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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Trisha Frost

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Trisha Frost

Sid: The way you’re red hot for Jesus is everyone everywhere must know Jesus, and know means have intimacy with Him. But there are things that are stopping you from having the intimacy that your heart craves with God. And that’s why my guest Trish Frost, I have her new book “Unbound Breaking Free from Life Entanglements.” You know Trish the older I get the more sympathy for God. I think we humans are so messed up I mean the ministry that you have every Christian the minute they get saved should go through it.

Trisha:   Well I think so, I’m in agreement with you and the reason I feel like Christians everywhere should go through this is it helps you become unbound, it gets you unstuck. I don’t know about you Sid but I don’t think I’ve ever been anywhere I have not met people many people that they’re stuck in life and they don’t even know why. You know they don’t understand “Okay I’m repeating this behavior over and over and over again it’s causing conflict in my family, I don’t want the conflict in my family, I don’t want the conflict in my relationship with God or man, but here I am stuck. How do I understand how I get unstuck?”

Sid: You know the best way for them to understand what you teach is for them to understand you and your husband Jack who is now in heaven. Trish and Jack Frost have the most wonderful ministry, and I’ll use her words, to get people unstuck. Now in your case you were raised by a Christian family. Your father had a heart attack wasn’t able to make a living, so what areas were you stuck in?

Trisha: Well my father was a great man and we went from being a middle class family to a family that just barely had enough to get by. And even though he was a good man he provided food, clothes and shelter, as a child I judged him because I embraced a lie about him. And the lie that I embraced about my dad was that he’s a good man but your father will give you just enough to get by. And so that carried into my relationship with all men and especially God. You know that God is good and I know that I told everybody that I was born saved of course we know that that’s not true but I grew up in such a Christian home that I never knew a time in my life as a young person where God was not a part of my life. And so I began to see God the same way that I saw my earthly dad that he’s good but he’ll give you just enough to get by. So when people started telling me about faith and that you could trust God and that you could believe God for all of these things that wasn’t my reality. You know it might be truth but it wasn’t my reality because my judgment of God was He’ll give you just enough to get by, so I was stuck. I was one of those people that heard all of these wonderful things about the supernatural power and relationship of a loving God but it just wasn’t happening in my life. And so I was stuck, I was stuck in a lie in an ungodly belief and it kept me bound most of my young adult life.

Sid: And it seems to me the way that you were taught the word they gave you a King James Bible when you were just 5 years old and gave you a dictionary and said “Read it.” I’m amazed that you did that, but you must have been fairly legalistic too at that time.

Trisha: Well I grew up with a good background, again my family was Christian but we did come probably from a law based Christianity than a love based Christianity but we didn’t know any better. You know, I’m 60 years old now Sid and growing up in that kind of home over 50 something years ago it was just natural for me. But my mom she knew the importance of the word, she knew the importance of getting the word inside of us. But again 50 years ago there was no such thing if there were I didn’t have one as a Message Bible, as a Living Translation, as a Study Bible. Our family just couldn’t afford things like that and so what she could afford was a dictionary. Because I remember going to her and asking her “What does this mean, or what does this word mean?”

Sid: Okay, we’ve got a pretty good background of you, now let’s take your husband Jack. You made a statement about him and you said “He was the most wounded person you knew” that’s quite a statement.”

Trisha: Yeah, he was very wounded and if you remember anything about Jack’s background he grew up with alcoholic parents that he had to perform to have a place of value. So Jack grew up striving, striving for that place of value to where mom and dad would even notice him. And because they didn’t notice him being an alcoholics they didn’t even notice Jack, he was almost invisible. And his brother was the superstar or the tennis player. So Jack kind of grew up emotionally detached from people, no one showed him affection, no one showed him value or affirmed him so he grew up that way. And as an adult man when we got married and he had a family he began to treat us the same what that his family treated him because he didn’t know any different.

Sid: And you came from a background of low self-esteem, he came from a background of low self-esteem it’s a miracle you two stayed together.

Trisha: (Laughing) We used to say that all of the time.

Sid: (Laughing) But guess what the people that are listening to us right now they would say “Well it’s a miracle we stayed together.” But God had a plan, what is the major thing that got your husband’s attention that caused him to recognize he was stuck?

Trisha: Well I think the main thing was our oldest son and Jack’s relationship with our oldest son. I remember one day he kind of saw the look in Micah’s face when Micah just gave up, there’s no point in trying to cut the grass right, there’s no point in trying to do good in school because no matter how good I do even if it’s the best I can do it’s never enough to please dad. And so that look that Micah gave him that look of “Well I don’t have any value either in my dad’s eyes and I think that wounded Jack to the point that he just kind of set out on a journey. “Okay Father God I have never known intimacy with a Father, I don’t know where to start.” And of course he got saved first but even after his salvation Sid that didn’t change his behavior. You know he was a saved person but he was mean, he was still mean. So salvation didn’t change his behavior and it was in a pursuit that he constantly pursued intimacy with a loving Father. He never could find it until finally he went to a “Father Loves You Conference” in Toronto. And it was at that conference that this sweet fellow he was 5’6” his name was Jack Winter, prayed for 6’5” Jack Frost and he just asked him one question. He said “Jack has your father ever blessed you?” And Jack, my Jack had to say “No, I’ve never been blessed by my earthly dad.” And he didn’t know anything about a father’s blessing. And so Jack Winter stood for about 20 minutes just speaking life over Jack, just blessing him, just telling him all of the things that a father should say to a son. So when Jack came home from that conference, you know we had not gone with him to that conference. And when he came home from that conference I knew that it was real because he didn’t try to take it and teach it to at a church he was a conference speaker by that time. He brought it home and the first thing he did was he just changed. He went from being the aggressive striver Sid to the loving, kind father. We didn’t know how to handle this Jack we’d never seen this Jack. And it was out of that that he began to changed his relationship with Father God changed first. He stopped seeing God as that cop in the sky that’s out to get you no matter what you do your doomed. And he stopped seeing God that way and he began to see “Okay, I can have a relationship with God.” Really, you know, but something happened with the power of that blessing that got him unstuck to the point to where he began to relate lovingly and kindly first to me and then to the children. And it has gone around the world, I mean the message of one changed life has literally touched 100’s of 1000’s of other lives. And continues to this day even though he’s in heaven.

Sid: Everyone, I’m convinced, is entangled with some wrong thinking which then becomes a stronghold. And many times they don’t even know their thinking is wrong all they know is the way that they react. How do people get to the root of their wrong thinking? It’s easy to see what your wrong thinking was now. It’s easy to see what Jack’s wrong thinking was now. How do people listening to us get to the roots of their wrong thinking?

Trisha: Well I think they have to identify “What is the behavior?” In other words, “What am I doing that’s wounding other people?” And as for me I pray the word of God, you know Psalms 29:33. You know “Lord, search me, there’s got to be something inside of me that doesn’t want to do what I’m presently doing that’s hurting and wounding other people.” And so I began to trace that wound back to “Okay, where was the point that I was wounded, where did I give life to pain that has caused me to be stuck in childhood behavior or to be stuck in you know negative thinking?” And I believe…

Sid: I’ll tell you we’re out of time right now.

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Written by sidroth

July 1st, 2015 at 2:36 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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