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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Steve Hill

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Sid: I’m going to tell you something my guest is so red hot for the Messiah that even if you don’t read his books and get his tapes it’s going to pour out of the tapes and out of the radio right now.  Now Steve on yesterday’s broadcast we found out that a man I’m very familiar with Carlos Anacondia from Argentina I mean this guy has had such miracles and such deliverance and so many people saved and you walked up and you gave him a hand signal hit me on the forehead and he hit you and a ton of God’s power was deposited in you.  And you haven’t been the same since, but just out of curiosity, you went out for just a meeting and at the Brownsville church in Pensacola, Florida, and that turned into a meeting in which over 4 million people attended because there were such power radiating all over that congregation.  People were saved in amazing numbers, you were telling me that even the school system was affected, tell me about that.

Steve: Oh, they would call us because kids were falling out under the power in the hallways and one principal had several kids laid out in his office, and they had the paramedics there trying to resuscitate them with oxygen. You know the bottom line is God was moving Sid.  And I’m going to fast forward just a little bit because it just a revival it’s a move of God it has nothing to do with a building okay, you go back to Azusa right now and it’s a parking lot.  Okay it had nothing to do with the building it had to do with the Spirit of God; and so the revival moved, God touched and it went on for years and years and years.  Later I moved on, my wife and I moved on, we worked – we had previously after we worked in Argentina for 7 years, let me back up a second.  We worked for there for 7 years and we went to Russia, planted a church, we had planted 12 churches in Argentina, build an orphanage and I’m not bragging this is just what young people do when they’re on fire.  And then I read in a magazine about a move of God in England. I read in Time magazine so I went over there and Sandy Miller prayed for me in the Anglican church and I always if there’s a move of God Sid I’ve always gone on after it okay.  If you told me that there was a 12 year old girl in a certain town that God is using mightily under signs and wonders, I would go, I would go, if it was legitimate I would go to receive a touch from God period.  And so people would say, “Well, if God going to move He’ll come to our church and move,” whatever, whatever.  Why don’t you do both, why don’t you just pray that He’ll come to your church and why don’t you go after him also.

Sid: Well, you know that is a hunger, help me out I have this hunger but I don’t know how to answer this “How can someone listening to us right now have that kind of hunger for God?”

Steve: Well, it’s not that difficult, what we try to do is manufacture some type of relationship with Jesus.  We either know Him or you don’t. The way you know Him is you ask Him to forgive you of your sins and to come into your live and right now any one that doesn’t know Jesus, any one that doesn’t know Yeshua, you don’t know the Lord you can pray right now.  And say “Jesus, forgive me I have sinned, wash me, come into my life, be my Lord, my Savior, my very best friend.”  It’s not the length of your prayer my friend it is the quality of your prayer.  So I have a relationship with Jesus and He knows it, He can down load into my spirit anything because I love Him.  And if you love Him Sid the Bible says you’ll do what He asks you to do.  And you look at America, the reason we’re so messed up in the United States of America and the western church is because we say we love Him but we don’t follow Him.  And so that’s probably another whole other broadcast.

Sid: Tell me I want you to pick one out of the 1000’s if not 10’s of 1000’s of miracles that you saw in Pensacola, I want you to pick one and tell me about it.

Steve: Well, you’re being difficult now because I don’t talk about miracles unless they’re validated. So we spend time validating and one particular miracle which astounded me and you know people were always coming up Sid with x-rays before and after and all of this.  And you know I’d say “Glory to God.”  And if it were Spanish I’d say “Gloria a Dios que Él ha hecho algo maravilloso” glory to God He’s done something marvelous. There is one girl who came Sid and she was consumed with cancer, 15 years old wearing a baseball cap, skinny as a rail probably weighed I don’t know 80 pounds and she was dying and she was sent to us by a particular organization that let people that are dying, kids that are dying have their last request.  And she decided rather than go to Disney World or somewhere like that she decided to come to the Brownsville revival.  And remember we had been on CNN, Good Morning America, and Newsweek and it goes on and on. So people were being hit by this revival from all angles.  It wasn’t just a like a Christian sponsored thing, God was moving. So she told her parents she wanted to come down here, the organization OK’d it, they came down and this is one of the only times I ever made a show as far as bringing someone forward.  But God really spoke to me and said “We need to pray for her publicly.”  We did, prayed for her publicly Sid and two weeks later I received a letter, and this was back before emails, I received a letter from her father saying that they had had the MRI’s, the PET scans and the investigative work done on her and that she was cancer free. Well, fast-forward years okay that was back in 1998. Okay here we are years later, okay several years later way after the miracle we contacted her and my secretary had her number contacted her and she had moved out west she was totally clean of cancer, she had graduated from a university and she gave God all the glory for touching her.  So miracles like that we should not be surprised and right now if there’s somebody that you’re going “My God why won’t that happen to me?”  It can happen to you my friend, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I’m believing God for a healing touch in your body, I’m believing God to raise you up.  Cancer I rebuke you in Jesus Name, satin you have no authority over this man over this woman, over this child in Jesus Name we bind you in Jesus Name. We speak healing in Jesus Name.

Sid: Steve I believe people all over the world are being healed at this moment, but I have to take you to a point May 2011.  You’ve seen people healed all over the world, you’re on your deathbed in 2001 they discovered melanoma it had metastasized, and there was really no hope but you went to everyone you knew.  You were as hungry to be healed, obviously you’re a young man you’re at really everything that you’ve been trained for is for this moment.  And you know that it’s not God’s will you’re going to die but you get worse and worse and worse. On Mary 2011 you’re on your death bed; what happened?

Steve:  Well, for those of you that are experiencing the tormenting effects of cancer or if you know somebody.  I’ve never met a family that doesn’t know about cancer, somebody a friend, a neighbor. What happened to me was I had many many, many chemo therapies and I’m not going to go through them Sid in this broadcast but some of them lasted 9 months.  One particular chemo therapy they would tie men with straps to the bed because the influx of the poison, which that’s poison, chemo is poison would cause them to violently shake and then throw the bed over.  And anyway I went through 9 months of that and then 8 months of another one and 7 months of another one and finally my body gave up.  I was at the point where it was over and the authorities came into my room and they looked at me and I couldn’t walk, and I couldn’t talk I could barely talk and I didn’t know my wife’s name.  I called her George, and I’d look straight at her and called her George, I had lost everything.  And I knew that it was over for me and the doctors told my wife that “I’ve got a few days and to go ahead and make preparations.”  And so she bought two burial plots one for her and one for me and she planned my funeral in the room I’m sitting in right now.  She planned my funeral and wept, (crying) because the man she had been married to for 3 decades was dying. And now the authorities who know all about the physical body was saying “It’s over, there’s nothing more that can be done.”  And I turned to her and I said “Jerry, I’m going to die so take me off everything, just take me off everything and I know that it’s going to be violent but take me off every drug.”  Because everything shut down Sid, my liver, my kidneys, everything stopped. I’m not going to get graphic with the audience but it was horrible, it was horrible.  She slowly and she slowly weaned me off the medication and we’re talking about a period of many, many, many, horrific months but God slowly worked a miracle and staff would come in and they’ve help me walk a few feet; I couldn’t walk 50 feet.   And slowly but surely God began to restore me and I can’t put a finger on when it happened, all I know is that God touched me.  Now am I still dealing with cancer?  “Yeah, I still have some affects, and I don’t know what’s going on but let me tell you “I live a full life, I work from 14 to 18 hours a day, I preach, I laid hands the other day on at least 800 people…

Sid: I don’t know if I could do that Steve. (Laughing) Steve our time is up.

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Written by sidroth

August 12th, 2013 at 5:53 pm