Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Shawn Bolz

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Shawn Bolz

Sid: I have on the telephone a young man by the name of Shawn Bolz from Foley, Alabama with White Dove Ministries. I got a hold of his book that just literally came off, just came off the press it’s called “Keys to Heaven’s Economy an Angelic Visitation from the Minister of Finance.”  When Shawn was as young as 17 he had his first Heavenly encounter and he’s had a number since but this was way beyond anything.  Shawn in your book it says that when you had this visitation from the Minister of Finance there was a friend of yours, or a young person in the next room, and he could hear the voice of the conversation; explain that.

Shawn:  He couldn’t hear what we were saying but he knew that all the men were out of the house because his mom and sisters were home and I was the guest in the house. And so he was… I was sleeping you know… he was sleeping somewhere else because someone else was sleeping in his room. So he could hear voices talking and he began to get afraid because he realized “Oh my goodness none of the men are home and there’s two men talking in that room.”  And he knew because he heard that this guy was going to stay that’s had encounters before he knows an encounter and he just laid there in fear listening but not a bad kind of fear but just going “God you are this real.”

Sid: And for those that have just tuned in would you recap for us what the Minister of Finance had to say.

Shawn:  He was talking about the fact that there is resources that God has laid aside in Heaven that He wants to release on earth in this generation now that would bring Jesus’ full reward. So those resources aren’t just finances it’s buildings, it’s positions, it’s favor, it’s all of those things that Jesus would need to get the fullness of his reward in our generation.  Those souls that would be won through those resources would be received because of the resources that would be released from his heart. So the minister of Finance was showing me people that were receiving keys from Heaven to unlock great provisions for our lifetime that thousands and millions and billions could come to the Lord.

Sid: Now is it possible for people in this generation to miss this destiny God has for them just as people in previous generations did?

Shawn: I think it’s a complicated question, but just in the sense that I think that Jesus still has an agenda in this generation that it would be hard for us as a generation to miss it but of course there’s the human element can make us miss something.  Because He partner’s with us and so we have to cooperate with His agenda for this to happen, but I think He so wants it so more than we do.  It’s like in John 17 He prayed “Father I want them to be with me where I am and that they’d see my glory.”  It’s like He wanted it more than we did even for what He’s asking in this generation.

Sid: Okay in this visitation in the Minister of Finance pulled out keys a bunch of keys and put it on your chest but what were these keys for?

Shawn:  They were everything from cars, planes, boats, buildings, materials everything that you could think of. One of the pictures that… and this kind of goes around about way to answer your question; what I pictured was it was in Solomon’s generation.  King Solomon wanted to build the temple with the greatest resources known to man and it was a demonstration that in one generation all the greatest resources that were known to modern day man at the time they were brought together in one place to display glory for God. And I believe that’s about to happen in our generation of everything that we would need, the greatest resources that are on the earth right now are about to be brought into submission to God’s heart so that we can display His glory, so that we display His beauty. You know we’ve been talking the last couple of episodes about television and music and different entertainment mediums that God’s about to use because He wants to use because He wants to have His face displayed. And one of the picture of this was I saw two angels flying with a key and there was a gold key in front of them and they were flying and there was I described one of them of them in the book and they were flying with this key in front of them.  And they were following the key because the key was about to be given to somebody to unlock their destiny in a secular position to bring finances and resources in that position so that the world could see the justice of Heaven.

Sid: Now you had another visitation in which you saw, what you referred to as the storehouse in Heaven. I’ve heard little bits and pieces from other people that have been to the storehouse of Heaven but you had quite a tour of that; tell me about it.

Shawn: That’s exactly what I taught I was brought there and it’s one of the favorite experiences that I’ve ever had because it describes so much to me in so few words but sometimes a vision can be worth a thousand sermons.  When you see something that’s straight from His heart I saw a room that had no perimeters and had different sections to it. And the first part He brought me to was, He called it His Department of Creative Miracles, and we were walking through the first section of that.  There was just rows and rows of body parts and I’m looking at these body parts it looked like manikin legs and manikin arms but they were real, they had flesh to them.  And it grossed me out at first because there were like liver and eyeballs and just things lining up and I said “What is this?”  And he said “This is provisions for creative miracles that are going to be called forth on the earth.”

Sid: Yeah but wait a second I have interviewed people that have had this but this so infrequent it sounds to me like God wants to speed this thing up.
Shawn: He wants to speed it up. I looked at, I started looking at each of these body parts was tagged and I started looking at their tags they had names of people that God had designed these body parts for that either don’t have them or they lost them at some point.  And it had dates that He wanted to give them and so many of the dates are coming up now so many of the dates, there’s an acceleration. And I was seeing that average people could call these things forth it didn’t take a great long term healing ministry.

Sid: Wait wait I’m going to get real practical right now, I had a chronic deterioration of my hip bone over the years and I finally had to have a hip replacement even though I was believing God that He would give me a new one.  But somehow I believe even though I have a piece of metal and short of a miracle from God it’s as close to a miracle that you can get from man it’s a wonderful thing.  I believe God wants to give me one from Heaven, a real hip so if you were me what would you do?

Shawn: I would begin saying “On earth as it is in Heaven” because in Heaven there’s no weakness in our bodies our bodies are perfect, that’s His original design. He wants us to pray that our bodies would line up with His desire in Heaven which is a wholeness of what He created our bodies to function as. I believe people who have everything from grave problems such as a missing arm or a bad kidney or a bad liver to people that have weight problems as they begin to cry out “On earth as it is in Heaven” God will give us both understanding of what medicine to practice if we need that or else He’ll show us how to strategy our diet if it’s a weight problem or He’ll begin to supernaturally resolve the issues.  Because so much of the issues right now in the medical industry are going to take a supernatural revolution on a natural one because there’s fibromyalgia as a condition that is the cause of something else it’s not a condition undo itself.  The doctors don’t even understand the fullness of it so there is going to be the need to be supernatural resolution for each of these issues. What’s cool is awesome is…

Sid: And believer’s should be the ones getting this and be the top doctors and scientist.

Shawn:   Absolutely I think it’s a combination of many of the people who went into the medical industry had a nurturing heart to see people healed.  God is saying “I want to add to you now the ministry of healing.” But it’s not just a gift that comes on our hands and we’re empowered it’s the understanding that Jesus Himself designed us as Christians that we would want to be completely whole, that we would want to be made whole in our whole bodies because we would want to fully function because that was His original design for us.

Sid: Now you cover so much in your book about the storehouse in Heaven but tell me some other areas.

Shawn:  One of my other favorite areas was the supernatural faith dimension I stepped into a cloud right after this.

Sid: I want that one.

Shawn:  Oh, it’s the best I stepped into a cloud when I was in…

Sid:  In fact I want it all but go ahead. (Laughing)

Shawn:  The angel that was escorting me who was the foreman of the warehouse wasn’t allowed to go there with me because it was reserved for humans; it was reserved for us.  And it was a dimension when I stepped in that anything I would have asked would have been done.  And it was this place I could feel the things that were important to God’s heart.

Sid: This is like you’re saying gifts of supernatural faith were in this room.

Shawn:  Were in this room and this cloud was about to descend on congregations of people; people who are fellowshipping to be able to ask for anything that we would need or anything that would be resisting us that it would be removed either one of those things.  And I saw that there was a place that if we just said “Lord, on earth as it is in Heaven according to your desire” that it would have to be done because of the faith that He’s about to release on a generation.  And we’ve seen this in several meetings not in many meetings.

Sid: That was my next question, Shawn give me one example.

Shawn:  One example is a good friend of mine name Charlotte Bartow she’s out of the North West, she came with us in a conference in Chicago. I said “Anybody who is dying or has a permanent condition where you’re debilitating and you’ll be like in a wheelchair or it’s a critical need come forward.”  And Charlotte has a liver problem where she needs a liver transplant or she’ll die with two years.  And the problem is that she is on a waiting list and so Charlotte came on this trip and she was always very weak, loses blood sometimes just at a hard place in life. And we started praying for her and I had everybody who had ever believed that God wanted to use them in healing.  I said “You’re not using it yet but you believe this is coming for you come forward and they all came forward a group of people who believe that God wanted to use them healing, some were doctors and nurses and some were just the average person also.  No one had every prayed for healing successful before and I said “Now pray on earth as it is in Heaven according to this desire of what He’s provided.”  And we did that and as they were praying I didn’t pray at all, as they were praying I looked up and I saw in an open vision a liver coming down towards Charlotte as this woman prayed for her. The woman was praying, she was seeing in her heart, she was seeing what God had already provided for Charlotte that it wasn’t Charlotte’s time to die. She began to say “On earth as it is in Heaven in Charlotte’s body let it come forth.”  And she saw it too and we saw it come into Charlotte and Charlotte’s body was totally, totally changed.  That was year ago she’s still completely healed.  She went back to the doctor like…

Sid: That sure beats a liver transplant.

Shawn:  Completely, her doctor was amazed she’s off the transplant list her body is 100%.

Sid: One other area that you saw in the storehouse in Heaven.

Shawn:  Well I kind of briefly touched last time was the creative invention section, I didn’t call it that when we were talking on the phone, but there’s a place where there’s inventions that we need to have in our society for the full message of Jesus to come forth.  And like in Martin Luther’s day the printing press was released the same time they were going to copy the Bible for the common man.  In our day we have the internet but there’s technology inside the internet that we need to have and there’s technologies that God… like a new energy source that God is going to release that is giving Christians right now He’s planting inventions in the hearts of Christians.

Sid: Now did you see this in Heaven?

Shawn:  I saw it in Heaven I saw a new energy source I have actually met a couple different people who have been creating energy sources and they’ve come to me and asked me “Am I the one?”  It’s been amazing just to hear their whole technology that’s been released to their hearts and I also saw some things in multimedia and internet and holograms and things I can’t describe because I don’t even understand.

Sid: Shawn we’re out of time…

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Written by sidroth

February 5th, 2014 at 7:05 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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