Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Dr. Francis Myles

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Sid: You have got a new identity; you have got a new spiritual DNA and if you can just grasp it and by faith walk into it you will achieve your destiny.  All of the old stuff is going to fall off of you and you can fulfill everything that God has in store for you.  Well my guest Dr. Francis Myles had revelation on how people can break these curses all the way back to Adam in your family.  And how you can open yourself up to his revelation teaching on the blessings of Abraham and he actually prays these curses away.  And he actually prays you to walk into the blessings.  Well, his name is Dr. Francis Myles and I asked him that well, he had such an experience… I wish I had had an experience… I had an experience but I tell you Francis you have provoked me to jealousy just that one encounter you had where you saw the authority of the Word over the demons; you saw the real you your spirit.  That alone catapulted you into another class; so miracles started happening, you rented a 1000 seat tent; you went all over Africa.  Tell, me the first major miracle, the most exciting one you saw.

Francis: Yes, one of the most exciting miracles I saw was I was doing a crusade in south Africa where they brought a woman who was known by everybody in the township because she lived in the gutter and she would eat from trash cans.

Sid: And so she really lived in the gutter, okay go ahead…

Francis:  Yes, and they brought her to the crusade and she would stink, I mean she was smelling man people didn’t want to sit next to her.  But there were two men really were with her one of the left side and one on the other side because she really couldn’t sit. She was always all over the place, finally at… and it was interesting at the meeting where we had a witch doctor; a woman witch doctor came into the crusade.  And when I was preaching she was saying… she was pointing and saying in Zulu she’d say “There are no miracles are going to happen today that she’s binding the crusade.”  And I told my interpreter “Just let her and hang on Jesus is not afraid of her and neither am I and there will be miracles today.”  So when the time to pray for the miracles came and they brought this woman that had been insane for over 20 years and was known by everybody being held by people.  And when I got close to her as soon as I looked at her the smell disappeared Sid and the liquid love that I experienced before came upon me and I loved this woman who had been so bound.  As I looked at her the Lord instantly gave me a vision and when I looked at her I saw a spirit surround, I looked into her body and I saw a spirit and I saw a spirit encased in what looked like a beehive of demons.  A beehive for many many demons around her like her spirit was squished in. And when I looked at that spirit that spirit actually spoke to me and said “Help me Francis.”  And I said “Woe!”  And then God said to me “Command demons to unwind!”  So before I knew it I screamed and I said “You unclean spirit unwind!”  And when I said “Unwind” it was like the angel of the Lord leaped into her spirit Sid and pulled one of the spirits and all of a sudden it was like a rope had been untied. The spirits had been connected one to another.  And I did a big pull like a rope unwinding and unwinding and like one strong rope of spirit and they came out.  When they came out the woman sunk back and instantly she was saying “What happened to me?”  And all of a sudden she realized that she wasn’t dressed properly and she was smelling and I mean the woman in the meeting began to give her proper, I mean it was incredible.  The witchdoctor ran out of the crusade; she was afraid and she ran out.

Sid: I mean in addition to miracles that are happening can you imagine an insane person being totally transformed.  She’s living in the gutters, she’s smells and she came to her senses and she realized what shape she was in.  But in addition to miracles that occur because you’re fulfilling your destiny.  It’s my prayer that everyone listening to us will fulfill their destiny that God has for them. But you hear some amazing prophesies; for instance in 2007 there was a young Senator by the name of Barack Obama and God gave you a prophetic dream. What did He show you?

Francis:  Yes, well during the democratic primaries when then Senator of New York Hillary Clinton was leading Barack Obama by 20 points in all the national polls it looked Hillary really was going to be the democratic choice for presidency I had a dream.   I had a dream and in the dream I dreamt was at the Democratic National Convention in Denver which was interesting because you know in my voting records I normally vote republican, but in the prophetic dream I’m at the Democratic National  Convention.  I’m invited in the dream I’m invited there as a guest of the Senator Barack Obama.  And in this prophetic dream Barack Obama is the one being nominated.  And he comes up on stage and in the dream I saw Oprah and other well-known Democrats on the platform.  Suddenly in the prophetic dream Presidential meeting Barack Obama walked to the podium to deliver an acceptance speech.  But then I noticed that he was speaking in a slur like a drunken man.  I said to myself “My goodness look can’t these people see that they have nominated a man who’s got a drinking problem?”  And that’s what it looked like to me in the dream and why is he coming as he’s drunk?  And suddenly in the middle of his speech he sobered up and he started speaking in tongues and I said “My goodness, my goodness he’s now speaking in tongues.”  And then I saw Oprah stand up very angry against him for speaking in tongues in public and she walked off the platform.  So when the convention was finally over I stood in line to greet the presidential nominee with his wife Michelle was passing by.  When the President got to me he hugged me and said “Man of God thank you for your book you autographed for me and so moved on.”  I woke up immediately and I said to the Lord “What is the meaning of this dream?”  And he said Barack Obama will beat Kerry and become President of the United States.  The reason you saw Oprah on the stage is because she is one of the faces, one of the most recognized faces of liberalism in America.  Obama is speaking and looking like he was drunk because he is going to rule as a man drunk on liberalism and bring the nation into great transition.

Sid: So in effect God told you before that he would win then what did God tell you?

Francis:  Then He said that the fact that you saw him begin to speak in tongues in the middle of that acceptance speech means that in the second term, in his second term I desire to fill him with My Spirit instead of the liberalism that has been intoxicated with.  And then He said “Listen to me this change will come at a great political cost for Obama because those that really embraced him for his liberal stand who reject him when he begins to turn to the faith.

Sid: So what you’re telling me is you knew Number 1 That he would defeat Hillary Clinton and win the first term.  Number 2 You were told he would win a second term.  Number 3 You were told he would accomplish a very liberal agenda in his first term.  And 4 You were told that… now is this going to happen or do we need to pray it to happen that he become sold out to the Lord in his second term?

Francis: We need to pray because the Lord told me there was a seed for viable faith in Christ that has never been nurtured.  He said if nurtured his seed of faith in his heart could become his deliverance replacing the drunkenness of liberalism.

Sid: I’ll tell you what the Spirit of God is coming all over me as you’re saying this I need you to pray a one minute prayer and I want everyone listening to us right now to agree that the seed of faith that is in President Obama would mature and mature quickly. Pray that please.

Francis: Yeah, Heavenly Father we pray in Messiah’s Name that who is the Lord of Lords and the King of kings that Father that he’s the one that taught me that our President would become president way before anyone could have become a president or even a nominee.  And now we pray Father that as he’s in his second term that God we pray that as the Body of Christ the reign of the Holy Spirit will nurture the seed of Christ that’s in him that’s never been nurtured to come alive and he’ll find himself having a more authentic radical faith in Christ Jesus and he will not be afraid to pay the price for in Yeshua’s Name we pray amen.

Sid: Amen.  Well, I’ll tell you what God has also shown you what the Muslim agenda is for Europe, what the Islamic agenda is for the United States.  Perhaps we can speak about that on tomorrow’s broadcast.  Your vision for what you call the golden years of Melchizedek and the Jewish revival.  But tell me in just two sentences what someone that reads your book “Breaking Generational Curses” gets the two CD’s “The Blessings of Abraham.”  Where you actually pray to break the curses, what will happen in their life?”

Francis:  Miracles, every time this happens there are creative miracles, most of the miracles the Lord told me will happen within 24 hours.  And that’s what we have seen the miraculous normally within 24 hours there is visible evidences that there has been a supernatural turnaround.

Sid: And you know what I love I love your terminology every born again Christian needs genetic salvation.  What does that mean?

Francis:  Genetic salvation is when the finished work of the cross is applied to the healing of our genetics so that we’re delivered from the first Adam and transferred to the genetics of the last Adam.

Sid: So what would happen to someone that a doctor has said “Well, based on your parents and based on your siblings you’re going to have heart problems, you’re going to have diabetes.  What would you say to that person that the doctors just told them that?

Francis:  Well, based on those who were told something that before that have not been healed that…

Sid: Whoops we’re out of time.

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Written by sidroth

December 13th, 2013 at 11:17 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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