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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Peggy Joyce Ruth

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Sid:  I have on the telephone Peggy Joyce Ruth, I’m speaking to her at her home in Brownwood, Texas and Peggy Joyce was a born again Christian and she decided she’d witness to her Buddhist neighbor. And Peggy Joyce you had no idea on the rollercoaster ride that you were about ready to get on to.  At your worst as a result of opening yourself up to those tormenting spirits what position did you find yourself in?

Peggy: Well, it was very tormenting, I found myself finally under the care of a number of different psychiatrists, I was given shock treatments over a period of a lot of months.

Sid: If you didn’t have a problem the shock treatments would have given you one.

Peggy: So true, yes that is so true.  They put me on medication and said “I would be on medication the rest of my life and didn’t really expect that I would ever stay out of a mental institution because I was so filled with all kinds of fear.  And you know some of the biggest fears were disease and accidents and tragedy it just seemed like that opened me up to just living in torment.

Sid:  And you even started doing a search of different religions, but you finally came to the end of your rope; you finally gave up and you cried a prayer to God.  What was that prayer?

Peggy: I finally one night…it had been eight years and I had tried everything on my own I did the best that I could do and I went out to the clothes line and I said, “God I don’t even know any more if You even exist I can’t my prayers don’t even seem like they would get past the ceiling but if you’re there find me and bring me back to You.”  And I didn’t know it at the time but as I looked back in retrospect God started immediately to work on that prayer request and my goodness I just look back and see just the beautiful hand of God.

Sid: Well, as I’m looking over my notes on what God did it’s only and I’m looking at it almost as the eyes of a teacher which you happen to be also.  And the first thing that happened to you is that you prayed.  The second thing is you were baptized of the Holy Spirit speaking in unknown tongues but that wasn’t enough because you were still deficient in some areas so God gave you a vision and as a result of this vision you went through deliverance so step one was being filled with the Holy Spirit, step two was deliverance but it didn’t really happen till step three.  What was step three?

Peggy: Step three God had given me that vision and the first part of it showed me deliverance which I had no idea what that meant until after the fact.  But then the second part of the vision was how He was going to pack me.  Fill all the holes in that were in my body and that was the period where he was packing me with the Word and He gave me an exchange system.  He said that every time I had a fear thought, every time that I had any kind of terror or torment of any kind I was to exchange that for a thought from His Word, from a promise from His Word.  And I did that and it was over a period of oh weeks that I just did that all the time I would just constantly…

Sid:  You know what excites me is that in this dream that you had you heard a scripture, the scripture you had never heard of before and the scripture was “In your day of trouble call on Me and I will answer.”  There could not have been a more appropriate scripture for you in the entire Bible.

Peggy: It was, I was out in the field in the dream and when I heard that scripture it was like I was so excited it was like I could just feel my whole body just responding and praising and it wasn’t until the next day that the Lord supernaturally showed me where that scripture came from, I had no idea, I didn’t know the word 30 years ago and I had no idea that that was coming out of 91.  And when I found Psalm 91 I knew that even before I turned to it I knew that whatever was in that Psalm I knew was my answer.  And sure enough when I got there every fear that I ever had was answered in that Psalm, because protection promises are all through the word of God but this is the only place where every protection promise is there in that one covenant.

Sid:  It’s all summarized.

Peggy: Yes, exactly and every evil known to man is going to fall under one of four categories and all four categories are listed there in Psalm 91 with a promise that if we’ll dwell in His shelter; if we’ll acknowledge and look to Him as our protector then that evil will not approach us.  Then He goes one to tell us in that Psalm that He’s given us authority over the enemy.  He goes on to tell us that He’s given us his angels that will protect us.  And then seven more bonus promises at the end for those that love Him will extend their love to Him.  And oh, I just can’t even tell you what that did for me and God had me study that for months and months every word in that Psalm.  And of course I had no idea that He was having me do it to someday teach it to others I just thought he was doing that to bring me back to life.

Sid:  Isn’t it amazing that you can mediate and study one Psalm in the Bible which summarizes every problem that a person could have come against them from disasters, hurricanes, tornadoes, terrorist attacks, physical illness, infirmities of all kind, fears of all kind, emotional problems of all kind but you would think after thirty years you’d be I have to say this, you’d be bored with the 91st Psalm.

Peggy: I see something new and hear new testimonies every single day, I wake up in the mornings and every time I confess this Psalm over me and over my family and over my church and different places, it’s like I’m confessing for the first time it is so exciting.  But God’s word is, it’s new every morning.

Sid: Well, the reason that I’m interviewing you is that I have two brand new books, one is literally off the press and the one that I’m holding in my hands right now it’s what is called the board book for children say 1 to 8 years of age and it’s the 91st Psalm.  And the thing that I find so unusual about this book is that yes the parents could read it to the child or the child could read it for themselves.  But the child could figure out this thing just from the illustrations; was that intentional?

Peggy: Oh, yes that was my prayer.  I had had so many parents that were asking for a Psalm 91 book that they could teach the Psalm 91 to their children.  And we were constantly telling parents you know “Confess your covenant over your children.”  But I had never read anything teaching the child himself to learn how to appropriate these promises. And you know mom and dad is not always going to be there, so we have to get that child to the point where this becomes his revelation as well.

Sid:  And then your second book which is Psalm 91 for youth which is 8 to actually any age this is literally just off the press.  This I know that I’m talking to grandparents and parents and even young people right now. Just whet my appetite with one quick testimony of someone that took Psalm 91 and it literally saved their life.

Peggy:  Yes, oh I have so many wonderful testimonies I get so excited about that because we have been teaching this in our church now for 25–30 years so I’ve been teaching it even on a local radio program.  And so the people have really grabbed hold of it and our college students we’ve sent about 25 of our college team over to a Myan village in Mexico and every day they were getting up and they were confessing Psalm 91 over their team.  And they had Spanish interpreters but they didn’t have anyone who could interpret the Myan language for them.  And so they were taken one of the days up to this beautiful waterfalls way up in the mountains and at the bottom of the falls there was a glorious pond and was really hot over there and so they just couldn’t resist all going swimming with them.  Well, the next year when they came back there was a Myan guide who told them “Now you must not go to the pond at the bottom of the waterfalls because it’s full of very dangerous alligators.”  And so they realized that they had been swimming the year before with gators.  So they found out that the people had been so impressed the year before at these American’s who could swim with the alligators you know that it gave them to testify about a God who protects.  And you know we all thanked God that he could protect by shutting the mouths of the alligators just as easily as he shut the mouths of the lions in Daniels day.

Sid: Peggy Joyce if you had had a background like this as a child or a teenager; if you had had a teaching in a study like the two books we’re making available do you think you would have had to go through all the hell that you went through in this life?

Peggy: I wouldn’t, that’s what my husband and I talk all the time about the fact that we are so excited to be able to plant this inside of our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren.

Sid:  You know there are so much evil in this earth today there’s so much going on with children and sexual predators and terrorists and boy to denude these children of fear and move them into intimacy with God.

Peggy: Exactly.

Sid: What a gift for a parent or a grandparent to give their children.

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Written by sidroth

January 29th, 2013 at 11:25 pm

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