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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guests Don & Mary Jo Pennington

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Sid: What would make someone red hot for Messiah?  What about having a granddaughter that has the gift of discernment that at age 4 ½ is caught up into the heavenlies has an encounter with Jesus. Comes back and has the gift of discernment, can see angels, can see demons, knows things that only God could have told her.  I’d say that would make you red hot.  I have the grandparents of Victoria the little girl, and the grandparent’s names are Don and Mary Jo Pennington. I’m speaking to them at their home in Brandon, Florida.  On September 2nd 2003 there was a swimming party and you had your granddaughter Victoria there in your backyard.  And you live in Florida and you’re having fun and you decide to go on the slide tell me about that.

Mary Jo: Well, as it was unusual for me to want to go up the slide because I had been crippled but the lord had helped me, and I just wanted strong but my knees were well.  But I climbed up very slowly up the ladder to our high sliding board and was standing up on top of it trying to figure out how to sit down and my little granddaughter said Mary Jo can I come up there and sit down with you?  And I said “Sure.”  Well she scampered right straight up behind me and I didn’t know it but I was still struggling to get down, seated on top of the sliding board and suddenly my feet gave way and I fell from 18 or 20 inches up just flat “Bam!” right down on the sliding board.  My body hit my granddaughter and knocked her off backwards as she was hurled about six feet back just from the force of the blow from my body hitting her.  And I screamed oh God I’ve broken my baby and she should have been screaming but she didn’t say anything.

Sid: Now how high above the ground was this?

Mary Jo:  Her head was about 9 feet up.

Sid: So the fall was a 9 foot fall.

Mary Jo:  Yes, it was a 9 foot fall with the force of me you know knocking her as though she’d been hit with a great force.

Sid:  So she should have been dead; no wonder you cried that.

Mary Jo:  Yes.

Sid: You must have had as much horror and fear as a human could have.

Mary Jo:  My heart was actually broken, I was so devastated. I couldn’t stop saying and I couldn’t turn to see her because she was straight behind me.  And then suddenly I could see her over to the side she somehow had come over to my view and all I had to do is look to the side. And I couldn’t take my eyes off of her I thought if I took my eyes off of her she’d break into a million pieces.  But my husband saw what happened would you like for him to tell you what he saw?

Sid: Yes, if you would put Don on the phone right now.

Don: Hello.  

Sid: Hi Don you were watching this going on you had to be as horrified as your wife Ma Jo.

Don: I just gasped I was choking on whatever I was trying to say.   

Sid: And by profession tell me what you do, what your profession is.

Don: I’m an engineer.   

Sid: Okay so you’re a real logical minded type of individual, tell me what you saw with your eyes.

Don: I was in the pool; we had another little boy with us that we were taking care of that day was about 2 years old and I was trying to keep him from being afraid in the water.  And I was standing down in the pool close to where the sliding board is.  And I heard this noise from Mary Jo come out and says “Oh God I’ve broken my baby.”  And I looked up and I saw Victoria just flying backwards off the sliding board.  And she turned; she stretched out backward horizontal with her head going back away from the slide. And then I couldn’t believe what I was seeing it was like I was seeing in slow motion.  And she turned 180 degrees with her feet pointed in the other direction and her head towards the sliding board instead of away from it and she started floating towards the concrete and moved over about 4 feet and she landed about 6 feet away from the sliding board and 4 feet off the side from where she should have fallen if she went straight down which she should have done.

Sid: Now how do you account for her changing positions in the air?

Don:  Well, that’s what my engineering mind couldn’t grab a hold of.  I could see her you know going backwards and maybe moving a little bit but turning in the air I just couldn’t grasp that.  And also she moved off to the side instead of going straight back and straight down; she moved over about four 4 off to the side.

Sid: Okay, in effect she’s 9 feet above the ground; it’s cement I assume on the ground correct?

Don:  Correct.

Sid: Alright, so when someone falls with a force as your wife accidentally hit her backed into her and she falls 9 feet down she should have been history.

Don: That’s right.   

Sid: So you ran to her and what happened?

Don: Well I had to get this little boy I had with me in a safe place and I got to her as quickly…   

Sid: My goodness you are logical I don’t know whether I could have been that rational but go ahead.

Don: But of course I want very rational at that time at all but it was just a matter of seconds because I felt like to get out of the pool and get to her.  And she was trying to get up. and she said “I’m okay grandpa, I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m okay.  But I made her lay still until I check her all over and I started with her head and feeling for or looking for any damage and feeling for any damage and gently down her back and her arms and her legs and they all moved okay.  And I decided that there wasn’t any blood of anything broken or dangling I said “Okay you can get up now.”  And I did and she had two little marks on her, her right elbow had a little scrape on it that didn’t even bleed and a little bit of pink mark on her left hand, on the palm of her hand, you know where it made contact with the…   

Sid: When you realized that she was fine; what were your first thoughts? I mean you went from shock and fear and horror to almost I would think almost unbelief.

Don: Unbelief and then it finally dawned on us that you know we just witnessed a miracle that God had protected her and saved her from great harm.

Sid: Now again is there any way, short of a miracle, that she should have had nothing more than a scratch?

Don: Absolutely not in fact a friend of our family just a few months ago fell off an 8 foot step ladder when he was working on the gutters and it killed him.   

Sid: Hmm. I’ll tell you what if you would put your wife her name is Mary Jo and I guess the family calls her Ma Jo, put Ma Jo back on the telephone.

Don: Okay hold on please.   

Sid: Okay, Ma Jo your husband sees this miracle, the last thing that you’ve said I think you said “I broke my baby.”

Mary Jo:   Yes.

Sid: Now you realize she’s okay what’s going on with you?

Mary Jo:  Well I was still stuck at the top and I couldn’t get down any other way but to slide down into the water and I knew that if she didn’t get right back on it she would be afraid of it all her life so I asked Grandpa to hand her up to me.  And he did and I wrapped my arms around her and we slid down into the water together and then we came in to take shower and I was praising God so loud, so long and thanking Him for saving her life that she finally said “I’m okay Ma Jo alright” she heard enough.  It was enough of that because she was just fine. And then she just didn’t say anything to us, she played with the little boy that was there and the first time that we knew that there was anything different that happened beside this wonderful miracle, that spared her life, was when her Momma called on the way home and checked on her and she said “Momma I’m not broken, Ma Jo knocked me off the slide, but I’m not broken.” And she said, “I heard God yell, save the children catch Victoria and then 6 big, big, big angles caught me and zoom they took me right up to heaven.

Sid: And remember Mispochah she’s 4 ½ years old now and she’s…this was a few years ago she’s 7 today, but this is like a book of Acts type of an experience. Did she tell you much more that occurred?

Mary Jo: Well, her mother was just speechless and she took the phone she said, “Give the phone back to Ma Jo” and she said “Did you hear that?” I said “Yes, I heard it but she hadn’t said anything about it all day.” And we were just so stunned she couldn’t think of a thing to say and hung up, the mother did so I turned around to Victoria and start asking real smart questions “Like how big were the angels?” You know I was just too stunned to ask intelligent questions.  And she told us how big they were and that when they held her hand with their warm hands they were this wide like 10 – 12 inches wide that her hand glowed too.  It made her…when she held them, when they held her they made her shine like a light bulb the glory of them emanated out through her she could see her body in her hands shinning.   

Sid: Now you realize as your sharing right now there is such a presence of God on the words that you’re speaking that although I don’t have the gift of discernment to see I feel the presence of God over what you’re saying. I have a book in my hand it called “Six Big, Big, Big Angels” of which you wrote and these were based on tape recordings of all the visitations and experiences that your Granddaughter Victoria had in this experience and many other experiences.  Why did you write this book?

Mary Jo:  Well, we had to write it the Lord spoke to us and told us to write it, write down everything. One minister that we tried to share a little bit said “Write down every word she says.” And as we gathered all this material and I transcribed it from the tapes God spoke to me and I had to get it into book form because there’s so many people that need to know what she saw once she got to Heaven.

Sid: You know I’m going to read a comment on the book by Wayne Anderson; he’s from the International Apostolic Ministries and he said quote “The first time that I told Victoria’s story several people reportedly began to have open visions of Heaven and some of those visions went on for days.”  Are you getting supernatural reports like this from the book from other people?

Mary Jo:  Well the book is brand new it hasn’t been out long, but two different people have called that they see a supernatural purple glow between the pages as they turn the pages and they feel the presence of the Holy Spirit as they read it.

Sid: Well, I can tell you that as I read the book and as I talk to you there is an awesome presence of God.  There’s some, listen would you like to see Heaven from a child’s perspective?

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Written by sidroth

August 19th, 2013 at 2:01 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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