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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Dr. James Maloney

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Sid: Now if you’re not red hot right now I’m going to introduce you to a friend of mine Dr. James Maloney he’s a Professor from Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas, and he literally travels the nations. I’m having difficulty Jim in that in my notes it says that you witnessed with your very own eyes a person in India whose hand was sticking out where the arm should be and when prayer occurred you saw the arm grow all the way out before your eyes.

James: That is true Sid.

Sid: Tell me about it I mean I never have seen anything like that before. (Laughing)

James: It was quite thrilling for all of us to see that. It touched a lot a lot of peoples’ lives there in that particular remote area in India.

Sid: Describe it I wasn’t there be my eyes right now tell me what happened.
James: Well, we just had thousands upon thousands of people that had come out and many of them had never heard about Jesus Christ. It was in a remote area in India Sid and I had a team of about 12-15 men and women various people from the United States. We went into that area and began to preach Jesus Christ and him crucified. And one of the team members a precious precious lady and I believe that she’s gone on to be with the Lord now but God mightily used her. And as we were ministering to the sick and to the afflicted there were 100’s upon 100’s of people sick, disease ridden, deaf ears needed to be opened blind eyes, crooked bones made straight. And this particular gentleman came up in the line and he had no arm we saw his hand by his shoulder but we couldn’t find his arm. And so I had this precious sister her name is Alma she just laid her hands upon him and she just prayed and really she didn’t even mentioned the name Jesus she barely got the name of Jesus out and all of a sudden the hand shock. I’ll never forget it it just caused you know chills to run up and down my spine. And that hand just went flying in the air and it was really great because with it thankfully there was an arm connected to it.

Sid: It would be even more supernatural if there’s no arm connected to it. (Laughing)

James: (Laughing) But it was just awesome and I’m telling you what praises just broke out among those precious Indians. More people came to the saving knowledge of Jesus. Of course it changed my life I didn’t sleep much that night after that miracle and created faith for many other things to be taken care of. And it just touched this precious lady’s life and of course the gentleman had a tremendous testimony so the next 2 to 3 days of the crusade meetings we would get him up on the platform and he would testify and he had this brand new arm. And of course everyone knew him so that of course just brought out more people out of the surrounding villages and so we just had a great time.

Sid: You know one of my board members his name is Jonathan Bernis and he has a Jewish ministry like myself. And he said “Sid you’ve got to come with me to India I have never seen such miracles that take place in India.” Why does miracles take place by many people that are praying in India and I don’t see that same degree in the United States? That’s a hard question but I really want to know the answer.

James: Well Sid it is a hard question and I don’t know of any single individual has the full answer I’ve got a few thoughts on it. As I’ve ministered in North America as well as in other areas of the world. We see God minister and His healing power and miraculous power among people here in America seen some traumatic things take place. But you when you go to a nation like India and there are just millions upon millions of people that are just laboring under just so many things and great oppressions and demonic strongholds in that nation.

Sid: Well I think we’ve got more demons that they do ours are just more sophisticated.

James: I think ours are just a little more sophisticated and maybe even a little religious a little bit.

Sid: Oh, you’re meddling now (Laughing)

James: I think that in India I mean here in America Sid it’s like you know if you get sick you know diseased or whatever we go to doctors and we thank God for doctors and nurses but you know people in India a lot of them they don’t have anywhere else to go to. And so when we come and share you know the full gospel that Jesus is not only our Savior but He’s also our healer when we receive Him they’re like children. I mean they just have this childlike faith and they just believe what you’re preaching and what you’re teaching. And you know the Bible makes it very clear that it is the gospel that we preach is the power of the Lord unto salvation and so the Holy Spirit quickens what you’re preaching them the simple gospel of the kingdom. And they receive as little children and they don’t have any other alternative.

Sid: You know I think that you really nailed it with the 2 reasons that you’ve come up. Here in America you get sick with modern science the way that it is today you go to a doctor and he fixes you up you don’t need faith at all. But in India you can’t go to the doctor you don’t have Plan B, you only have Plan A or you don’t you don’t corrected.

James: That’s correct and also too I think that there’s a principal we need to share with the audience that God is for everyone and every nation. These people you know many of them haven’t even heard about Jesus Christ. They don’t know the plan of salvation for humanity, so the Lord is really reaching out into those people so there’s tremendous anointing and healings that take place to rest their heart. Because we already know the greatest miracle’s the salvation of the soul. In America we’ve been quote unquote the same way over the years, you know a Christianized nation. And we’ve heard the gospel and you know many times you know we’ve heard it over and over…

Sid: We’re gospel hardened.

James: Yeah.

Sid: Literally in this country we’ve heard it for the 50th time where as the people around the world haven’t heard it for the first time.

James: That’s absolutely correct and it bears witness within their hearts and they receive Jesus and He loves them like He loves all of us. And they cry out to the Lord; I mean when we preach to them that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever Sid we tell them that hey He shed His blood not only for our sins but for also placed upon His back the strips that were placed upon the back of Jesus for our healing. They just receive that message it’s no different to them they had never heard it before. They never heard a message that’s been proclaimed many times in America where Jesus deals with our sins but He doesn’t take care of our sicknesses. And so they’ve never heard that so there is nothing to unteach really you know.

Sid: None of that unbelief.

James: Yeah.

Sid: But you now Jim there another thing that intrigues me about you beyond being a professor at Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas. You have a ministry that takes you around the world you’ve been to something like 21 different nations you have an invitation to Kuwait because the truth is that you move in the gift of miracles. And however when I take a look at your background I say “What a miracle of God that you’re even sane and in your right mine.” I mean when you were a child you were totally neglected as a child, you went without food for days because your mother just couldn’t afford to help you and then you had a step-father that got back from the penitentiary and I mean it sounds like he would step on your face and beat you up against the wall. Would he really do that?

James: It was quite difficult the first 2½ 3 years of my life it really was difficult. God’s a good God and He sovereign and in His providential care He really did take care of me the first couple years of my life. I’m a miracle like many people.

Sid: You should have been in the penitentiary or dead with starting that way.
James: Yeah, yeah I mean it’s just the mercy of the Lord Sid my biological mom she was a young teenager herself and she didn’t have you know money to properly take care of her child. Her husband was in a penitentiary and she was a lonely teenager and so you know one afternoon she needed someone to talk to. So her husband was in the penitentiary and so she said “I’m going to go up here there’s this church up the road.” And so she went up and started counseling sessions with the pastor and sadly to say this was related to me years later Sid by my adopted parents that he took advantage of her emotional vulnerability and one afternoon in a counseling session I was conceived. And she was so afraid to tell her husband and it was in that era of time that he was not permitted to even visit her. He was in solitary confinement so she just kept her pregnancy a secret from him. And so about 2½ years later he comes home he’s paroled on good behavior supposedly and all of a sudden he sees me this 2 year old that could not possibly be his. And it was related to me as I said years later that the demon of anger rose up in him and the first thing that he did was just kick me right in the face and I just went flying across the floor. And then he just picked me up and just threw me up against the wall, this happened many many times over a span of time of about 8 or 9 months. I went through this type of abuse. Sid I have to just say right here that if it wasn’t for the provincial care of God I wouldn’t be here I mean I wouldn’t be here.

Sid: God is such a good God. Mishpochah wait until you find out how God is using Jim all over the world. But then you got then adopted by a nice loving family and you had an encounter with God how old were you when you had that encounter.

James: I was 14 years of age when I had an encounter with the Lord. I think because of that abuse and that sensing of rejection and feeling of abandonment that it had created some real woundings in my life. And my adoptive parents were wonderful people, but they were busy people you know they worked hard.

Sid: I’ll tell you what Jim hold that thought right there. Mishpochah he such an encounter with God and I believe that’s one of the reasons that he walks in such miracles. But I went to hear him speak about a month ago in Jacksonville, Florida because I’d heard a great deal about him. The Pastor there talked about a cassette series that Jim’s wife did on healing and what an impact it had on everyone that listened to it. So I said “I’ve got to listen to this series” so I asked the Pastor to make me a copy of it and he did and I’ve listened to it and I have to tell you that Jim’s wife has an anointing to just penetrate this unbelief. And there are areas of misunderstanding in healing that I believe are cleared up and it is without a doubt one of the finest teachings that I’ve ever listened to to build my faith. And I did say it did build my faith…

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Written by sidroth

December 9th, 2015 at 2:51 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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