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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Pat Schatzline

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Sid: I’m so excited about the remnant package that we’re making available this week, brand new book by Pat Schatzline “I AM Remnant” the 3 powerful messages on CD. When he shares these miracles erupt and the “Manifesto of the Remnant” poster. You told me this was downloaded to you from heaven. Number 1 What is the purpose or these 34 proclamations?

Pat: The remnant proclamations or manifesto are compasses or plumblines to guide the remnant to stand firm in the darkness of culture. And God gave me 34 and I just began to write them down on my phone. As He gave them to me I felt the presence of God and would break for a moment and began to weep, and I would pray in the Spirit. If was as if I was walking I felt as if there was angels standing over my shoulders. And I’ve seen angels obviously and encounters with angels, supernatural experiences with angels. In fact the minute I got done writing it I got back to my car and laying in the front seat was a white feather. I just started laughing, I said “God you’re so good.” And then I looked up and my wife and I believe strongly the rainbow has always been used to show us we’re on the right track. And I look up and I’m about to pull away and I took a picture over my phone and there was a rainbow, a rainbow streaking across the sky. And it was as if the Lord was saying in the Hebrew “Y-O-O” or well done is the word in the Hebrew. It was as if I could hear the Lord say “Okay, now you’re ready to write the book.” And I used those to write the vision right. And there’s people listening right now I want to go ahead and warn you while you’re on this call if you’re driving, at home, or wherever your listening you’re going to feel the glory of the Lord overwhelm you and you’re not going to understand it except to say that it’s His love. Because the Lord just put that in my spirit to tell you, His right there beside you you’re not alone.

Sid: Tell me a couple of the proclamations, and I might add you proclaim these on one of the 3 powerful messages we’re making available in additions to the poster. But tell me a few that were downloaded from heaven.

Pat: The remnant will consist of failures, fatherless, forgotten and freedom fighters. And their pedigree is out of a scared Savior. The remnant cannot be defined by man’s human concepts because the remnant finds their value in the eyes of their Savior. A remnant will not… the remnant has decided that at all costs I will not quit on the One that would not quit on them. And I could keep going until it begins to burn in my spirit. I may start preaching but the remnant doesn’t stop when they should have died because they know that Jesus did. And the remnant has chosen to let go of past hurts in order to experience the freedom that comes with forgiving and moving forward. The remnant has chosen to leave a life of compromise for the spirit of consecration being set apart. And here’s my favorite “The remnant understands the fruit of the Spirit is not a salad for a church Pot Luck, but rather the diet of a lifetime. And the remnant knows the gifts of the Spirit are not for the Evangelical, Charismatic and Pentecostal talent show but the weapons of a dying Leader who has chosen Spirit over flesh and freedom over slavery.” That’s just some of them right there that God gave me.

Sid: Tell me about the statement the Oscar goes to the remnant that says “Yes.”

Pat: “The Oscar Goes To” is a chapter that I’m going to get real with you. I’m so frustrated with celebrity Christianity. And so many times a lot of people don’t realize the only celebrities in the Bible were children. And so many times, and the Lord has really dealt with me about this because of traveling and speaking over the world. The only red carpet in the Bible was where the blood of the martyrs was spilled. And the only roped areas where they hung the martyrs those that stood for Christ. And Jesus would had had a handlers, the woman with the issue of blood wouldn’t have never gotten to it. So the chapter on the Oscar goes to the… it so burns in me…the about those who will stand and realize that we are not the celebrity Jesus is. You know He always tells me I’ll get ready to walk on stage and He’ll say “Pat you open the curtain for me and let My glory show, if they can see you they can’t see me.” And God says to me “Pat you’re at a place where I’m crushing you like an olive to get the anointing oil out of you and I’m expecting you to stand up and be pure; it’s not about who knows you, it’s about who knows Me.” And I think so many times Sid people are literally screaming “No, not Him give us Barabbas.” And what I mean by that is we’re screaming “Look at me, don’t look at Jesus” because if they look at Jesus they might realize that we don’t look like Him very much. And God has called the remnant to be the humble, the broken, the ones who will weep and cry out to Him. The ones that will simply grab someone by the hand an unknown person and say “Let me walk you back to the cross.” So that’s where that guy the Oscar goes to is I’ll be honest I felt the Lord tell me “No more celebrities, I’m looking for the broken the remnant.”

Sid: You know I had a dream very similar to that when I was a brand new believer and let me tell you about my dream Pat. I was in heaven and it was academy rewards, not a-ward, academy rewards night. And so they opened up the envelope and I thought in my heart in this dream “Boy my name’s going to come out.” And instead a little old crinkled woman got the award and I’m looking at her. And then God speaks to me and God says “That could have been you.” I’m going to tell you something that really put the fear of God in me.

Pat: (Laughing)

Sid: But that’s the same thing that you’re talking about. You talk about the world going after the superstars and giving the superstars the trophies but what is God looking for?

Pat: You know about a year ago I had a dream and I fell asleep in a hotel room in Arkansas and I was speaking the next morning. And suddenly in my dream Jesus… and I’m not even sure that it was a dream as much as a visitation. Jesus walked into my hotel room and all I could see was His foot. But as He got closer I’m in a hotel room in my sleep I began go scream “Please do not come any closer or I’ll die” the fear of God came into my hotel room. And I said “If you come any closer I’ll die Lord.” And the Lord, all I saw was one foot with a scar print and I’m literally screaming in my sleep in my hotel room. And the Lord said to me “Son if you give me everything you have I’ll give you everything I have, if you’ll tell this world if they give me everything they have I’ll give them everything I have.” And suddenly He was gone, I was so shaken to the core, I got up and I turned on worship and began to dance before the Lord at 1:00 in the morning in a hotel room in Arkansas. And I began to study John 7 where it say “Ask seek and knock.” Those are perpetual terms that means “Never stop asking, never stop seeking, never stop knocking” because He’s there and He’s calling out to you. And it wrecked me much like your dream because I realized had I really given God everything?   He said “I want everything about you Pat.”

Sid: But, but wait a second how do you do that you can’t do that by yourself, what do you suggest you’re doing it, and what do we do?”

Pat: Well, I’ll be honest if that moment, and it started with me when my sister suddenly died of a drug overdose 7 years ago when I suddenly realized okay for years I’ve done it on my own, for years I’ve tried to build ministry and all of that kind of stuff. And it’s at that place where the end of yourself is the beginning of God. It’s a place where you get down and you say “God without You I’ve got nothing.” It’s a place where you come to contentment with His presence. My wife speaks a great deal about revelation about drinking from the well and getting to that place where you say “God, I died to everything, it’s not legalism it’s relationship.” It’s making up your mind “I’m not going to be a part of this world because I am awkward, I am called to be different, I am called to be separate.” But it’s tough, and I’m going to say this everybody talks about changing wineskins and it’s a powerful statement. But a lot of people don’t realize that once the wineskin changes God has to ferment the wine. It means it’s a long season of breaking and crushing and crying out and saying “I’m desperate.” God loves you so much that He won’t let you avoid the encounter, He forces you into encounter.

Sid: You make another statement and that is it should take less than 10 seconds to get into God’s presence. That’s sounds wonderful, is that true for everyone?

Pat: I believe that it’s for every single person. It’s like I can be in a crowd of 5 or 5,000 and simply say “The Holy Spirit is standing in front of you and He’s breathing on your face like He did to the disciples in John 20.” And people will begin to weep and wail. I was in a church several weeks ago, 3 weeks ago in North Carolina and I was walking on stage a crowd of 1000’s and I’m going to walk on stage and God said “God open the door and invite My Spirit in.” And I said “Lord Your already here I feel You. He said “I know, but I want to give them a tangible moment.” Sid this honestly happened. I run over to the side door of the sanctuary and I said “Folks this is just for me I guess and I say “Holy Spirit would You come in.” And at that moment people began to wail and cry out and weep, multicultural church, began to run to the front crying out to God. Because I believe your lifestyle shouldn’t change when you get to heaven. The encounter, I will say this when I talk to young ministers, you’re 30 minutes away from any moral failure, the enemy will track you. Thirty minutes away from making a mistake but your only 10 seconds from the presence of God to save you.

Sid: Now you say the whole thing, the whole process can start with a simple prayer that we believe. Later this week would you lead us in that prayer?

Pat: I’d be honored to, yes Sir.

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Written by sidroth

May 14th, 2015 at 2:12 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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