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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Randy Clark

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SID: So Randy Clark had miracle after miracle, after miracle. How important is that through dry seasons, so to speak, that you remember back on what God did for you?

RANDY: Well when I went into the ministry I went to a Baptist college that was very liberal. I studied religious studies and it almost caused me to lose my faith. What kept me from losing my faith was I knew the healings were real and I couldn’t deny that. And so almost everything else supernatural was being denied by my teachers. And but I couldn’t buy it because I had been healed. So it saved me, saved my faith.

SID: Okay. He’s now a pastor, I assume of a Baptist church.


SID: And God began to talk to you. What did He tell you about healing?

RANDY: Well a guy was teaching, a young guy from my college I had gone to, and I was listening to him, and it wasn’t really a great sermon. And I mean, he was spiritualizing the text with the woman with the issue of blood as I had spiritualized it many times. And in the middle of that I started just tears gushing out of my eyes. It wasn’t like I was [unintelligible]. It felt like it was shooting out. And I’m thinking, what is this? It has nothing to do with the sermon. It’s not that good. What are you doing? And I felt like I heard an impression: “I want you to teach that I still heal today to this church, and I want you to have a conference on healing in this church, and I want you to preach differently, more of my words and less of yours, and no more of three points and a poem.”

SID: That’s pretty good advice. Okay. So you’re going to have a conference. You see a man on TV that I had the opportunity to meet, John Wimber. You invite him to your congregation. He says he’s too busy, but he has someone else that he’ll send.


SID: Take it from there.

RANDY: Well Wayne Cook came. He was like John’s right arm guy and through three other, four other guys with him, and it was all Heaven broke loose. I had never seen anybody flowing the word of knowledge, and he did. He gave 20 words of knowledge and that’s enough for now. I was praying and fasting that God would come and visit my church. I wanted to receive an impartation from him. And the first two services other people in my church were touched, drunk in the spirit, falling out. We had never seen anything like that. It was all new to us. It scared a lot of people, just trying to get out of the building they were so scared. And but I wasn’t touched at all for the first two services. It just gave me a holy jealousy. And then the third service, the Spirit of God touched my wife and I at the same time, and I felt like I had been electrocuted.

SID: Now wait a second. I hear a term: electrocuted.

RANDY: Yeah.

SID: Make it more graphic so I can understand it.

RANDY: The electrical power, if you hold something electrical, they’ve got these things, if you turn it up all the way, it will cause your hands to start doing this, and it will cause you, you know, involuntary muscle spasms. That was going on and it would cause you to shake. And the next day, all my joints ached, very similar to what it felt like when I would go [unintelligible] and walk into an electrical fence, and hit that electrical fence. It makes your joints ache, that’s how much power it made my joints ache for all the next day.

SID: Better than that, tell me about the medical doctor that went behind you, the plastic surgeon. What did he observe and what did he say?

RANDY: Well in one night in Brazil, we had 13 get healed in one night. One guy had 30 screws all attached, all types of screws, 16 screws. He can’t move and they’re doing everything they could do. He wrote down their names and numbers. He was a plastic surgeon. And for the next six months, he called them every month to just check to see how well they were. And they had absolutely no thoughts of the healing that they received at those times. After six months, he was convinced.

SID: This is major. This is verified by a medical doctor, you sceptics. Jesus had sceptics, too. Tell me, here’s what’s so wonderful to me. He teaches people and then they do the same thing, but this is off the chart. Tell me about a layman that went with you on one of your trips and prayed for someone that, I think, was he paraplegic?

RANDY: Paraplegic, yeah. He was in North Carolina, from Wilmington. North Carolina and his wife is a nurse, and he was a relatively new Christian. He had an alcohol problem, recovering alcoholic. And three years in a row he’d want to go with me to learn how to pray for the sick. And every time when it came time, he would fall off the wagon. Well this time he didn’t. And I share that not to embarrass him, but to talk about the grace of God. Sometimes we think we got to be so holy before God will use us. It’s grace and that’s why I mention that. And so he’s there and hasn’t had any sleep for 48 hours. And I’m getting ready to release, there’s like 10,000 people in the sanctuary, to come forward. And he prays this little prayer: “Lord, you know I’ve never prayed for anybody in my life. That’s why I’ve come to learn how to pray for people on this trip. I want to see somebody get healed, but this is the first time. Bring me an easy one, a headache or belly ache, nothing hard.” And he looks out and sees this guy in a wheelchair rolling toward him, and he says, “No, Lord, no Lord, not that!” He won’t even look at him. He turns his head this way and the guy rolls up to him, pulls on his pant leg, “You’ve see, Jesus healed many people. He now wants to heal you.” And he said, “I did everything that you taught us to do.” And then I interviewed him, and nothing had happened. And so the little bit of faith he had, he said, “I don’t have any now. But then I remembered you said, ‘You don’t expect us to heal anybody. Only God can heal. But you can expect us to love them, that when we get done praying for them, they don’t feel worse than they did before, guilting them up, telling them it’s their fault or anything like that.'” And so he [unintelligible] “If I quit praying now, I’ve prayed so short, he’ll not feel valued as a human being or loved. So I’m just going to pray for him to feel loved, not that he’s expecting to get healed.” And he said, he’s about to go to sleep. His head is falling down the back of his shoulder, and right before he started to snore, the guy jumped out of his wheelchair, turned around, hugged him and cried on his shoulder, it dripped until his shirt was wet. I went home that night and said, “God, that’s not fair. I’ve been praying for 30 years. I’m sick. This is the first time.”

SID: I tell you a few people at home and in the audience, studio audience, are saying the same thing.

RANDY: Then I came to my senses and realized his healing is my healing because we’re all one body and it’s for God’s glory, and then I got over it and thanked the Lord.

SID: You know, you said something major. You said, he remembered you taught me, you can love the person.

RANDY: Yeah.

SID: You could show the person their love. How would you like to operate in words of knowledge like Randy Clark. When he teaches, what percentage have accurate words of knowledge, would you say?

RANDY: When I teach, usually we have a time when we give people a chance to come give their first word of knowledge ever in their life and it’s usually around 90 percent of accurate.

SID: That sounds pretty good. We’ll be right back.

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Written by sidroth

October 29th, 2015 at 5:36 am

Posted in Sid Roth