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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guests Michael and Cyndi Hinson

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Michael and Cyndi Hinson

Sid: I’m going to make you a promise there’s going to be such a flow of God’s Spirit, that all things are possible.  My guests in the studio Michael and Cyndi Hinson I’m interviewing them on their brand new book I have copies in my hand.  Our office has plenty of them for you called “To Heal the Heart,” subtitled “To Life to the Fullest.”  Michael had a four day visitation from God.”  Tell me a little bit about that visitation Michael.

Michael:  This came out of sometime of calling out to the Lord and asking Him to show me my heart.  I had no idea that what I was asking; I was thinking that He would come and give me a pat on the back and tweak this and correct that and take some blinders off in this area.  When He came He came in His full glory and manifestation and when He did it was so overpowering; it wasn’t that He showed me individual things that I’ve done wrong in my life; He didn’t pull out some record book and say “Here’s what happened on this day.”  His glory started filling the very presence of where I was everywhere around me and it so lit up the room that when I was in it I was cowering simply because of the strength of His glory and the power.  Everything that was dark in me; anything that was self serving; anything that had a motive other than God’s purpose and plan it was like a dark spot in my heart.  It was like dark clouds showing up on a clear cloudy day they didn’t belong there. I could see every detail of them not because He had some record book with every wrong in it.  He did not want them there in me; what He wanted was that His glory to displace them, the light dispels the darkness, but the darkness what there because I had not repented of these things.  I had no idea that I was walking in this; I didn’t know that many of the things that I thought I was doing for God was serving myself.  There was many things that I thought I’d just done casually that I could see the truth of God’s hand in it in the very beginning.  He showed me my heart that I had never seen before; all the trials and the things I had gone through showing me those individual things the truth of the glory in them took place in me. I was overwhelmed because His glory was so strong that anything dark inside of me it made it almost impossible to be in His presence.  I repented for them as quickly as I could and went on to the next. More of His glory would shine and it would be harder for me to be in His presence more things inside of me that again I had a pure heart I believed.  I never thought for a moment that with every bit of my ability my hands were up in church, my heart was singing out to the Lord and there didn’t seem to be anything encumbering my relationship with Him.  I just wanted to be closer to Him so I asked Him to show me my heart; I had no idea what He was going to show me and I had no idea that kind of darkness could be in any person.  The people I pray for much less than my own heart; when God came and showed me the presence, when His presence filled me and surround me it was very difficult for me to breathe in His glory.  It wasn’t that I was taken up to Heaven; He came here and when He did again it was such a bright light it was such a fullness but it had no end to it, there wasn’t a starting point or an end to it it’s just all encompassing.  Everything about me, every motive, every intent it was as if there was a light shining on every single one.  And the ones that were pure just naturally fit in the scheme of things but those things they were like big banners that said this needs to change.  So God doesn’t come with some finger pointing at you for all the things, He wants to embrace you but anything inside of you that is contrary to His nature He’s going to keep you from being embraced.  Not because you don’t want it but it’s going to be there between you and Him until something is dealt with.

Sid: Many of you are saying “Oh, I know it will be difficult but I wish God would give me that type of a visitation.”  That’s why God did it for Michael because out of that visitation came this pure teaching of “Healing the Heart” so you can Live to the fullest. I’ve been making this book available for the last two weeks it’s a brand new book called “To Heal the Heart.” Michael I have been sensing the presence of God for healing, I don’t know what He wants to heal.  I do know one thing because I heard it as I started to say this, I do know that He wants to heal backs, he wants to heal backs right now in Yeshua, in Jesus Name.  Michael I know if you’ll pray God will flow.

Michael: Well Father, we come before you now in the Name of Jesus Christ and right now everyone that’s carrying burdens they know that they should not carry.  You’ve been carrying those waiting for God to move and change your heart, or change your situation or do something to make your life different.  Right now you need to do something, you need to release those cares, those burdens that you have been carrying.  You need to let go of those things that you have been trying to change and fix and for some of you need to line up with you know the Lord told you to do but you keep waiting for Him to somehow change His mind.  And His silence is not His approval; you need to release it even now.  In the Name of Jesus I speak on their behalf releasing things at Your altar, the weight of them we let go of now in Jesus Name.  We turn to You and we ask you to move on behalf even now we thank You Father, in Jesus Name we thank You, we thank You.  There’s some others you know who you are, sleeplessness at night the anxieties, you can’t find contentment in anything you do but you’ve been trying ever so.  You’ve been searching everywhere you can; you’ve lost intimacy in the things that were important to you.  Others very similar what you’ve done you’ve replaced it with busyness now, work is your focus, the hobbies are your focus; you’ve made something else more important, and you’ve lost that closeness and that intimacy with God and you want it back so badly.

Sid: And you know what, there are even people with ministry has become their focus rather than God.

Michael: Now they’re living off of the approval of the people and no longer asking God to be their one and only source of gratification in what they do.  Now they’re looking for that place very well.  I know that place very well, I was there not knowing before He came and showed up it was a completely different picture altogether.  This is so easy to do also, if that is you then just do this Father I repent and I return to my first love. 

Sid: Father I repent

Michael: And I return to my first love.   

Sid: And I return to my first love.

Michael:  You once had all of my heart.   

Sid: You once had all of my heart.

Michael:   And led every step I took.

Sid: And led every step I took.

Michael:   I repent even now.

Sid: I repent even now.

Michael:   And I choose to come home.

Sid: And I choose to come home.

Michael: And follow Your path.

Sid: And follow Your path.

Michael: In Jesus Name.

Sid: In Jesus Name.

Michael: There are others that you know that your heart has become callused and even as your listening to it now it doesn’t seem to mean anything like it used to.  You know your destination, you know the path that you’re on.  And you also know this there’s been no contentment in your life ever since then.  You’ve become busy and your head’s full of noise, and your hearts heavy, but there’s no contentment.  This is not the life that Jesus promised.  The life that Jesus promised is full of contentment and joy and even through your trials there is a peace, loneness is not there, and the drive is not there.  There is contentment beyond words; for those people I say this to you.  “Release it and let it go, run again to your First Love.”  Let things go that you are now think that you are mastering because they’ve mastered you, they’ve captured you and now you’re trying to find fulfillment in them and it’s just not there.  And just say this prayer. Father, I release these things.

Sid: Father, I release these things.

Michael: There is not fulfillment in them.

Sid: There is not fulfillment in them.

Michael: There is only fulfillment in You.

Sid: There is only fulfillment in You.

Michael: In Jesus Name.

Sid: In Jesus Name.

Michael: There are others that are dealing with loneliness and depression.  Some here have broken hearts, grief, there are still other’s here with anxieties and fears that are just eating at them.  These are easy things to take care of when you know the path to go on, but you can’t continue to do the same things you’re doing now and expect the outcome to be different.  What you need to do is make changes; changes in your own heart.  Some of you are actually thinking that as soon as some else changes things will be better.  The truth is that’s a lie. You can have the situation that you’re in right now as ugly as it may seem you can find joy by simply releasing these things and giving your heart to the Lord.  You may need to go back into the same things, but let’s lead you in a prayer that is simple to do this.  Father.

Sid: Father.

Michael: I lay my cares down at your altar.

Sid: I lay these cares down at your altar.

Michael: I give You my family.

Sid: I give You my family.

Michael: I give You my health.

Sid: I give You my health.

Michael: My marriage.

Sid: My marriage.

Michael: My finances.

Sid: My finances.

Michael: Even my job.

Sid: Even my job.

Michael: All of them came from You.

Sid: All of them came from You.

Michael: Their all Yours.

Sid: Their all Yours.

Michael: And I give them back to You.

Sid: And I give them back to You.

Michael: I cannot change my circumstance.

Sid: I cannot change my circumstance.

Michael: But I can change the way I serve You.

Sid: But I can change the way I serve You.

Michael:  I release them.

Sid:  I release them.

Michael: And I choose.

Sid: And I choose.

Michael: To follow You as You direct me.

Sid: To follow You as You direct me.

Michael:  In Jesus Name.

Sid: In Jesus Name.

Michael: And one last thing, there are some people that are flat out deceived and do you know how you know you’re deceived?  You don’t your deceived.  So let me give you the answer. Look at the fruit of your life, if you have joy and contentment in your heart? Are you sleeping through the night without effort?  Are you free, content, do you have the fullness of God, when you read the word does it come alive in you?  These things are symptoms of a life that is free and that is what God promised you. But if you don’t have it or if you have heaviness, if you have anxieties; now don’t misunderstand me all of us go through trials at some time or another, but the freedom God promises is different than this.  If you have the heaviness, the weight, the frustration, the sufferings, the anxieties, take a look because there is a reason for it and be willing to change your heart.  At least be willing to change your thinking God will change your heart.

Sid: Well, Mishpochah what Michael’s talking about this is the type of thing that he has the most anointed teaching from the Word of God that will set you free in all of these different arenas and he’s been teaching this for years and seen such fruit.

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Written by sidroth

September 9th, 2013 at 5:16 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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