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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest James Durham

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SID: Now I was talking to James Durham about his visit to Heaven. And something intrigued me, because I’ve had prophetic words myself that there was an ancient door that was getting ready to open in my life. When you went to Heaven, describe that ancient door. I want to understand this.

JAMES: Well Sid, when I was lifted, this was sometime later. I had been to Heaven a few times. But I was lifted up and I saw this ancient arched wooden door, and it was an amazing door. It looked like it was very, very old, but the wood still looked very strong. What amazed me was that it had hinges on both sides and there was no doorknob. So by human means, there was no way that I could open that door, but I felt like I was supposed to go through the door. And my only opportunity was to ask the Holy Spirit help me somehow to understand how to get through this door. And suddenly, the door swung open.

SID: What was the first thing you saw when it swung open?

JAMES: Actually, I was looking into what appeared to be a room. But it was dark in the room, because where I was standing was a much brighter light, and I couldn’t see very clearly inside the room. But I was led by the Spirit to go inside the room. And as I walked through the door, I heard audibly three times, the Holy Spirit announced, “An oak of righteousness, an oak of righteousness, an oak of righteousness.”

SID: What does this mean?

JAMES: And I immediately thought of the words from Isaiah and that this was the secret place of the Most High God.

SID: Now when he was in the secret place of the Most High God, God commissioned him to do three things. What were these three things?

JAMES: Well the Lord told me that He wanted me to, number one, write a book, and I did not want to write a book.

SID: Why?

JAMES: I always said, I will never write a book. So I had to eat my words for many, many years.

SID: I’m sure.

JAMES: To write the book. Second thing He said was move. And I loved the house where we were living. It was exactly kind of like my dream house and a dream office. But I immediately began to get the house in order to move. The third thing He told me to do was to go back and invite people to come to the secret place and to give an impartation for heavenly visitation.

SID: Now would there be a lot of preparation involved before you invite people? When did you first do this with others?

JAMES: Well I was hoping there was going to be a lot instruction and a lot of time before I actually had to do this because I felt like people would think I was crazy to come back saying things like this. And so I asked the Lord, “How long do I have?” He said, “Until this Sunday,” which was like two days away.

SID: Well did you do it?

JAMES: I did it. I did it.

SID: And what happened?

JAMES: Well some people received that. Some people actually visited Heaven. But other people, I got some strong rejection from some of the people and I really understood that I was going to receive that rejection. It made it clear to me right away that when you obey God and you say things like this that are so far out of line with the way people normally think, you will experience some rejection.

SID: You know, then multitudes have been, when he teaches, have had experiences of going to Heaven. But why is it? I’m hearing, I think there’s a new believer. But I’m hearing so many people now, believers are having visits to Heaven. Why is that happening now?

JAMES: Well Sid, I believe the reason it’s happening now is that time is very short. In the First Letter of John, he says, “This is the last hour.” And I believe that God is getting the bride ready and He’s calling people to Heaven to give them instructions, the preparations, the correction, whatever discipline they may need to be ready. And I believe that we’re at the time of the great End Time harvest, and God is calling the harvesters to Heaven to train them and to empower them, and to gift them to go back into the harvest and win lost souls for the Kingdom. Some people were going to Heaven and some were not. So on one of the visits I asked the Lord, “Lord, why is that? I just don’t understand it.” And the Lord said, “The number one reason is grace.” That when we go Heaven and He tells us to do something, if we don’t do it, judgment will come, and He does not want to give judgment right now. He wants to give more grace and more mercy. And so he’s waiting until people are ready to obey, and that’s God’s grace.

SID: Now why did He choose you to talk about the ladder of going up to Heaven and coming back like the angels did? Why you?

JAMES: I think because there’s absolutely nothing special about me. I think at that time I had been away for 30 years in the military. I was basically unknown in the church, in the Body of Christ, and the Lord wanted someone who was unknown. So that when I would share with people I had been to Heaven, I figured they would look at me and say, well if he can do it, I can do it.

SID: I like to say that. Anything James can do, you can do better.

JAMES: Amen.

SID: We’ll be right back and maybe you’ll pray for us.

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Written by sidroth

August 26th, 2015 at 5:52 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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