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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Dr. Paul L. Cox

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Dr. Paul Cox

Sid: My guest by way of telephone Dr. Paul L. Cox from Asland’s Place Ministry in Apple Valley, California. We’ve been talking this week about realms that most people have only read about in the Bible. Paul before we went on the air you were telling me about your moving yourself and your whole ministry into a new realm when it comes to deliverance, explain.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Well when the Lord started releasing deliverance in the early ’90s we pretty much use a classical deliverance model. We would talk to demons and we’d get information and the Lord started telling me that I was not do that anymore and that He was going to change the model. He started releasing more and more information. And then I had some prophetic words very early that with one word I would cast the demonic out. I pretty much told the people the prophetic that that was impossible you couldn’t do it that way. Then some years later a prophet friend of mine from Alaska called and said he had a scripture for me and it was from the book of Matthew. And the verse was “With one word the Lord cast the demonic out.” And he said “Do you know what you’re supposed to do with that? And I said “I think so.” So I started to say one word and with my discernment I could feel the demonic start leaving and I could feel it leaving for up to 70 hours, as the Lord would clean out the person’s entire generational line.

Sid: Now you’ve lost me, what do you mean for 70 hours?

Dr. Paul L. Cox: For 70 hours if someone would stay with us I could feel the enemy coming off the person’s generational line.

Sid: That’s interesting now I’ve prayed for people for deliverance and I’ve put my hand on them and prayed and I can feel the thing leaving.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Yes.

Sid: Is that what you’re explaining.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Exactly, then I started receiving prophetic words that the Lord was going to be using us to do deliverance on congregations. We were in Honolulu last… the end of last year. I’d been invited to speak at a healing service at a Monday night. I expected just a few people to show up and the church was packed. And so we were back in the back praying and we felt the power of God come on us incredibly strong, so much so that we literally were on the floor in the power of God. And then we told it was time and we had to go to the front to start speaking. I got to the front and the power of God was on me so strongly that I started 3 or 4 times to speak and I was not able to. Then I just stood there and I said “I do not know what God wants to do but there’s something new happening. And with my discernment I felt the demonic starting to come off of people in that congregation. Waves of the power of God started coming over.

Sid: Now are you saying before you even prayer?

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Yes, I didn’t have to do anything. And waves of the power of God started coming over the people, people started falling on the ground manifesting. The Lord started setting people free.   I never know when this is going to happen…

Sid: In other words you can’t pray right now you can only do it, I mean you could but you could really with power when the Lord tells you to do it or it just happens while you’re talking.

Dr. Paul L. Cox:   No, I can discern with my discernment and God’s going to do it. I was in Argentina and a prophetess from the United States was speaking and I felt a furnace. And you remember Mt. Sinai Moses said that the furnace was on the mountain.

Sid: Yes.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: And now when I feel that furnace I know that God’s fire is going to come, His purifying fire. And He literally is going to drive the enemy out of the congregation.  

Sid: Well give me an example of what happens when that fire comes.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: When the fire comes…

Sid: I mean give me an exact example of a congregation that this happened in.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Okay, for example I was in Toronto this last week. And we were ministering to the School of Ministry there and there were about 100 kids there. And the furnace showed up and again I was not able to talk anymore and kids literally started falling to the ground manifesting. The Lord had deliverance sovereignly on everybody there.

Sid: Okay, in churches in Bible schools what about the highways and byways, do these gifts ever operate when you’re outside of the 4 walls?

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Yes, very often. I have a sense that the Lord is going to release discernment as evangelism and it starts setting people free so that they no longer are confused by what the enemy is doing and can accept Christ.

Sid: Let me give you an example, there are a lot of Jewish people like you know I come from a Jewish background.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Yes.

Sid: That have such defenses built up that they’re almost… you can’t penetrate them unless a miracle happens and God removes He calls the spiritual scales.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Yes.

Sid: Are you saying we can facilitate this?

Dr. Paul L. Cox: I believe this is something that the Lord is going to do. I have faith that He’ll do it. But again I cannot initiate it, everything that has happened to me in discernment the Lord has initiated. I just had to discover what He was doing. Many times I do not understand sometimes for weeks what’s new in my discernment. But when I enter into what He’s doing I go back to what Jesus did. Jesus said “He only did what the Father was doing.”

Sid: Right.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: My level of discernment is I can understand what the Father’s doing and when you enter into that that’s when I see amazing amount of power take place.

Sid: Do you have any revelation on Jesus said “You’ll do the same works I’ve done and even greater.”

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Yeah.  

Sid: What did He mean by greater, I know the works He did but what about greater?

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Well I don’t know I’m not smart enough to know that but I’ll tell you what He’s done with me I’d never would have dreamed could have happened. Well people say to me “Well I can’t do that.” And my response is “Well you can’t do that yet but you can believe that you can do more than you’re doing now.” And I was over 45 when this happened to me and I didn’t ask for it, I didn’t know about it. But it is a much more exciting way to live as a Christian and it’s certainly not boring.

Sid: Now when you’re out in a restaurant…

Dr. Paul L. Cox:   Yes.

Sid: Have the gifts of discernment operated and what have you done about it. Give me an exact example.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Oh, it’s fun. The Lord loves to eat out.  

Sid: (Laughing)

Dr. Paul L. Cox: And we’ll be in a restaurant and angels will land, prophetic words will come. We’ve had, one time we were in a restaurant and angels started landing and I was with an intern.  

Sid: How did you know an angel was landing, how did you know that an angel was landing?

Dr. Paul L. Cox: I could feel it on my head.  

Sid: You mean he landed on you.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Right by me yes.

Sid: Huh, and what’s it feel like?

Dr. Paul L. Cox:   It’s like a pressure on the center of my head.

Sid: How do you know it’s angel and not a demon?

Dr. Paul L. Cox: It’s an angel because the Lord taught me how to discern that. Now Sid you gave me permission to do whatever happens right?

Sid: Absolutely.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Okay, well there’s an angel by you right now and it has something to say to you, this is a message from the Lord for you. Okay, the message is still coming and the message is almost here. Okay there was some thoughts that came into your mind?

Sid: No.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Keep listening. I’ve never done this on radio before, you generally feel or see?

Sid: I do both, well no I don’t see I generally feel or hear.

Dr. Paul L. Cox:   Hear, okay.

Sid:  And I usually hear like one word, like I did hear the word head.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Okay, ask the Lord why He gave you that word, now there is more information coming. Same angel is now giving you more information. What is happening now the Lord is telling me what is going on by you through a pressure on my head.

Sid: Well I can hardly wait, tell me.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Well he gives you the message.

Sid: Okay, (Laughing) oh my goodness.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Okay, it’s still coming.

Sid: Well I did what I normally hear when I’m in the Spirit, I hear one word.

Dr. Paul L. Cox:   Okay.

Sid: I heard head, which and I know what that means. What that means is anyone that wants a healing in any area of their head or neck they can receive. I heard hip, which means anyone that starts exercising by faith walking will be healed. Now that’s the way it normally operates when I’m ministering. So could this be the same angel that tells me words when I minister?

Dr. Paul L. Cox:   Exactly, I feel anointing with that and the Lord’s confirming. Now what I can tell you is there is an angel that the Lord sent to give you those two words and so you have given those two words. And then the Lord is going to honor you speaking those words out in faith.

Sid: Okay, I was looking for a whole message, that’s why I was being still. I heard single words.

Dr. Paul L. Cox:   Nope, I think you did just perfectly.

Sid: Well my goodness the anointing is getting stronger. Can you tell what’s going on with that angel?

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Yes, there is an anointing on approval of the Lord on your life.  

Sid: It’s getting stronger.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: It is.

Sid: And my hands are getting warm and I hear the word back. Which obviously means anyone with a back problem and the head I’m hearing again. If you have a back or a head problem is being healed in Jesus Name.

Dr. Paul L. Cox:   Yes, there is anointing with that also.

Sid: Now on tomorrow’s broadcast we’re going to experience that Shabbat that Sabbath rest way beyond Orthodox Jews, way beyond Sunday Christians there must be something more. There is something more….

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Written by sidroth

June 9th, 2015 at 7:01 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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