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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guests Bob and Audrey Meisner

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SID: You know, this is real life. This is not fiction. This is not wearing a cloak and looking so good on the outside. These two people, Bob and Audrey Meisner, are being transparent with you to help you so they will make a difference in your life. So Audrey finds out from the affair that she had, she has a baby. The baby is biracial. There’s no way to cover this up. She goes to Bob. Bob, what did you think?

BOB: I wanted to escape. I wanted to get out. But the counsel that I got from my pastor was this. Because I wanted to sleep on that couch that very first night, I wanted to go to a hotel, I wanted to leave, and he says, no, you’re going to get right back into your marriage bed tonight. You will not spend night apart from each other, because we will not participate with the spirit of divorce. That’s hard, but you see, that’s my father’s heart. We resigned our positions from pastoring from the television ministry, and we went to a place of safety to get help for our family. God supernaturally provided for us in ways of work and in the ways of home, because I didn’t know if we would ever be happy again a day in our lives. But I knew that divorce was not the answer.

SID: But wait a second. You move from one country, Canada, to the United States. You have no job. How much  money did you have?

BOB: Not too much money.

SID: You have a pregnant wife, three children.

BOB: Yes.

SID: I mean, you are really like Abraham, going into new land.

BOB: I was willing to fight for my family. You see, when you want to step in the supernatural, you need to embrace the truth of God. You see, God has a preferred future for my life, for my marriage, for my wife and for my children, and divorce was not the answer. I needed the heart of God for my wife.

SID: Now what did you do with the child your wife was carrying, knowing the child was biracial. That must have been tough.

BOB: The biggest question that I had was this, would I believe to love this baby as my own. I know what it’s like to have a small child crawl up your leg and look into your eyes and say, “daddy”, and I knew what my heart was, and it was not your daddy. There was a transformation that was required by me. I knew that our love for each other, you know, our natural love had waned. It wasn’t sufficient to take us to where we needed to be. We needed God’s supernatural love. He transformed my heart by me knowing how much He loved me. We went through months of difficulty, good days, bad days, and some were better than others.

SID: Audrey, did you consider an abortion? I guess not, because you were raised as a Christian.

AUDREY: You know, Sid, there’s nothing I believe about abortion. When you’re that desperate, I was so desperate, Sid. I had been a Jesus girl, I had been in ministry. Now my kids are going to be messed up. I’m going to be disqualified. I’m going to be known for the most stupid and selfish thing I have ever done. And I remember exactly where I was in my kitchen when my made that phone call to the abortion clinic. And they said, you don’t even have to come in. We’ll just send you 10 pills in the mail, and just take one pill every week and your problem will be over. And I hung up the phone, and I said, “I don’t know if that’s the answer, but I can’t live through this. I can’t live through the whole idea. I’m so scared.” And I went to my knees and I said, “God, I won’t have an abortion, but I’m begging you, if you love me, you will give me a miscarriage, because I can’t carry this.” I think back now the reason I cried is because I’m so thankful that God did not answer that prayer, because what I was really praying for was God to evacuate me out of my circumstances. But God in His love said, “Audrey, I’m going to walk with you through every moment.”

SID: Bob, how in the world did you tell your three children? What were their ages? What happened.

BOB: 15, 13 and 10 years old. We just had a family meeting.

AUDREY: We were scared. We were so scared.

SID: I’m sure.

BOB: They walked in seeing their parents sitting on the floor crying. I immediately got up and I pulled a large queen-size blanket from the bed. With Audrey seated on the floor, I took this blanket and I covered her from head to foot. I knelt down beside her and I wrapped my arms around her, and I looked deep into my children’s eyes, and I said, “Kids, this is what God does when we make a mistake. He comes to us, He covers us, and He wraps His arms around us and He says, ‘I will never leave you, I will never forsake you.'” With Audrey covered and held in my arms, I looked into their eyes and said, “I love your mom. She’s so precious to us. I’m not going anywhere. We’re a family. We belong with each other.” And I just spoke as much security to them as I could. And with her covered and held in my arms, I said, “Kids, you’re going to have a baby brother.” Immediately, my older two began to cry, but my daughter, 13, she smiles as big anything. She looks as me and she says, “Daddy, we’re having a baby.” She sees my pain and cries, but she can’t contain her excitement. “Daddy, we’re having a baby.” I knew that we were going to be okay. And again, good months, bad months. But it was several months later that we found ourselves in the hospital. It was time for this little boy to be born.

SID: Now what did you name this little boy, Robert, what did you name him?

BOB: I gave him my name, Robert. His middle name is Theodore, and Theodore means “divine gift”.

SID: Is he gift?

BOB: He’s not accident. He’s not a mistake. He’s not the result of a sexual affair. He’s born out of the heart of God just as my other three children, and entrusted into me. He is the greatest gift, one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received.

SID: Audrey, tell me about your son, Robert.

AUDREY: Oh he’s just brought so much joy to our home. And I think back, and all the lies the enemy told me about our kids being messed and that we would never laugh again or dream again, all those were because of just the power of what Jesus really can do. Our kids all love God. Our little Robert is now 11 years old, and he’s such a piece of work. He keeps us all laughing.

BOB: I struggled with would I be able to love this baby as my own. That was my biggest one. And my pastor knew that, and I questioned him many times. And one day he came to me, because I had other people bringing confusing points. Bob, you can’t love this baby. You’re doing so good. Give this baby up for adoption, all of these types of things. And one day, I was with him and I said, what do I do? And he says, “Bob, there’s a baby on your doorstep. What do you do? Will you participate with this fatherless generation or will you become a father to the fatherless? The rest is up to you. It’s time to grow up.”

SID: Hold that thought. But this is what I observed. I am overwhelmed. I am blown out of the water of the love I see between these two. I mean, it’s nothing of the transparency I see between these two. It’s about time for there to be transparency and reality. When we come back, I’m going to ask them to give you some keys as to why they have this and why you’re going to have this. Don’t go away.

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Written by sidroth

February 21st, 2013 at 11:07 am