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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Kynan Bridges

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SID: When I heard the revelation of the angel that Kynan Bridges saw, I can tell you it changed my life, and I promise you, it’s going to change your life forever. What happened?

KYNAN: I’m praying one day, as often I do, and meditating, and all of a sudden, I have an open vision of this angel. This angel is about nine, 10 feet tall. He is six feet wide with his chest span, huge breastplate.

SID: Can I have him on my basketball team?

KYNAN: Sure you can. And he has a sword, a golden sword. I mean, he’s massive, intimidating, regal, all in one. And I asked the Lord, I said, “Is this a mighty archangel?” And the Lord says the most interesting thing to me, he says, “That’s not an angel at all. That’s you in the spiritual realm.” And when I heard that, I was literally blown away. And the scripture that came to my spirit was that we are kings and priests unto our God, in the Book of Revelation. He’s made us through his blood, Yeshua, kings and priests. In other words, we have dominion. We are mighty in the spiritual realm. We are not paupers. We don’t have to be afraid of the devil. When we realize that person that I saw in that vision is us, the devil will literally flee from us.

SID: You know what? That’s the devil’s worst nightmare. You realize and come to your senses of who you are. You shared a story about the famous miracle worker, Smith Wigglesworth.

KYNAN: Yeah. He’s one of my favorites, very aggressive healing ministry, known for even punching people sometimes. And one night as the story goes, he’s in his house in England and he hears a rumbling downstairs, and you know, he senses that something is down there. And he goes downstairs and Satan is standing in his living room, physically manifested. And Smith Wigglesworth takes one look at Satan and says, “Oh, it’s just you.” And he goes back to sleep. And I love that story because what it does, it teaches us that we don’t have to be afraid of the devil. That is something that Satan has propagated because you cannot take authority over what you fear. You cannot take authority over what you fear. So once we demystify the enemy and realize that he is under our feet where he belongs, then and only then can we really take dominion over him. You know, Sid, it’s something that I call the ever-expanding kingdom. In other words, Jesus told us that the Kingdom of God is inside of us. But this kingdom is ever expanding, it’s oscillating inside of us. And as we yield to the King of Kings and we yield to his way of doing things, which is his Word, the Kingdom begins to expand inside of us from our spirit man, expanding out to our soulish man. And as it does that, anything in our soul that does not belong is driven out by the power of the Kingdom. You know, Jesus exemplified this. Everywhere he went he preached the Kingdom of God. What was he doing? He was releasing the culture of Heaven. And when he released the culture of Heaven, it released the power of Heaven, and whenever the power of Heaven was released, demons had to flee. The same is true of us. God wants the Kingdom to expand inside of us and outside of us to advance it to the last days.

SID: There is such a presence of God that’s just invaded this studio. Headaches are gone now in Jesus’ name. Kynan, anything you pray is going to happen. Pray now.

KYNAN: In the name of Yeshua, the name above every name, you know, he is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, I release a spirit of dominion and lordship over cancer right now in Jesus’ name. I release dominion over diabetes. I release dominion. Even now, if you will take dominion over the pain in your body, that pain will go instantly in Yeshua’s name. Right now I just curse the plan of the enemy over the people of God. Depression, you must go now. Suicidal thoughts, you must leave. Anxiety attacks, insomnia, you’re going to sleep sweeter tonight than you’ve ever slept in your entire life because the peace of God that passes all understanding will keep your heart and mind right now in Yeshua’s name. Just receive it Jesus’ name.

SID: Tell me what authority means.

KYNAN: Authority is really the legal right to act in a certain way. Authority means, you know, the Bible tells in Luke 10:19, it says, “Behold, I give unto you power,” is the word, exousia, in the Greek, authority. It means that we have the keys. So I want you to think almost like a gatekeeper or a groundskeeper. The groundskeeper has keys to access any door within that building.

SID: Of course.

KYNAN: In the same way, you and I through Jesus and through his name have the access to open doors and close them. That’s what authority really is. We can open doors of favor, open doors of prosperity, open doors of blessing in our lives to the authority vested in us.

SID: I tell you, all authority has been give unto Jesus and he’s saying to you now, go ye into all the world. The keys are there. They’re in your hands. Grab them.

Man 1: Lord, why haven’t I received my healing?

Woman 1: I feel like the enemy robs me of every blessing I receive from you, Lord Jesus.

Woman 2: Why am I facing such opposition?

Man 2: Oh Lord, when will I receive my breakthrough?

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Written by sidroth

December 23rd, 2015 at 2:45 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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