Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Dennis Clark

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Sid: My guest is Dennis Clark and we ran out of time on yesterday’s broadcast. Dennis was explaining that the peace that now radiates between himself and his wife has, as good as their marriage was before, it supernaturally kicked into a whole new gear. I’m concerned not just your marriage what about other people’s marriages. Tell me something.

Dennis: For a lack of a better term, when we had this experience we called it a one accord. We had people come up to us and say “You and Jennifer have a oneness anointing.” We didn’t know what to do with that, but suddenly we’re in a church and without asking for it to happen, like during a fellowship time, multitudes of married couples felt led to walk up to us and ask for a prayer. Then we learned God was doing something with this oneness anointing, this peace deepening relationship. When they came we prayed for them, but then we learned what we did was we taught them, for lack of a better term, melt together where they experienced each other Spirit to Spirit. You would be surprised how many husbands and wives love each other, but they don’t commune. Commune is to know one another by the Spirit. That knowledge is increasing and there is actually, providing their willing to forgive one another, an opportunity to melt into one another, and know one another by the Spirit better.

Sid: What kind of testimonies did you have at this meeting where this melting occurred?

Dennis: In the beginning they just felt like I don’t know why I’m coming to you; I’m coming. The best testimony was later when we said “You know what this works so well their just telling they wanted prayer and that they felt peace and they felt like they joined to one another.” We incorporated it in a marriage seminar later and actually did it to where we had people in the beginning, I think 1 out of 40, 20 couples. One out of 40 actually felt like they had a good Spirit to Spirit connection. We basically broke them into a place of learning Christ the forgiver on the inside breaking down any walls of hostility between the two, then had them come forward. Listen to this, it was 100% in that marriage seminar where they melted together without any walls of resistance, or hostility, or anything between the 2 of them. To me I said “I change from this day forward, all marriage seminars, no more communication, communication is going to be communion, communion, communion, communion.”

Sid: You use a term you say “There is power in peace. From the peace we get this power and it releases destiny, it releases purpose.” What do you mean by that?

Dennis: The peace is like the supernatural interaction that God works with us. I know through peace that there are divine appointments see I treat everybody that comes into my life as a divine appointment. Then I cooperate to be a divine connection and have peace with them regardless of our differences I maintain peace. If it’s two-way it’s a connection then the connection, and here is what I believe peace is doing. The Prince of Peace, His government is to establish an order and to establish. I see when His peace comes in a relationship that He is ordering us to live in an exact place with certain people, there’s a certain people, there’s a certain place, there’s a certain plan that He has for us. If we cooperate, that divine order we are ushering in our fullness of our divine purpose. Our purpose is always corporate. Destiny always includes other people, but without peace how will we know who those other people are, and how will we maximize our potential in reaching our destiny.

Sid: Briefly a couple of days ago we talked about the 5 “G’s” of peace. The first “G” was govern, tell us briefly the first 2, then let’s finish the other 3.

Dennis: The first one is govern, and govern means learning learning to walk in such a way that the peace of God rules in your heart. The Amplified Bible of that same scripture says “Let the peace of God umpire.” Umpire means let Him call the shots whether you’re safe, or whether you’re out, whether it’s a yes, or whether it’s a no. Let the peace of God guide you in your decision making in life. The third is the ability that it gathers, it draws. Peace is attractive. People, especially troubled people, chaotic people their looking for comfort.

Sid: Can troubled chaotic people actually feel your peace, nonbelievers can they feel the peace coming from you?

Dennis: Absolutely, but something better than that, we teach them how to get it for themselves. We teach them how to tap in…

Sid: Have you ever had someone that’s a non-Christian say “That peace I feel coming from you I want that,” and you lead them to the Lord.

Dennis: Yes, yes.

Sid: What a great way for evangelism.

Dennis: It’s tremendous. I’m not the greatest articulate person for evangelism, but I know one thing I’ve said is when they’re attracted to that peace I say “You know what, God works from the inside out, and you can have the same peace. You’re feeling it on the outside, but God can give it to you on the inside. And you receive Him and you have peace with God. Then you have the peace of God.”

Sid: Do you find when you go into a room of people that because of the peace of God radiating from you, you have favor with people?

Dennis: I’d say you not only have favor with people…

Sid: Are they drawn to you?

Dennis: Sure, sure. Their drawn… we’ve seen them come up crying in the middle of a mall, unsaved people and don’t even know why.

Sid: Alright, we were going through the 5 “G’s” of peace. We had govern, guide, gather, what is the fourth?

Dennis: The fourth one is to guard, to guard your heart and your mind. Peace guard’s your heart and mind. That wasn’t meant to be poetry that was meant to be an encounter. That was meant to be a supernatural experience. When peace guards your heart you can be in any type of hostile environment and still perceive the exterior atmosphere, but be abiding in peace within.

Sid: Give me an example.

Dennis: Okay, one time I was working at a halfway house of men that were getting out of prison. Inwardly I had peace, outwardly from the place of peace I discerned the atmosphere got suddenly charged, very evil, very chaotic. Nothing was being said, but it was usually the kind of feeling that I would feel and discern when someone was going to make a break for it, or do something. The atmosphere shifted, and I was standing by one of the doors that was the exit. One of the men who had failed to take his medication pulled a knife and started to move toward me to and threatened me to move out of the way, he was leaving. The supernatural peace of God made me feel safe and secure beyond my understanding, and I just knew that I knew that I knew it was impenetrable. He put the knife down.

Sid: You know I’m hearing this story and I know what God has shown me is going to happen in the future the chaos in the streets. Can you imagine walking in this kind of supernatural peace no matter what’s going on around? Do you really believe this should be the norm as opposed to a supernatural manifestation that just happens once in a while?

Dennis: Correct. What better place than a hostile environment, particularly a warzone. If we were going to give them anything of value, sometimes it’s not food, and sometimes it’s not supplies, as beneficial as all those things are. If we could truly give people in a troubled environment in a warzone perhaps, comfort that comes from that kind of peace your giving them everything.

Sid:  You know what I’m thinking, people are selling 90 days’ worth of dehydrated food, water supplies. If I had a choice of one thing it wouldn’t be water, and it wouldn’t be food, it would be the supernatural peace of God.

Dennis:  Absolutely, I’ve even seen it with physical healing that I saw people that were terminal. Even in their terminal illness the torment seemed to be the worst thing. That they were believers that the mental torment… I said “I want start with bringing peace to them first on the inside, then let Christ the healer rise up and manifest.”

Sid:  The big question is, once they get peace on the inside do they get healed?

Dennis:  Absolutely. I’ve seen more people…

Sid:  Do you have to pray for healing once they get their peace, or does it just happen?

Dennis:  That’s the ironic thing I’m wondering what God is trying to teach me. We pray for them to come into that supernatural exchange of peace and deal with toxic emotions, and healing has almost always been the byproduct. The supernatural healings we’ve seen we never directly asked for them, except perhaps on some occasions, but I can even remember an occasion where I directly went toward the physical healing.

Sid:  Tell me someone, let’s just pick one I have a list in front of me. Someone that had arthritis in their hands what happened to her.

Dennis:  Yes, that was a woman that was in the hospital very sick. She basically had arthritic pain, she was bitter, and was told that Christ would manifest as the forgiver if she would forgive, and allow Him to forgive through her. She listened and she did it, and as she did one emotional healing she forgave her mother and the arthritis right before your eyes straightened out and disappeared. She was forgiving her mother, we were not praying for arthritis, she was forgiving her mother and the supernatural took place. We’ve seen this on countless occasions.

Sid:  I mean almost every condition have you seen healed through walking in supernatural peace.

Dennis:  Colorblindness, tumors…

Sid:  Woops we’re out of time.

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Written by sidroth

October 7th, 2013 at 11:34 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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