Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Fred Stone

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Fred Stone

Sid: When that wall comes down Paul tells us a mystery one new brand new species of man is created; it’s called Yeshua; the Kind of the Jews; the Body of Messiah. And it’s going to be what the Bible calls the Glorious Congregation. Because there will be so much glory the world has yet to see this. But when the Jewish people come in and they’re coming in I see through the eyes of faith they’re coming in to the Body of Messiah in droves to form the one new man. And I’ll tell you something; it’s happening right now before our very eyes although I’m looking at it through the Spirit of Faith. It’s happening in the United States of America. Why, because great persecution is coming on the Jewish people and God is going to have mercy just before that door is closed. And the mercy that He’s going to have one of the ways is He’s opened a door for me to be on secular radio 1 hour a week and maybe it will even be 5 days a week with call in talk show on the supernatural. The world is desperate for the supernatural; but they don’t know the difference between the New Age and the Supernatural power of God. Because too few of God’s children are moving in His Supernatural. The devils not shy but God’s children are caught in secret sensitive churches, seeker sensitive Pentecostal Churches. Seeker sensitive Charismatic Churches. I can’t believe that these Charismatic Churches say that you can’t even speak in tongues unless there’s a translation. They don’t even want singing in the Spirit any more. They don’t even pray for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit; but things are about ready to change. And the church needs an injection of new life; of new blood. And these Jewish people are going to come in and God’s opened this door for me to be on secular radio; a call in talk show. And we’ve started already but I must be every major city in the United States because we Jewish people are spread throughout the United States. And I have got a shofar blast saying that if you have ever ever given to anyone, if you have ever sown money don’t sow because I promise you a 100 fold return. Sow because I promise you souls. Is there someone that would sow into this ministry just to take souls to heaven. Is there someone that loves God enough. We’re making available Perry Stone’s book; that’s Fred’s son on “Unlocking Secrets in the Second Coming Scrolls.” This book has got mysteries of prophecies that I’ve never seen before; ancient prophecies and revelation of prophecies. You see the Prophet Daniel says that in the last days we’ll have insight into these prophecies like we’ve never had before. And Perry Stone has been called by God; he has such understanding of Jewish Roots. We’re making this book called “Unlocking Secret’s in the Second Coming Scrolls.”….I just pray that there are people that will put 1000 in, 10,000; 50,000, 100,000. Let’s get this job done quickly, I’ll do my part; God will do his part and I believe you’re going to do your part. I have on the telephone someone that I am so excited about. His name is Fred Stone; he’s Perry’s father. And he’s been sharing that he picked up such an anointing from his Uncle Rufus who had major miracles happen. And one of the things that Uncle Rufus was given was the gift of divers tongues. He only had a 3rd grade education and he could speak in so many different languages and understood what he was saying. So Fred you have this gift too and you were telling me about Tony; would you tell that story again.

Fred: Yes Brother we had just visited the hospital and was coming down the street and I was introduced to Tony by Truman Smith. And as a Greek who had come over going to school to learn to speak good witness. And I wanted to witness to him Sid; I had a great yearning to witness to him that would be positive and would help him. But I knew that he didn’t understand enough of my native English to really grasp everything. So I began to pray and the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me in a still small voice; spoke to my spirit; not in an audible voice and said “Son, do you have the gift of the Holy Ghost that I gave on the day of Pentecost to the church?” And I said “Yes Lord.” He said “What did they do on the day of Pentecost?” And I said “There was 15 or 16 languages and dialect that those Jewish men and woman were speaking.” And He said “That is there a different gift then than there is now?” And I said “No Lord, I believe it’s the same gift.” And the Spirit of God sad “Son, if you’ll believe Me right now and use your faith you can speak to Tony.” And so I stopped the 3 of us and I pulled the New Testament out and I said “Tony, I want to say something to you and I want to just read some scripture.” And when I turned Brother is was the 23rd Psalm and I began to read but instead of reading in English, I started speaking in tongues and a few minutes later I found out that I started out in Tony’s native Greek. Went from that to German and went from German to Italian and spoke each language. The 3 languages twice, and when through the entire 23 Psalm and witnessed to him about the Lord. And went I finished he said to Truman Smith, he said “Truman, you lied to me.” And Truman said “No, I wouldn’t lie to you Tony; why would you say that?” He said “I asked you if this man go to college to speak and to preach and you say no, and he has to be educated because you know he can’t do that; I speak German and my Greek and my Italian and I have to stop and think if I go from Greek to German, to Italian; I have to stop and think that man don’t even stop; he don’t think he just speaks. And I opened the Bible and showed him in the Book of Acts the gift of the Holy Ghost.” Now the amazing thing Sid is to show you shy God does this is and uses divers kinds of tongues

. Twenty-five years later I’m at a Church of God in a city a little town in Virginia preaching and I tell the story I’m telling you already your audience now and a woman’s voice in the back of the church yells out “Oh, that’s a my Tony, that’s a my Tony, that’s a my Tony.” And I heard it and I asked her to stand; she stood up discreet woman and I asked her to come to the front. And I said “Sister I’ve to know something what relation are you?” She said “I’m Tony’s sister; Tony come home that day and tell us of this tall black headed preacher that would tell him about Jesus Christ and speak 3 languages to him.” And I said “Sister did he get saved, did he ever accept Christ? Yes, he did, Mr. Stone he accepted the Lord.” And when he died of a heart attack and I believe at that time of course that’s been years ago. She said “He died last year of a heart attack.” But she said “Yes, he knew the Lord” and she said “He received Baptism of the Holy Ghost just like I did that’s why I’m in this Church tonight.”

Sid: You know other gifts that God has given you is prophetic dreams where you literally will see things and warn people about danger. But one of your dreams you had is just astounding. You saw an Israeli leader an others being murdered; tell me about that.

Fred: Yes, Sid what had happened I was seeking God and really praying seeking the Lord getting ready to do some preaching the next night I believe it was and that night this is the dream I had. “I am standing in my spirit man or soulish man in a conference center; there is an Arab leader seated; there is a PLO leader seated and there and there is the head of the Jewish State seated. This had been several years ago; I believe that it was in the 1980’s. And what we would call in the United States Secret Service I would call security men. Somebody had betrayed this man; he had got inside the security line of the Israeli Prime Minister of Israel. But I did not know at that point that’s who it was. But when I told Perry about it Perry called Lieutenant Gideon Shore of Jerusalem and I told Gideon about it and Gideon said “Oh Fred, that is our Prime Minister” he said “That’s the way that he was dressed and all.”

Sid: That’s Yitzhak Rabin.

Fred: Yes, and Brother I wish to God that I would have called the Israeli Embassy and I could have done that in a way with wisdom and told them to be sure and watch security and…

Sid: And Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated. Fred very quickly what have you seen for the future of America?

Fred: Well one thing is this “There will be the greatest increase of sexual perversion taught and pushed on the American people. This is coming to America; there’s going to be some of the most sarcastic and bitter and cynical statements made against me and it’s preaching to radio, television. We’re going to be fault; it’s unreal how the church in the future will be fought; parallel with a great outpouring of revival and a move of God is going to be apostasy and persecution like we have never seen in the United States of America. I know that’s coming also there will be serious critical terrorist against us coming. I have seen them; I know that I don’t have time to mention it to it now but I have literally seen just like watching television a vision to come to me and the Holy Ghost of terrorist attacks coming to America.

Sid: Do you think this is in the near future?

Fred: Yes I do.

Sid: Okay Mishpochah you heard that I unfortunately believe that; you believe that. There will come a time when dollars won’t have any value accept for souls. He who wins souls is wise.

Fred: There going to use your money to the glory of God and invest it in the kingdom of God and turn their money into genuine spiritual wealth. This is the time to do it; the time is short.

Sid: Okay Mishpochah consider yourself challenged.


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Written by sidroth

October 15th, 2015 at 3:41 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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