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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Susan Teplinski

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Sandra Teplinsky

Sid:   We want everyone everywhere to understand what replacement theology is and to be able to know what God’s position is.  You see replacement theology is the basic belief; One way of looking at it is, that the Jews have inherited today all the curses and the church as inherited today all of the blessings.  But you cannot read the bible from Genesis to Revelation and come up with that lie. For instance Romans 9, 10 and 11 just briefly… Sandy Teplinski and I’m interviewing her on this wonderful complete fresh approach to the question and the title of the book “Why Still Care About Israel?”  Sandy tell me a little bit of what can be gleaned from Romans 9, 10 and 11.

Susan:   Romans 9, 10 and 11 is chalked full of God’s heart for Israel that He wants His people, the Christian church to know about and to carry.  Roman’ 9 – 11 teaches us that God is… God Himself cares a sorrow in His heart for Israel’s salvation that He calls us to pray for Israel’s salvation that in fact that there is coming a time when Israel will be saved.  And that He has not rejected His people that He has called the Gentle Christian Church to pray for His people. To not be ignorant nor arrogant depending on your translation toward the Jewish people  But to understand that they have been grafted in like olive tree branches into a an olive tree that is rooted in a Jewish soil that rooted in the Jewish patriarchs and the Jewish scriptures and the God of Israel.

Sid: I love it in Romans 9 it says that the Jewish people are loved on account of the fathers.  What does God mean by that?

Susan:   Well what He says is that He loves them because of the covenant that He made with our fathers.  In Deuteronomy 7 God says that He chose and loved Israel because Israel.  That’s as much as He’s going to tell us.  It’s because He chose to make covenant and that that covenant still stands as Romans 9 – 11 expounds on.  And it expounds on that specifically for new covenant Gentle Christians believers.

Sid:  As an attorney what does it mean to you when God says in the New Testament that in reference to Israel “The gifts and calling of God are without repentance?”  As an attorney what does that mean?

Susan:  That means that He cannot take away the gifts that He’s put on Israel, nor the calling on Israel.  And specifically how I get to that as attorney is context. Context is everything.  You know we all love to quote this verse when it concerns our own gifts and callings.  And yes we can expanded way apply that on a certain level to individual believers but we cannot neglect the fundamental context in which that promise appears which is concerning God’s promises and covenant to Israel.

Sid:   You know and I know you feel this way but my heart goes out to how the Palestinians are being used by their own Arab nations that have so much money.  They’re being used by their own leaders who take the billions of dollars the US and other countries are handing them and just put it in their own bank accounts.  How the Palestinians have been left, on purpose, by the Arab nations to live in squalor when the Sheiks are running around with the wealth of the world, I mean they are being used. So what should I as a believer in the Messiah; as a believer that God wants the Jewish people and the land of Israel.  What should my position be with the Palestinians?

Susan:  Well, first of all your position is one of realizing the reality of what you just described.  And it’s a reality that I document extensively in the book and on the book’s website. But also just convey in simple language in the book itself this is the reality; we can’t live in denial any more.  We have to realize that our tax dollars are supporting the Palestinian peoples being used as pawns by the larger Arab Muslim world.  Now as Christians first thing we need to do is pray.  Pray for Israeli, and especially Israeli Messianic social justice organizations that are actually advocated on behalf of the Palestinians and trying to clarify to the nations of the world what is really happening behind the scenes.  Now I’m not talking about liberal left wing Israeli movements that sadly might even deny the scriptures and the word of God and therefore don’t even think about God’s covenant with Israel.  I’m talking about Messianic Israeli Jewish social justice advocates.  There aren’t many aren’t too many but pray for them.  And secondly there are a number of us that are involved in reconciliation efforts with Palestinian Christians.  And in a word it’s beginning stages because our theologies are so different much of the time.  Pray for that because we do love each other as brother and sisters but that love needs to mature in the Lord.  Pray for the minority of Palestinian Christians who do genuinely love God and love Israel.

Sid: You know one of the hopes that I see; one of the wonderful things that I see and I know that you put it in your book.  That Jews and Palestinians are having dreams and visions of Jesus.  And many of these Palestinians become such strong lovers of Jesus and lovers of what Jesus loves, the Jewish people and the land of Israel.  But tell me just briefly about the lies in the media.

Susan:   Oh my, well there is a whole… there have been some whole expose that have been done in the past several years to expose how the Palestinian media which is highly censored anything that is officially realized has to be cleared by the government. There is no freedom of press; highly distorted in order to present the Arab Palestinian Israeli conflict in a cause that is favorable to the Palestinians and highly unfavorable to the Israel.  And frankly what they’re doing many times is outright lying there is no way to whitewash it. They are…

Sid: Give me one example I know you have many in your book.

Susan:  Okay, well just one example this is kind of a comical example.  During the last war with Gaza at the end of 2012, Palestinians were posted on social media different photos and videos that they were representing to the live real shots of Israeli so called abuse of against so called Gazan innocence civilians and what we’ve found; what was found out within a matter of days that some of the footage and some of the photos actually depicted Jewish Israeli terror victims from the previous intifada; the Arab uprising of terror in the 2000’s.  Those were Jews that were being depicted as Arab victims; that’s just one.  Another one I just have to mention because this is the one that’s comical is that there was a video of a Muslim in Gaza that was being held by apparently an abusive Israeli soldier.  So we watch him clutching his chest and falling to the ground and his comrades are surrounding him and in the background there’s gunshots.  And toward the end of the video we see him pick himself up brush himself off put his arms around his friends and then they walk off. Well, that video came down about 24 hours after it went up but that’s the sort of thing that we see.  My question is if the Israeli abuse that alleged is in fact so great why do we have to go to such lengths to artificially portray it?

Sid: Well, that’s pretty logical but this whole thing isn’t logical; it’s not logical that the world is turning against the Jew in Israel.  Except God says it’s a final conflict of darkness and light that’s going on right before our very eyes.  That’s why I’m so excited about your fresh approach.

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Written by sidroth

September 5th, 2014 at 7:00 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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