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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Lance Lambert

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Sid: I am so excited because my guest is a Jewish believer in the Messiah that has lived in Israel since 1973. His name is Lance Lambert and on yesterday’s broadcast we were talking about his homeland Great Britain. They made a tragic mistake there was in the British Foreign Office they actually became an enemy of the Jews trying to escape from Germany from trying to get out of this holocaust and get to Israel, and Britain was a major obstacle in stopping them from doing this. As a result Britain who was the greatest country in the world became… what would you call it Lance?

Lance: Well I would call it an offshore island of Europe now, for its own identity.

Sid: We were talking yesterday, just as I just said that the spiritual scales are coming off of the eyes of Jewish people. There are literally spiritual scales on the eyes of many Christians in reference to the Jew in Israel. As a matter of fact, I can’t see how someone can be a real Christian because of the fact that the Jewish people were faithful to preserve the scriptures which had the prophecies to tell us who the Messiah was. That the Jewish people are responsible for taking the original good news to the Gentile… the blood of the greatest Jew who ever lived flowed through the veins of everyone who calls himself a true Christian. I don’t understand how they can have spiritual scales on their eyes in reference to the Jewish people and the nation Israel. You were talking about the British Foreign Office and how they made some pretty bad decisions, what about here in the US our State Department? Why are they so anti-Israel it appears?

Lance: Well I think really it’s expediency, the fact is that Israel doesn’t have the oil. Our Arab cousins have a very large amount of the oil of the world.

Sid: So if oil wasn’t in the equation you think maybe we wouldn’t be so two-state solution minded?

Lance: I think it’s very much to do… first of all the enormous amount of wealth that is now in the hands of the oil sheikh’s for the investment in the world in general. It’s a question of expediency I think it’s very sad when you think the Burton, one quarter of the world was ruled by Burton. Seven times the population of the Roman Empire to believe she is only really a collection of islands off the continent of Europe is incredible but it’s happened. It happened with the Ottoman Empire, another huge empire, it happened with the Soviet Empire, another huge empire. All of them had something to do with Israel, their relationship to the Jewish people of Israel was the point at which they fell.

Sid: Now you know a lot of… I am told that a number of the spiritual advisers to our president of the United States are into what is called Replacement Theology, the belief that the church has replaced Israel in reference to the blessings. When it says Zion in the Bible that means the church it does not mean Israel. What would your position be on that statement?

Lance: I believe that there is a spiritual Zion, there is Jerusalem above which is the mother of us all. Finally when that great city, the new Jerusalem comes out of heaven having the glory of God it is the One New Man, but to deduce from that that the church has taken the place of Israel in my estimation is utterly wrong. For me as I see it, God began with the Jewish people and He will end with the Jewish people. The natural branches will come back into their own olive tree as the Apostle Paul said by the Holy Spirit in the Roman letter chapter 11.

Sid: Alright if you and I were sitting down and having, because you’re from Great Britain and because I’ve been over your house and I have had tea with you and I know that’s one of your customs, which is a very nice custom by the way. So if the two of us were sitting down having tea together and we happen to invite President Bush and Condoleezza Rice, and the question of two-state solution came up what would you say to our President and our Secretary of State?

Lance: I would beg him to think again because you cannot contradict a solemn pact that God Himself made with our forefathers in which He has honored in the recreation of the state of Israel. As I said in our last talk together God lives in the present it’s as if it was today that that pact was made. I know that President Bush is a good man, I know he’s a born again believer, I know that he has courageously stood up on the question of abortion, euthanasia, gay rights and many other things, but this matter is genuinely not understood by Christians they don’t understand:

  1. How important the Jewish people are to God
  2. How important the land the promised land is

In Joel it actually says that “In the day that the captivity of Jerusalem and Judea are returned” in other words over. “In that day the Lord says” this is Joel 3 and the first verses He says “I will bring all the nations down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat” Yehoshaphat means “Lord judges.” “Down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat and there I will judge them because they have scattered my heritage and divided My land.” What in the world can that mean “divided My land?” unless it’s two sovereign states living side by side in the land of promise that God promised solemnly to one party.

Sid: In affect what God is saying is judgment results for the sin of dividing up my land.

Lance: Yes. You know Sid it’s interesting the first American president to ever articulate the phrase “Land for peace” was President Bush Senior. The moment he did it you had the hurricane Andrew then later…

Sid: You know what’s even worse than that when the perfect storm came, you’re probably aware of it, but the father senior President Bush had a home in Kennebunkport, Main and it literally, the storm, damaged his home.

Lance: Yes and he had to leave the Madrid conference early.

Sid: For those that don’t know what the Madrid conference is that was basically the “Land for Peace Conference.”

Lance: Yes it was the beginning of this whole movement that is now… now we have his son articulating two states within this land living side by side in peace and security.

Sid: Lance will this ever be before the Messiah returns will this ever be?

Lance: That’s a good question. What I can say is this, if they try to do it the judgments that are coming down upon all the nations will get faster and more furious. Derrick Prince used to say absolutely rightly “When God judges as with the plagues in Egypt, He begins quietly and waits to see if there will be any repentance, if not, the next one is worse. He waits again if they don’t repent till in the end it becomes catastrophic.”

Sid: You know you mentioned the word plague and the whole world is now very alarmed over the bird flu.

Lance: Yes. I mean the real thing is this that these things that are happening now with the earthquake and tsunami at the beginning of the year, then another earthquake in the same place on Easter Sunday. Another one on the same place on Pentecost Sunday, I think it can’t be coincidence. Now you have the withdrawal from Gaza at the very last day of it you had Katrina in New Orleans.

Sid: You know we were talking earlier this week every time Arafat came to the White House and they cracked down on Israel there was an immediate within 24 hours of judgment.

Lance: Yes!

Sid: Now the new leader in the so called Palestinian state, the same thing is happening with him when he comes to the White House. How bad do you think it could get with the United States if we don’t back off this two-state solution?

Lance: I can well understand American patriots most Americans are pretty patriotic. I can well understand them that they cannot believe that America, the superpower in the world, with so much for her could in fact collapse. It happened with the Soviet Union, and it’s happened with Great Britain. God is no respecter of persons.

Sid: We did it again Lance we’re out of time.

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Written by sidroth

March 26th, 2014 at 2:23 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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