Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Joshua Mills

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SID: What about cancer? Are you seeing much victory there?

JOSHUA: You know what? I would like to see more, and we’re pressing in for that, for the more. But we have had so many amazing reports of people being healed from cancer. I was ministering down in Phoenix Arizona a few years ago and the oil began to flow from my hands and we had everybody that was in the meetings line up so that I could lay hands upon them and believe God with them for their miracle and there was a man who was suffering with terminally, terminal cancer. And I laid my hands on him and he came back with a report, about a month later a report of complete healing, he was completely cancer free. God had done a supernatural miracle in his life. And not only did he get healed of cancer but after he had received prayer that night he wanted to give his life to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and he actually accepted the Lord into his life and that’s the greatest miracle of all!

SID: I love it when non-believers receive a physical healing


 SID: And then it’s very easy to lead them to the Lord.

JOSHUA: Right.

SID: But guess what? That’s the way Jesus did it!

JOSHUA: Right.

SID: That’s normal. The world has to be NORMAL! It’s gotten away from normal. Read the Book! That’s normal. Anything short of that you can say God changed, except the Book says God doesn’t change. “He’s the same yesterday, today and forever.” Joshua I’m going to ask you to do something without any music. If you were by yourself and you began to think of your brand new little baby girl and all the blessings of God in your life, I want you to worship God the way you would do that right now so you kind of demonstrate for us.

JOSHUA: You know what I would do is in those times of just recognizing and thanking God for the miracles that He’s given me in my life, I just begin to just from my heart just begin to sing, just begin from my heart just releasing a song of praise and oftentimes it’s so simple anybody really could do it. But that’s the wonder of it. God isn’t looking for a complicated worship or a complicated praise. He’s just looking for that song that comes right from our heart.


 I sing Lord, I thank You for the glory and the blessings that You’ve given to me every day. Lord, I thank You for Your glory and for Your blessings that You’ve given to me. You’re a good God. And You’re an awesome God. Lord, I thank You for Your blessings. You’re a good God. You’re an awesome God. Lord, I thank You for Your blessings. Something like that.

SID: Now tell me this Joshua. Do you it’s one thing to do this publicly as you just did.

JOSHUA: Right.

SID: Do you really worship God like this?

JOSHUA: All the time, all the time! From the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep. All day long I’ve got a song in my heart!

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Written by sidroth

March 16th, 2022 at 4:46 am