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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guests Ron and Glenda Pettey

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SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Ron and Glenda Pettey. Ron dies on the operating table. He’s instantly in heaven. There’s a registration desk. An angel looks through the book. His name is not there. He causes, as he says, a ruckus. I don’t blame him. I would cause a ruckus too. But Ron, there were people on earth praying for you. Tell me about that.

RON: There was a lot of, what I’m calling, confusion in heaven. I had it thought of as a quiet, serene, beautiful place, and when I got there, it was a lot of noise, like walking into a large auditorium. A large auditorium and hearing everybody talk at one time. And I didn’t understand what it was. The person behind this desk asked me…

GLENDA: I think you asked him, “What is all this noise?”

RON: Yeah, and this person behind the desk said “Don’t you know?”

RON: I said “No, I don’t. Tell me what it is.” These were all intercessory prayers coming up on my behalf.

SID: So all the noise that you were hearing were people praying for you to not die.

GLENDA: Right.

RON: In disbelief, I said “You’ve got to be kidding me. I don’t know this many people.” The person behind the desk said “Would you like to hear one?” A prayer was drawn out. I was drawn to it, basically, and I heard every word that man was praying. And it was verified, because I think two Sundays before, they had started recording their messages, and it was all on tape.

SID: So when you heard it, it was word-for-word? Actually, as I understand it from the book,
you said the prayer, and then you listened to it? Is that what happened?

GLENDA: Exactly. That’s exactly what happened. So Mabry Cain, our friend, said “Well we prayed for you a lot of times. I don’t remember a particular time.” So Ron explained again, said the prayer, quoted him an exact phrase, which was a unique phrase, and then they found the tape, and it matched exactly. SID: You had so many wonderful experiences in heaven. One had to do with, you had a stillborn baby. Tell me about that.

RON: I’ll let… Ok. I’m sorry.

GLENDA: Ron relives his testimony, his story, every time we’re asked to share it. And that’s a very difficult part. He heard children’s voices, and one child’s voice was drawn out above the others. He tried to walk near to this barrier, but he could not pass through. He could not see the children, he could hear them playing as if playing in water, a stream. They sounded very happy. But he immediately knew that voice drawn out was our son, Jason. And as you walked toward the wall, or the barrier…

RON: This very large, authoritative angel stood in my way; put his hand over my face. It was a large hand, because it covered my entire face. He said “He’s fine, he’s taken care of. Now move back.” And I did. I moved back to the table where my name wasn’t in the book. I moved back to that table.

SID: Glenda, the thing in his story… It’s an overwhelming story, about the children in heaven.

GLENDA: Right. The next scene Ron was aware of were many thousands of people walking in the same direction. It was a corridor of people. Ron looked ahead to see where they were going, and Jesus was there, seeming to receive them. The majority of the people were children, children of all sizes and ages, with adults sprinkled throughout the crowd. You also saw children carrying something in their hands.

RON: What these children were carrying were other children. What I saw was not other children, I saw a miniature adult in their hands; what these children would’ve become if they’d have not been aborted or stillborn.

SID: Ron, you made eye contact with a young man in heaven. Tell me about that. It was very significant.

RON: This young man, almost in a mischievous way, said “I made it, I made it, I made it. And you didn’t.”

GLENDA: As he was walking along in the crowd, you made eye contact.

RON: He walked up to the Lord. Now the Lord was there. He passed through the Lord into heaven. I just… The Bible just came alive, because it says the only way to enter into heaven is through Jesus Christ Himself. That’s the only way.

SID: And what did the Lord tell you about this young man?

RON: He said…

GLENDA: Two words.

RON: Two words: “Remember this.” I thought I was supposed to remember that young man, and I would never forget him. I still don’t, to this day.

SID: But there was a reason that Jesus said that, and it’s so amazing. Don’t go away, we’ll be right back after this word.

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Written by sidroth

May 16th, 2013 at 11:25 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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