogue. And I would go in there, and I was looking for the God of Israel. The God I saw in the Ten Commandments, the God I saw in my dream. And the people would go out for refreshments, I’d go into the sanctuary and said, “Where are you, God? Show yourself to me. I want to see you. I want to have your glory come in this place.” Then some kids, friends of mine, took me to their churches. I went to their churches. You know what?

Written by sidroth

February 2nd, 2023 at 4:35 am