ErrorException Message: WP_Translation_Controller::load_file(): Argument #2 ($textdomain) must be of type string, null given, called in /home2/bduval1/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 838 Our Guest Ruth Fazal | Sid Roth

Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Ruth Fazal

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SID: I’m with Ruth Fazal here. And Jesus himself gave her a bow of a violin. And when she plays over people, they get physically healed. I mean, she can tell you stories of people with cancer that were physically healed. But the greatest healing is emotional healing. She especially has a burden for Jewish people. I have to believe it has to do with that vision you had. Tell me about it.

RUTH: Since writing the oratorio, everything, it’s constantly growing, God’s heart. I always pray for God’s heart because it expands us. It’s one evening I was in my home with a group of friends and we were just quietly waiting on God. And I’m standing at my keyboard and sort of playing, nothing in particular. And then I start to see, I see this group of people camped in the desert. And it’s nighttime. And then I hear the sound of a trumpet and it’s a distant trumpet, and it comes closer and closer, and closer. And then I look and I see that it’s the Lord Himself and He’s on this huge horse. And He comes to the camp where these people are and He’s saying, “You have to come away. You can’t stay here any longer. You have to wake up. You have to come.” But then it’s also, “Come away with me, my beloved.” It’s so tender. And they come into this realm of glory. I don’t really know how to describe it. It was like bright light, timeless. And there they are and they’re drawn into the center of this place, which is worship, because there’s worship going on and they’re drawn into it. And they’re like, “Oh, I’m so glad I came. This is what I was made for.” And it’s the Lord who was saying, “Comfort my people. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem. Comfort my people. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem.” And one by one, they realize that’s why God woke them up.

SID: Ruth, would you prophesy over me and play what God wants you to play on that violin now.

RUTH: Yes. I’d love to do that. You know, I feel that there’s one word and it’s the word “faithful”. And God is saying to you Sid, you have been so faithful and His heart and His tenderness of His heart towards you is huge. So I just want you to know that.

SID: You’d better watch what you say. Now she’s going to play. She’s going to get me crying.

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Written by sidroth

September 26th, 2011 at 5:57 am

Posted in Uncategorized