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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Brian Blount

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DONNA: Hello! I’m Donna Chavis and welcome to “Something More!” If you’ve ever wanted to do the miracles that Jesus did or maybe walk around in the supernatural as you go about your daily life, then you’ve come to the right place today! My guest is the co-author of the book “From the Sanctuary to the Streets.” Please welcome Brian Blount! Brian, hi!

BRIAN: Hi, Donna! Thanks for having me!

DONNA: Thank you for being here!

BRIAN: Yeah! 

DONNA: First off tell me what does it mean? From the sanctuary to the streets?

BRIAN: Yeah. From the sanctuary to the streets actually has a double meaning! Actually it’s the sanctuary meaning the structure of a building, and the sanctuary meaning that quiet, that secret place with the Lord. And so I believe that what the Lord is, and in the title of the book was coming from the sanctuary to the streets that we’re going to live a lifestyle of coming out of that communion with God, that intimacy with God into the world! That the church is not supposed to be spiritual recluses or trailblazing burnouts, but be friends of God! 

DONNA: Wow! [Laughs]

BRIAN: Yeah!

DONNA: That is quite a statement! I love that! Well you are actually living that lifestyle from the sanctuary to the streets! But before we talk about that and I turn you loose to minister to our viewers today, I want to give a little bit of background. You know even back from childhood, your childhood wasn’t easy. 

BRIAN: No, it wasn’t! You know I grew up in a broken home and my dad left when I was really young so it kind of left a hole in my heart and in my life! And so I was trying to seek and find, you know, love in all the wrong places growing up and started getting high actually around the age of 10 or 11 years old.


BRIAN: And then I found myself in and out of drug rehabs until a good friend of the family that this guy if I could have picked to be a father, he would have been my father! And he said hey, I want you to come on this Christian retreat. And it had to have been someone like him because why would I want to go on a Christian retreat. 

DONNA: It wasn’t really your thing! Right?

BRIAN:  It wasn’t my thing. Right.

DONNA: [Laughs] No.

BRIAN: But because I respected him, I went. Well on that weekend God encountered me in a powerful way! I mean I felt the love of God and how I felt the love of God was it was literally like a tangible hug and I felt Him just embrace me. 

DONNA: Which is really what you needed because you never got that   as a child.

BRIAN: Right. I was getting affirmation from the Father and feeling His presence! And so that weekend just changed my life! I experienced the reality of God’s presence! It was no longer just words. It was actually an encounter! And what I loved too about that weekend I got to get up at the end and share about what did God do and what am I going to do from this encounter. And what was interesting is I really didn’t want to go up there. I found myself just up behind the platform and then I said this. I said, “You know before I came on this weekend, I was in drugs and I was just headed in the wrong place! But God encountered me and He’s delivered me from drugs. And when I go home I’m going to get off drugs and I’m going to tell people about Jesus! And this is amazing, Donna, what happened is literally the entire place stands up and starts cheering!

DONNA: [Laughs]

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Written by sidroth

May 3rd, 2021 at 7:22 am