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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Sid Roth

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Sid:  If you’ve been listening to me all this week you know why I’m red hot for the Messiah.  I cannot relate to a backslider; if you only knew what was back there you  would run and get so tight with Jesus that nothing would separate you from the love of God but you can certainly separate yourself because God is a holy God.  That’s why He says “Be ye holy for I am holy saith the Lord God.”  And I was one unholy mess.

A Jewish man that had left his wife; separated from my wife; left my daughter separated from my job.  Went searching for happiness; found myself in the New Age in a pit that I could not get out of and no one else could help me get out of it.  When there was nowhere else to go I cried out to God “Jesus help.”  And I didn’t have a vision; I had all sorts of stuff like that in the New Age.  Jesus didn’t come visit me; I had all types of manifestations in the New Age.  I had something that was never offered me in the New Age.  I experienced the peace and the glory of the Spirit of God.  I experienced being cleansed by the Spirit of God. And I knew that I knew that I knew that Jesus rescued me.  That I knew; that I knew; that I knew; that Jesus was my Messiah.  Don’t even ask me how I knew it; I can just tell you that I knew it.  And then I heard for the first time in my life the audible voice of God.  What He said was “Return to your wife and daughter.”  I had been separated for a year and I didn’t want to do it because our marriage wasn’t good.  But I was so grateful to God; He saved my life; He rescued me.  I’d be dead, or in an institution, or in prison today if it wasn’t for Jesus.  And to whom much is given much is required.  And I returned go my wife and daughter and God restored my marriage.

We started one of the first Messianic Jewish congregations in the United States.  A group of young Jewish people that were believers in Jesus.  We didn’t know anything.  We hadn’t even read the whole New Testament but we started this and it’s still going on today.  And in this Messianic congregation we hired our first Rabbi his name was Manny Brotman.  And he began presenting Jesus from the Old Testament. Although my wife was Southern Baptist she rejected all of that and became an agnostic in college with all the atheistic professors.  And then she converted… when we got married I insisted she convert to Judaism and she converted to Orthodox Judaism.  But she didn’t know Jesus; well I dragged her literally to this Messianic congregation and week after week Manny would say “Look at the scriptures written thousands of years before the events actually transpired. Look at the Jewish people; here God’s says that we would lose our country because of sin, we’d be scattered to the four corners of the earth.  Wherever we would go people would persecute us for being Jewish. And yet we would not assimilate there would still be a distinct people group called the Jewish people.  In the latter days Isaiah asked a rhetorical question “Could a nation be formed in a day?”  And from the 4 corners of the earth the Jewish people which God miraculously preserved would return to their homeland.  And all this has happened before our very eyes.  I mean 100’s of predictions about the Jewish people all came true.  And then 100’s of predictions about the Messiah of Israel and it could only be Jesus.

When Isaiah 53 was read; written 800 years before Jesus came to earth.  Anyone with a fair mind reads that; that’s why it’s not read in the synagogues but it’s certainly in the Jewish scriptures; Isaiah 52.  It’s really interesting Isaiah 52 is read in the traditional synagogue and Isaiah 54 is read in the traditional synagogue but no Isaiah 53. It nails Jesus as the Messiah.  My wife said “I must believe.  It’s overwhelming that Jesus is the Messiah,” and she had her own encounter.  And so God restored my marriage.  I mean the devil was out to kill and steal and destroy everything decent within me. And he almost succeeded. He wanted to destroy my mind; he almost did it.  He wanted to destroy my marriage.  He almost did it; he wanted to destroy my daughter.  He almost did it; well ha, ha the two word prayer “Jesus Help.”  Let me tell you what happened.  Joy and I got back together; we have been married 42 years.  My daughter is a strong believer in the Messiah; married to a godly man and has given us 3 beautiful granddaughters.  I got my mind back; I got peace; I walk in the presence of God all the time.

I’m doing the most wonderful thing a human can do; I’m telling everyone everywhere that Jesus is real; He’s bigger than the Jesus that you know about through religion.  It’s not a head knowledge; it’s a heart knowledge.  It’s not a tradition learned by rote; that’s what I had in Judaism; traditional Judaism.  It’s intimacy with God where I hear His voice.  He said “My sheep hear my voice” and I heard just a few minutes ago about some of you.  I heard that God had healed some of you.  I heard that there was someone with a severe pain in their neck.  And by the way this happened before today.  This happened while you were listening to the broadcast this week.  And you got healed and didn’t even know that it was God.  Well, I’m telling you it was God it’s not me; look at me as a good Jewish secretary.  And I take good dictation from my Heavenly Father.  And so you were healed earlier this week. But I tell you there is a presence of God that is going out over the airwaves right now that is so strong that no pain can stand in its presence.  Spirit of pain get off that back right now.  Get off that hip in Jesus Name; get off those fingers in Jesus Name; get off that shoulder, in Jesus Name. Get off that head spirit of migraine be gone now instantly in Jesus Name. And pour your love; You’re healing virtue just; pour it into Your people right now.  And cause them to repent of known sin.  That means tell God you’re sorry and ask Him for the power in Jesus Name to overcome that compulsion in your life.  In Jesus Name I break every curse up to 4 generations.

I tell you it’s so strong in back and heads right now. If you have tumors in the brain I say they’re gone.  I say if you have tumors anywhere in your body. Cancer anywhere in your body it is gone in Jesus Name.  Oh God you are so good.  There is nothing I would rather be doing than telling people about God and how good He is.

That’s why I’ve written my latest book “The Race to Save the World.” In this book I show the last move of God’s Spirit before Jesus returns.  It’s the knitting together of Jewish people and Christians that know the Messiah to form the One New Man.  And when this occurs there will be a release of such glory.  I have found that there’s actually Biblical laws of evangelism that the church has been blind to.  That when the church moves in these Biblical laws of evangelism watch the largest Gentile harvest in history.  When the church starts moving in these Biblical laws of healing; what the greatest healing revival in history. You see the biggest problem we have is the form of our religion because it’s based on a super star system that came right from the Emperor of Rome.  Passed on to the Catholic Church and then infected the Protestant church. Christianity went from a vibrant religion to a spectator sport.  But I tell you each one of us are going to be moving in the power of God.  The least Christian will move in the supernatural and this is God’s time; this is your time.  Repent of your sins; make Jesus your Lord; walk in holiness, and read your Bible.

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Written by sidroth

October 22nd, 2014 at 6:09 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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