Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Archive for June, 2018

Our Guest David Martin

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David:  Some years ago, I was in a church in Syracuse, NY and we had some great revival meetings andone of the ladies who came, why she happened to come I will never know, other than God, obviously.  But this lady actually caused a split in her church.   She was going to a church that did not believe in the gifts of the Spirit.  Now, here’s a point of reference.  Growing up in a culture that doesn’t believe in “fire’s hot” is kind of weird.  I know that.  That’s just kind of a make believe, you know, illustration.  But what is a very real illustration, what is a very world…I mean reality, people believe God doesn’t heal anymore.  People believe the gifts of the Spirit are for long ago and they’re not for today and there’s a lot of people that believe that.  This lady that was in my church meeting one night in Syracuse, NY happened to believe that.  And she was sitting there, again, other than God I don’t know why she came, but the place was packed out with people.  But right in the middle of my message for some reason, God spoke to me and pointed her out to me and I knew by the Spirit that she had a back problem.  And I don’t know what the back problem was.  It’s not important, but I stopped and I said, “You there in the red sweater.  I just got a word from God and the sense that I have is you have a back problem” and I said, “Is that true?”  And she said, “Yeah, wow, serious back problem”, which I remember a car accident or something like that.  Now see we’re not really into the gifts of the Spirit yet, in terms of definition, but what happened to me was God gave me what’s called a word of knowledge.  I knew something I had no knowledge of.  Now, later after the meeting, I found out from natural knowledge, this lady belonged to a church that… I think it was a Baptist church, not important, but a church that did not believe in the gifts of the Spirit, didn’t believe in the power of God, didn’t believe in the operation of the supernatural.  But she came with her friend to this meeting and now what happened is God singled her out.  And when I said, “Is that true?” and she said, “Yes” and I said, “Well, would you just stand?” and she stood and I’m sure there was reluctance because she caused her church to split.  Her pastor in this church experienced the reality of God’s miracle power.  He got baptized with the Holy Ghost and as he began to introduce it to different people in this church, like this lady, they rebelled.  Why?  Because they didn’t know the truth.  She had no orientation to reality.  She believed a lie.  She grew up believing “fire’s not hot”, but what happened is, God wanted to show her the truth, wanted to prove His power and His reality.  And when she stood up, the power of God hit her, she fell over and she got up completely healed.

Written by sidroth

June 17th, 2018 at 9:26 am

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Our Guests Drs. Dennis and Jennifer Clark

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SID: Well I’m here with my friends Dr. Dennis and Dr. Jennifer Clark. I want to know something. I know both of you the way you are now. But Jennifer, at the worst point, before you were married, before you got help, what were you like?


JENNIFER: Well, constant anxiety if not semi-panic attacks. Fear was my most constant companion. Although I learned to put on a church face and a professional face I was wounded, I was so beaten down that I would walk with my head looking at the ground. Dennis commented on this later. So I was pretty much a defeated Christian.


SID: Okay Dennis, her mentor was the president of a Bible college, a professional counselor. Privately, what did she say to you?


DENNIS: Privately, she said in all of her counseling experience that Jennifer probably wouldn’t amount to much because she’s so emotionally damaged, that she’d be very limited, particularly for knowing that I was a pastor and totally ministry-oriented. I think she was afraid that she was just too damaged.


SID: And yet, you were a trained professional counselor, too. Okay. There is a meeting. You don’t know each other. You both go to the meeting. You’re not married. It’s time. You’re a widow and you observe something that defied all of your training of counseling. What did you observe?


JENNIFER: Right. Well first of all, in counseling I had been taught that forgiveness was a long process and I just never saw anybody get much better. And so we’re at this meeting and a woman has an emotional meltdown and ends up on the floor, crying. Everybody is staring at her and I thought five or ten years’ worth of counseling right there on the floor. But Dennis went over to her, and because of my counseling training I knew what was happening. He got down on one knee and started leading her through emotional healings and they were instant, and pulling down mental strongholds, instantly demonic activity was flying off because the doors were being closed. The enemy can’t come unless he has legal ground or permission. And in less than ten minutes, that woman was up on her feet, perfect emotional composure. She had a glow on her face and my thought was this is huge. If the church knew this we could have a healed church. This could change the world.

SID: So, make a long story short, Jennifer is fascinated by what he’s pioneered and they get married.




SID: And then each day for a few months you work on a couple of areas with Jennifer. And Jennifer, then you bump into your former mentor and what did she say to you?


JENNIFER: She said, “What happened to you? You’re transformed.” And I was. I was, just a couple of months in marriage, Dennis, discipling me, teaching me how to tap into the fruit of the Spirit, which I never knew you could really do, and dealing with these toxic emotions, because by the time we’re adults we have a whole trainload full of baggage that we’ve accumulated. And in dealing with that and really getting set free from my toxic emotions for a couple of months totally changed my life. I could hardly remember the wounded, defeated woman I had been before.


SID: From a psychology viewpoint, is there any way someone like you could get free in 60 days?




SID: The best the world has to offer anyone?




SID: And then God spoke to you after you were free. What did he say?


JENNIFER: He said, “You need to take this to the world. The church needs to learn this.” And it’s really demystifying how to live in the Spirit, demystifying how to go Jesus in us to meet your needs. You see, we say we’re not counselors. We don’t do counseling. We teach believers. We’re coaches. We teach believers how to go to Jesus in them and that’s the secret because everything we take to Jesus, it’s easy for him, and forgiveness is instant when we go to Jesus.


SID: But there are even Christian programs that take so long. You’re telling me that from the biggest trauma to the minor thing that’s just a problem for the individual, you can get instant freedom?


JENNIFER: Seconds. Seconds.


SID: Seconds?


JENNIFER: Yes. And see, we don’t need to hear somebody’s long story. All we have to do is coach them in how to go to Jesus in them and let Jesus show them.


SID: Okay. A little later we’re going to teach you how to do this right on this show. But in the meantime, CDC has said that 90 percent of diseases are emotionally based, which means if in seconds you can get rid of the toxic emotions, guess what happens to your diseases? Your lightning brain has told you. I’ll be right back.

Written by sidroth

June 10th, 2018 at 7:41 am

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Our Guest David Martin

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Then put a list next to it that Jesus did.  Keep in mind, His list is not make believe.  It’s the real deal.  But every sign and every wonder that He did; you’re called to do.  Wooh!  I mean you are… You need to get this.  You are a super hero.  There is not a make believe creature made.  Put all of them together into one great super-duper deal.  It doesn’t come close to the reality of your ability.  When you begin to recognize Christ the Messiah in you, Almighty God.  When the Bible says, “Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world”.  You have an almighty, all powerful, unlimited, all knowing God living and abiding…  I’ll tell you, as I’m saying this, my hands are just vibrating with anointing and I’m just going to, wooh, release it to you.  Hallelujah.  Your potential in the kingdom of God, in these pages of history that we’re privileged to be a part of.  You need to recognize your potential and that’s what I want to try to help you with here as we’re now going into session number two.  And as we begin to go through this, I’m believing that as I go through this, we are going to literally find here the missing ingredient in the church.  Because unfortunately the church is not walking in her fullness.  The church today has become so seeker sensitive you don’t even hear the Holy Spirit often even talked about, much less demonstrated.  But when Paul came into the local churches and he came into the local communities; he didn’t come in with persuasive speech.  No, he came in with a demonstration of the power of God.  That’s what God’s looking for in you.  When you go to your markets, when you go to the malls, when you go to work; that people see the Christ.  They see the Messiah.  They see the anointing.  They feel the convicting power of God.  It’s there.  But what I want to help you to do is kind of help it come alive, by understanding.  So let’s dig into this.  I got to stop preaching.  We got to get into this because I recognize, if we get through with just half of what I planned for just today alone; we’ve got a long ways to go.  And so we’ve got to dig into this here, so we cover all the material that God wants you to have.  But again, as we saw, Acts 17:6.  It says there that the early church…  What’s it say?  Read it here.  These have turned the world upside down.  Glory to God.  There was such a movement of God and the power of His Spirit in the church.  Their perspective was they turned the world upside down.  Well, praise God.  I believe that there’s an outpouring of God again.  We’re going to turn it right side up.  Hallelujah.  We’re going to demonstrate the reality of a miracle working God.  Wooh!  Praise be unto God.  Hallelujah.

Written by sidroth

June 3rd, 2018 at 9:18 am

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