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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Francis Hunter

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Frances Hunter

Sid: For the past 30 years I have been diligently trying to understand everything I could possibly understand in reference to healing and faith to miracles because the Bible is very clear, if you want to reach a Jewish person with the gospel it says “The Jew requires a sign.” Now when I was a brand new believer just starting out there was a couple by the name of Francis and Charles Hunter. They would have meetings in the… at that time I lived in the Washington DC area and they would have meetings. And outside of the Hunters and Kathryn Kuhlman I didn’t know anyone that would pray for people. And the power of God would cause them to fall over. But the difference between the Hunters and the Kuhlman ministry is the Hunters would share this gift. Meaning that they would have… I have on the telephone Francis Hunter from her office in Houston and Francis you may not remember this but my wife and myself…you’d say “Anyone that want to move in this gift come on up on the platform with us” and so my wife and I would come up on the platform and we would… well I don’t think Joyce did at that time come to think of it. I went up on the platform and you’d said “Okay pray for people.” And I pray for people and they would be slain in the Spirit. You don’t like to hoard the gifts yourself do you?

Francis: No.

Sid: And as a matter of fact that’s what God’s created an evangelist for.

Francis: Amen.

Sid: To equip not to just be a superstar. You know I have just been reading your book “How to Heal the Sick.” And although it’s not a brand new book it reads like a brand new book; did you know that?

Francis: That’s what everybody says it just reads like a brand new book. As a matter of fact I was sitting at my desk this morning and I got 3 or 4 letters from people who said “I just found your book “How to Heal the Sick” and it has changed my life forever because I never knew that I could heal the sick.

Sid: Listen, the Producer of my radio show her job is reading books; she reads them all the time. And she said “Sid, you’re not going to believe this but I have just read this book by Francis Hunger called “Heal the Sick” it was written a number of years ago but it has done such wonders for my faith. Now for her to say this it means something because she’s reading the latest books all the time!”

Francis: Hallelujah!

Sid: But any way there’s something in this book that got me so excited. Actually I had read the book previously but there is several prophecies at the beginning of the book and one by a man by the name of Tommy Hicks. And I’m not going to take the valuable time to read all of it they can get the book because it’s a very long prophecy but this is something that God used to confirm the ministry He called you and Charles to. And I want to read a portion of it because whereas when you read this Francis I believe you thought that this was going to happen immediately. It is my contention but as I’m reading this this is what I see in the Spirit; I know that I know, that I know, that I know that what I’m about ready to read to you is about ready to happen on planet earth. I’ll just read a little bit of it; are you as excited as I am?

Francis: I would rather be alive today than any other time in the history of the world.

Sid: How young are you?”

Francis: Eighty-eight. (Laughing) I just had my 88th Birthday last Friday.

Sid: Oh, well I wish I had known we would have had the interview Friday and I could have sung Happy Birthday. This is better than Happy Birthday.   I’m going to read from page 11 of Francis Hunter’s book “How.” And that’s the key operative word, “How To Heal the Sick.”

Francis: Good.

Sid: And this prophecy came in 1961 through Tommy Hicks.

Francis: Yeah.

Sid: And I’m just reading a portion of it. “At that moment there came a thunder that seemed to roar from the heavens.” And I’ve got to interrupt myself right now I have to tell you that this Tommy Hicks turned a whole nation upside down with the power of God. So he he’s a man you want to listen to when God says something.

Francis: Yes.

Sid: Alright, here it comes.

Tommy Hicks ’61 prophecy: At that very moment there came a great thunder that seemed to roar from the heavens. I turned my eyes toward the heavens and suddenly I saw a figure in white en-glistening white. The most glorious thing that I’ve ever seen in my entire life! I did not see the face but somehow I knew that it was the Lord Jesus Christ and He stretched forth His hand and as He did He would stretch it for one and to another and then to another. And as He stretched forth his hand upon the nations and upon the people of the world men and women as He pointed towards them this liquid light seemed to flow from His hands into them. And a mighty anointing of God came upon them and those people began to go forth in the Name of the Lord. I do not now know how long I watched it. (See this was a vision that he was having) He says I do not know how long I watched it it seemed it went into days and weeks and months I beheld this Christ as He continued to stretch forth His hand. But there was a tragedy; there were many people that as He stretched forth His hand that refused the anointing of God and the call of God. I saw men and woman that I knew; people that I felt would certainly receive the call of God. But as He stretch forth His hand towards this one and that one they simply bowed their head and began to back away. And each of those that seemed to bow down and back away seemed to go into darkness, blackness seemed to swallow them everywhere. I was bewildered as I watched it but these people that He had anointed 100’s of 1000’s of people all over the world in Africa, England, Russia, China, America all over the world the anointing of God was upon these people. As they went forward in the Name of the Lord I saw these men and women as they went forth. They were ditch diggers, they were washer woman, they were rich men; they were poor men. I saw people that were bound with paralysis and sickness; blindness and deafness as the Lord stretched forth to give them this anointing they became well; they became healed they went forth. And this is the miracle of it; this is the glorious miracle of it these people would stretch forth their hands exactly as the Lord did and it seemed that as if there was the same liquid fire in their hands as they stretched forth their hands they said “According to my word be thou made whole.”

Francis: Hallelujah!

Tommy Hicks ’61 Prophecy Continues: As these people continued in this mighty end-time ministry I did not fully realize what it was and I looked to the Lord and said “What is the meaning of this?” And He said “This is that which I will do in the last days.”

Sid: Well, I’m going to stop right now you’ll have to read that whole prophecy yourself in the book. But I’ll tell you Francis and those Mishpochah (that’s a Hebrew word that means family) those Mishpochah that are listening to us right now this is ready to happen. Now who do you think is going to say yes Lord when He comes to put this miraculous faith healing anointing upon you to do great and mighty works; to do the same works He did and as He said “Even greater.” Because so many will be walking in this power; are you going to say “Yes” or are you going to say “No.” Well I believe that those that are hungering for more; those that are not satisfied with the mediocrity of traditional religion; those that say “There is more and I’m going for the gold.” Now I have Francis Hunter on the telephone and she is 88 years young and I tell you that she is going for the gold. Francis “What do you believe will happen from someone that reads your book “How To Heal the Sick?”

Francis: I believe that they will learn how to heal the sick because God is going to give the world a demonstration in this last hour as the world has ever known. Now I’m reading the rest of this probably a little bit it says:

Tommy Hicks Prophecy continued It says these men and woman are from all walks of like, degree will mean nothing when one would stumble and fall another will pick it up. There was no “Big I” and “Little you,” but every mountain was brought low and every valley was exalted. And they seemed to have one thing in common; there was a Divine love; a Divine love that seemed to flow forth from these people as they worked together and as they lived together.

Sid: And you know the thing that we got to tell more about this prophecy.

Tommy Hicks Prophecy cont’d: He said “I didn’t see denominations; what I saw was the Body of Messiah; people loving one another; not having differences, people preferring one another.”

Sid: I have to believe Francis that what we saw was a snapshot of the first church; not the 21 century American Church.

Francis: Amen.

Sid: There has got to be a change and it’s coming and I have to tell you Mishpochah when you read this book it’s going to put a fire in you. A fire to believe that it’s not the superstar that is going to cause the people in your neighborhood to be healed and then believe in the Messiah. It’s going to be the Superstar in you.

Francis: Yeah.

Sid: And you used a key word Francis; you said that “God wants a demonstration of His power.” The key word is demonstration of His power before He returns. And that prophecy goes on to say some pretty bad things that will happen for those that don’t know the Messiah.

Francis: Yes.

Sid: But Francis I’m looking at some of the miracles that you’ve witnessed with your own eyes. For instance even I the book you talk about someone’s thumb literally grew out 75 people saw this.

Francis: Grew back on in front of everybody.

Sid: What do you mean “Grew back on;” explain that.

Francis: Well, there was no thumb; I mean the thumb had been cut off and we prayed for the thumb and as we stood there and looked at it the thumb grew right back on the finger. Right back on, he came up with a thumb that where the entire last knuckle where the fingernail would be that was totally cut off; there is just a little stub there. And then the finger totally grew out perfectly. And then after the finger grew out then the fingernail grew on it. That almost blew us away. (Laughing)

Sid: I’ll tell you your experiences and stories with angels and with healing. But the one thing about your books is you’re not the star.

Francis: No, you see we believe Charles and Frances can do it you can do it too.” And that means to everybody in your listening audience. If we can do it they can do it too.

Sid: Accept one thing you can’t do is give me more time right now. We’re out of time Mishpochah we’ll pick up right here on tomorrow’s broadcast.

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Written by sidroth

September 16th, 2015 at 10:24 am