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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Perry Stone

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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. My guest Perry Stone, since age 16, has been studying Heaven, End Times. He has spent well over 100,000 hours and he has come up with revelations that as far as scholars are concerned, no one has ever come up with before about Heaven and End Times. He even has come up with a revelation about the 2016 presidential election. Anyone interested? You know, when I found out that Perry Stone was working on the subject of Heaven and New Jerusalem, I got so excited. I can’t even tell you why I got so excited, but I got so excited I had to have him on this show. But I’m told an event occurred when you were 16 years of age that started you on this quest.

PERRY: Salem High School, it was a high school in southern Virginia, a boy came up to me at 16 years of age, I was 16, and I was preaching at that time just as a kid preacher. And I had a big Bible with me, and he said, “Preacher man, what are you going to do when you die and find out there’s not a Heaven?” I was always real quick to answer and I said, “Jimmy, what you gonna do when you die and find out there’s a hell?” And then, but what happened is it stirred and I thought, how would I prove to somebody, kind of more from a scientific perspective that there is a place called Heaven. And so that’s what really started my journey and it was just, it’s been exciting to, even over the years, even recently to add more to what God showed me.

SID: You got revelations. We’re going to share some of them. But here’s what I want you to help me with and I think you’re going to help a lot of other people. Take me, very briefly, on a prophetic timeline starting where we are right now.

PERRY: Okay. Right now we’re in the church age, which is called the dispensation of the grace of God. It will continue and climax at the time of the Rapture. Now I lean toward pre-trib because of a lot of research over the years that we have done. Now let’s just assume this is correct. Then what we have at that point is a tribulation period, which in Daniel 9:27 is set for seven years. It’s divided into 42 months and 42 months. And what would happen is the return of the Lord, and I like to say for the overcoming saints who are looking for him. When that happens, it triggers a time of tribulation on the earth, which is a total of seven years. During the seven years the saints will begin having, getting rewards and also we will enjoy what’s called a Marriage Supper of the Lamb during the seven years in Heaven. On Earth, there is judgment, there’s the revelation of the Antichrist, there’s the Mark of the Beast. There’s a lot of population of the earth that is eliminated by, some of it’s just natural calamities, asteroids, earthquakes, etc. We come to the end of the tribulation. We have the Lord returning, Revelation 19 says, “On a white horse is King of King and Lord of Lords.” And then he sets up his kingdom in Jerusalem for a thousand years. That’s where we get the word “millennial reign”. That’s a thousand. And during that thousand years the saints of God are going to rule on Earth with him for a thousand years. At the end of it, Satan is loosed for a season. Now the only reason he loosed, Sid, because this has perplexed people, why don’t God keep him bound? Because in the millennial reign there will be people on Earth who will continue to repopulate the earth that have never been tempted, tested or tried by Satan. So God is going to let earthly people who are living in the tribulation, who have survived being repopulated to be tested to see if they’re going to be faithful to the Lord or follow Satan. That’s the last test. Then when that is over, the Bible tells us there’s a Great White Throne of Judgment in Heaven and then Satan is bound forever in the lake of fire, which is going to be a tremendous day for everyone who is a believer, of course. The new Heaven and new Earth come down after the Great White Throne of Judgment. This judgment, every single angel that’s fallen, Satan himself, plus all saints, all unbelievers, all are in Heaven at one time. Now we’ve already been judged as believers as the judgment seat of Christ. Okay. That’s in Revelation, Chapter 11. But the world and the sinners have not been judged. God is never going to condemn anyone to an eternity without him, in let’s say the lake of fire, without them absolutely seeing and knowing the reason why. That’s why there’s a Great White Throne of Judgment.

SID: You know, Perry, you teach on the mysteries, unlocking the mysteries of Heaven, past, present and future. Explain.

PERRY: The Holy Spirit put something together for me that I had never heard taught in my life. I believe it can be proven, from Ezekiel 28, from the Book of Revelation, from Isaiah 14, that Lucifer, who we know is Satan, before he fell, was assisting God in the building of the New Jerusalem. The fall of Lucifer took place before the New Jerusalem was completed, and I’ll get into that later. Now that’s called the ages past. Creation as we know it with man is 6000. What a lot of people don’t realize is there’s what’s called ages past, and ages past was, okay, when was Lucifer created, when were the angels created. He was in Heaven as a cherub before he fell. When was that? When did the rebellion take place where he took a third of the angels and they fell with him? That’s the ages past part. In fact, I’m going to throw a nugget out here to all your folks. In the Bible it says Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels, but when was Hell prepared? Scientists say that the earth was at one time molten fire and water cool[ed it], and that’s how the process began. In Genesis 1:1, the earth is created perfect. You studied Hebrew. You know that, “In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.” The tense there is complete perfection, like a perfect, it’s done.

SID: Right.

PERRY: Verse 2, “Everything is without form and void.” The fall of Lucifer happened between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 in ages past.

SID: So in ages past there is a gap and we don’t even know how long that was.

PERRY: Thankyou. That’s exactly what I’m saying. We don’t know how long the gap is. And that explains, if I can, the controversy as to why Christians say there’s a 6000-year old earth, scientists say it’s a four billion-year old earth.

SID: There’s an answer to everything.

PERRY: There absolutely is an answer if we understand the fall of Lucifer and the gap in Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, and the timeframe there.

SID: Let’s go to some basics.


SID: Where is Heaven located?

PERRY: If you look at Isaiah, Chapter 14, Satan says, “I will descend into Heaven above the stars of God and above the clouds in the sides of the north.” The northern part of Heaven is very unique because there’s a star there called the North Star or Polaris, which sits just a little bit off of true north. Anytime you needed direction you had to find the North Star. Anytime a ship needed direction you find the North Star. It’s the directional star. What is interesting, Job said, “God stretches the north over the empty place, but he hangs the earth on nothing.” Two scientific facts there, this what I learned when I was 16. One is the earth is hanging on nothing, but what’s this thing about the north being an empty place? I have a friend of mine, I have several friends who work for NASA and they say it’s really true that in the northern part of the heavens there is an empty place and there’s a gap. It’s just an empty, a darkness, a gap. All right. The Bible indicates that. North is the only place where you look, really, true up. All right. So Heaven is in the north. Now number two, Isaiah said, it was Satan talking, but Isaiah wrote it, “I’ll send above the clouds, above the stars in the sides to the north.” That’s three heavens. Paul in Second Corinthians—

SID: I heard about Second Heaven. How many heavens are there?

PERRY: The Bible tells you of three. There are three heavens and the Bible indicates specifically what those three are: clouds, stars then the end of the stars, that begins the Third Heaven, and that’s where God dwells is in the Third Heaven.

SID: And where does the devil dwell and his demons?

PERRY: Let me say it this way. Adam was given dominion over the fowls of the air. The birds if you ever see them fly in the sky near the clouds, so Adam, man has dominion of the First Heaven. That’s why we have airplanes that aren’t falling out of the sky. The devil is not knocking airplanes out of the sky. We can fly. We have dominion. We have satellites. Number two, however, is Satan rules in the realm of the Second Heaven. Principalities, rulers of darkness in high places are in Second Heaven. Third Heaven is where God rules. So it’s interesting how that between where we are to where God is we have this spiritual warfare going on. Here’s the part that just absolutely stuns me. I love this part. Jesus, when he returns, doesn’t come back up in the stars, and we have to meet him where the stars are. He comes right back into Satan’s territory and snatches us out so fast that the enemy doesn’t even know it’s happened until it’s over with.

SID: I’m going to tell you something. I want you to talk about never revealed. No scholars have ever heard this. Revelations, you have God about the mountain in Heaven, the stones in Heaven, about Lucifer. We’ll be right back.

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Written by sidroth

September 30th, 2016 at 4:37 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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