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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Bill Prankard

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Bill Prankard

Sid: Now you know me Mishpochah I’m a Jewish man that I’ve been a believer in the Messiah over 30 years and I don’t know what it is to be lukewarm. I can’t relate to someone lukewarm.  And besides that my Bible says that  Jesus will vomit me out of His mouth if I’m lukewarm. But I mean I’ve been red hot since I’ve known Jesus; I don’t understand I can’t relate to anyone that isn’t.  I know what’s on the over side why would anyone want to take a chance of having one foot in the world and one foot in the Lord.  I have on the telephone a gentleman I’ve heard of for many years and admired.  He was a nice pastor who obliged a friend and went to a Kathryn Kuhlman meeting and his whole life was turned upside down. Kathryn Kuhlman was a friend of mine; I had several private meetings with her; I did a couple of television shows with her.  And to be quite candid with you I am still even though she’s in Heaven I am still in awe of the wonderful miracles that I saw take place under her ministry.  I’ve got questions on healing you’ve got questions on healing. Now Bill Prankard has probably seen as many if not more miracles than anyone on planet earth right now.  And he’s just the person I want to talk to I have him on the telephone at his office in Ottawa, Ontario Canada.  Bill, for those and we’re mostly in the United States by way of radio, that are not that familiar with your ministry. I’ll say it you don’t have to say it; he has a ministry similar to Katherine Kuhlman.  Similar to Benny Hinn but many of you have not heard of him because his ministry has been predominately throughout Canada.  But Bill I want you to take me back to that very very wonderful bus ride you took from Canada to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  What was the purpose and how did that come about?

Bill: Well, you know Sid first of all it is delightful to be with you on the program today and I’ve been looking forward to this.  We love you’re television program comes up here in Canada and we watch it.  And we love the supernatural so we are knitted together. Well, you know going back it’s like 33 years this coming Spring and yet it’s as real to me now as it was as if it happened yesterday I mean my life got totally radically messed up forever.  And we didn’t know much about Kathryn Kuhlman all of my life growing up in church I felt if God is God we should be seeing something happen; we should be seeing miracles happen.  Never saw them, I got saved I came to Jesus when I was 18: I  got filled with the Spirit of God and got called to the ministry went to an Assembly Bible School up here ordained in the Assembly Pastor here in Canada.  And really felt you know that I knew it all had it all; if you said to me at that time Sid there’s more I would have been offended. I mean after all I mean I speak in tongues and you know I’ve got the diploma and I was pastoring.  You know I pray for the sick and hardly ever saw anybody healed; I preach for people to come to Christ and very seldom anybody comes.  I thought that that’s just the way it is.

Sid: If I wasn’t a believer based on a radical experience with God on what I see in the average good Christian church in America I would begin to doubt.

Bill: Well, you know what but when you live inside that little world you think it’s everybody else that has a problem and I used to preach regularly from our little Assembly Church about those out there who had a form of godliness and deny the power thereof.  And I would point my finger right out across the street to a large mainline church and I would feel so good that we had it all; we knew it all we were doing it all.  And the others so called Christian Church were missing it and you know I’ve found out that there were people going down to Kathryn Kuhlman Service from our area. We moved into this little church in Ottawa Valley in Ontario which is the eastern part of Canada in a little rural community. Every week at least one bus load full of people would travel 12 hours down to Pittsburgh to a Kathryn Kuhlman service.  That’s amazing story in itself a Presbyterian man up here was healed of cancer in Pittsburgh came back took a car load of people down; they were healed.  It just mushroomed and that became his ministry taking people and they invited me to go; they said “We always like to take a pastor with us would you come?”  And I said “I’d love to come” I’d heard a little bit about Kathryn I’d heard miracles were happening that intrigued me. But the problem I had was between the time I said I would go and the time that I actually went I talked to ministers; I talked to my superiors; I talked to other pastors and I said “Why do people have to go so far to see the power of God?”  I mean I could not understand this; there was something wrong with this picture.  And they quickly shut me down and said “They don’t, that these people have a problem they are just running after Kathryn Kuhlman and you need to be careful; you just stay away from these people and you need to be careful of Kathryn because you know they said there is a lot of things in her past that are questionable and we don’t know who she’s connected with.”  And what they did Sid they put seeds into my heart that I didn’t even realize but those seeds grew and with that growing came an attitude an attitude of critical spirit just you know critical of her even though I didn’t know her.  Or had never been in a meeting so I made up my mind I didn’t ever want to go. One night I got a  phone call from the organizer and they said “We really need you to come tomorrow” and I said “Well, I need more time than that.”  And the fact was I had nothing else to do; but you know I said “I need more time than that.”  And they said “Well, the pastor that was supposed to go was sick and we really need you and you committed to come” and I said “Well you must have other people you can call.”  And they said “We’ve called everybody else on the list and nobody can go.”  So in other words I was their last choice and I didn’t want to go and they didn’t want me to go.

Sid:  It sounds like with the most important thing to happen short of your salvation you got pushed into.

Bill: (Laughing) I was forced into this because you know I made up my mind okay I have to go I’ve made a commitment I’ll go I won’t like it; I’ll criticize it and I’ll come back and say “I’ve been there and I’ve done that.”  I went down on the bus 12 hours with these problem people; get down there and you know we’re tired and now they want to have a prayer meeting the night before the service.  And so we prayed and we had a little girl on our bus with her mother Greek Orthodox who had come from Ottawa, Canada and she’d never walked four years old.  The doctor said “She couldn’t ever walk the nerves muscles in her legs had never developed.  And so we prayed “God if you don’t do anything else in that service heal the little girl.”  And so we finished the prayer meeting and we’re off to bed and they said “Will be leaving for the service about 5:30 tomorrow morning.” And I said “How far is it?”  And they said “Two blocks.”  And I said “Why are we going so early and they said because if you don’t you won’t get in.” And at 6:00 in the morning; so there we are Sid in a cold March wet morning 6:00 waiting for the doors of the 1st Presbyterian Church to open. 

Sid:  And you must have been saying “What am I doing here?

Bill:  You got that; you know anybody in their right mind is home in bed I don’t want to be here I’m with these troubled people; I’m tired I’m cold. So this wasn’t a faith mission at all.  And then they said… and the people seemed so happy to be there; they were singing you know and time went on and they said “When the doors open don’t be polite.”  And I said “What do you mean?”  They said “You won’t get in.”  Well when the doors opened I think about 8:00 in the morning you were pushed in.  I ended up sitting beside a lady that I’d never seen in my life and I thought “You know God I don’t want to be here and I don’t want to talk to anybody.”  And she started talking to me and here she is a Catholic lady from Canada who’d come all on her own; and I’m thinking you know “I was pressured to be here why would you come, I said “Why are you here?”  She said “Because I need a miracle.”  And I discovered since as you know that miracles draw the unbeliever; miracles draw the believer; miracles attract people.  And when people hear things are happening they come; they don’t care..

Sid: You don’t need a high powered advertising machine.

Bill:  No. 

Sid: All you need is a miracle

Bill: Exactly, they don’t care who’s leading the service, they don’t care where it’s at.  And so she’s said to me “I feel so good sitting beside you a Pentecostal Minister, because you know all about this.” Well…

Sid: If she only knew, Bill we’re just about out of time I want to talk a little bit about your book because I just read this myself; it’s called “Six Keys to Breakthrough in Healing.”  In your heart of hearts why did the Holy Spirit direct you to write this book?

Bill:  My wife and I started teaching these keys earlier this past year; last year actually. We saw such a breakthrough in people’s lives that we felt that we’ve got to get this out to people. They are keys that most people haven’t thought about connected with healing and in fact one of the keys about honor; honoring father and mother, is a key that changed my wife’s life. She got healed and several situations in her body because of that; so we printed this…

Sid: Let me tell you I got under such conviction when I read about running off with the mouth

Bill:  Yeah. (Laughing)

Sid: I don’t know whether you meant that or not but you nailed me big time

Bill: That’s a good one how to think about others in the body including other ministries and other ministers.  And so we published this last September and I couldn’t believe the response; we’re on our second printing now

Sid: I believe that there are reasons that people aren’t having the manifestation of their healing and I believe you have so nailed it after 30 years of walking in miracles as much if not more any person on earth.  These are the keys to the breakthrough in healing.

Bill:  That’s exactly why we did it because a lot of people are praying for people and they are not getting healed.  A lot of people are believing for healing and they’re not getting healed and these keys can help them breakthrough.



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Written by sidroth

December 24th, 2013 at 3:21 am

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