Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Jennifer LeClaire

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SID: So Jennifer has a great miracle. She has a relationship with God. God begins answering her prayers. She’s out of jail. Her record just totally disappears. She’s back and reunited with her daughter. She’s making $3000 a week. She has an extraordinary gift for writing. She’s making $3000 a week. And then all of a sudden she loses her job. She’s now making zero a week. She’s on food stamps. That must have been quite a comedown.

JENNIFER: It really was. It was very humiliating, honestly, having to go from having sort of everything to nothing. But what I had was worth more than all the money in the world. At this point, I had Jesus.

SID: Well and because she had a relationship with the Messiah things began to change as you began to pray. Tell me what happened.

JENNIFER: Well I began, as I said, to devour the Word and I never stopped. I began to meditate on the Word, and I began to put the Word into practice. And it’s one thing to read the Word and it’s another to study the Word. But when we put our action on the Word, that’s when we begin to see results, and that’s what I did. I plugged into a good church, I got equipped and I began to take the Word at face value. You know, if the Word says it, I believe that’s what it means.

SID: Well speaking of the Word saying it, one day, God speaks to you and He says to you, you’re robbing me. What did He mean?

JENNIFER: Yeah. I was living, very little money at the time. But what I did have I was generous. I would let people borrow it. And they kept stealing it from me. I wouldn’t be able to pay a bill because someone had taken the money that I lent to them. And I was really very angry and annoyed. And I was down on my couch on my knees, and I said, “God, you know, what is going on with this? I’m generous, I’m trying to help people. What is going on? I’m tired of all these people robbing from me.” And I heard the still small voice, and my heart says, “Well stop robbing from me.” And it was then that I learned really to tithe, to give the 10 percent to God. And I tell you when I did that, Sid, things slowly, it didn’t happen overnight, but step by step, began to turn around for me.

SID: Well give me kind of a review of what’s going on with you right now about the turnaround. How many books have you published? Have you ever seen those books for dummies in bookstores? She’s written a couple of them. Tell me about that.

JENNIFER: I’ve written several of those now, and those were the first books that I began to write long before I began to write religious books. And so I’ve written a number of those. I’ve now written eight Christian books on top of that. And God has taken the gift within me and used to bring increase and to bring prosperity into my life, and He’ll do the same thing for anybody.

SID: Okay. Tell me about the oceanfront condo. I mean, from food stamps to an oceanfront condo. Tell me about that.

JENNIFER: It’s really supernatural. What happened was I began to understand the law of confession, and I’m not talking about the name and claim it. I’m talking about standing in line with what God’s Word says. And so I began, I had a desire in my heart. I wanted an oceanfront condo. And so I began to confess: I have an oceanfront condo and it is paid for, back in 2005. I have an oceanfront condo and it is paid for. And I just, everyday, I had a list of confessions and I would read that. At the same time I would tithe, I would give offerings and I would work hard. And sure enough, within five years I have an oceanfront condo. And guess what?

SID: What?

JENNIFER: It’s paid for.

SID: I like that. How would you like that? Anything God will do for her, God will do for you. But let me ask you something. You struggled with fear and doubt, and unbelief. What did God show you about doubt and unbelief?

JENNIFER: God showed me a couple of things. Doubt is the doorway to unbelief, and unbelief will lead to fear. But the Holy Spirit showed me something even last night. He said, “The battle is in the mind, but the war is for your heart.” And the reason why is because—

SID: Wait a second. Explain that first.

JENNIFER: The battle is in the mind. So we have thoughts. The enemy launches his fiery darts. And really the battle is in the mind. It’s the thought, it’s the imaginations, it’s the suggestions that we hear: well you’ll never prosper, well you’ll never be healed, well you’ll never do this or that. And that’s the enemy bringing doubt, causing you to bring doubt that you will doubt God’s Word. See the battle is in the mind, but the war is for your heart. See, because the Bible says that we believe with our heart and we don’t believe with our mind. Believing with our mind is simply mental ascent. But believing with our heart, having pure faith in our heart, that is where the miracles happen.

SID: We’re going to come back in a moment and I want you to share the revelation that she had of how to believe with all of your heart, because that’s the reason that many of you are not having your prayers answered. There’s fear, there’s doubt, there’s unbelief. And even though you say, I believe, you really aren’t believing in your heart. We’ll be right back.

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Written by sidroth

May 30th, 2013 at 10:13 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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