Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Archive for the ‘It’s Supernatural’ tag

Our Guest Sandra Kennedy

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Somebody told me about wonderful Jesus. And Jesus was so wonderful. You know isn’t Jesus wonderful? I mean He’s just so wonderful. And what you actually did, that most people don’t take, take time to process, all you really did was make a decision to believe Him. You just made up your mind to believe Him. Now He didn’t come in your room. Gabriel did not walk in your bedroom and say “Toot, toot, here I am. This is your day and your night.” That did not happen!

AUDIENCE:  (Laughter)

SANDRA:I mean you had processed this thing. The goodness of God. You believed what somebody told you. You made an out and out decision to believe that Jesus had forgiven you, that He loved you, that He’s on your side. You just believed that. You just, you just took Him at His word. It was a decision that you made. It was not a happening. All right are you listening to me? It was the decision that you made. Now healing is absolutely no different!

The reason people can take the word so easily about being saved is you’ve heard it all your life. You know somebody’s talked to you about it and you heard it and somebody’s told you about Jesus and how wonderful Jesus is and how He came and died in your stead. Praise the name of the Lord, He did! And then you believed that. But with healing if you were like me, I never heard anybody teach about healing. I mean they just didn’t… Well what I heard is that He wasn’t doing it anymore. That’s what I heard. As I grew up I was literally taught that signs and wonders had passed away. Of course the people who taught that have now passed away… but never the less…

Written by sidroth

March 19th, 2023 at 6:26 am

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Our Guest Patricia King

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In Genesis chapter 1, verse 27 and 28 the word says that God made us in His image and in His likeness. And so He is Divine Creator. He is Divine Ruler. And we’ve been created in that image. That’s why human beings are able to create anything at all. It’s because He made us in that nature. But then in Matthew 16, Jesus said that we’ve been given power in Him. That there’s a power that’s been given to the Church that even the gates of hell cannot prevail against that. And He says I’m giving you the power and the authority to bind and to loose. And so whatever you see that’s been done through the finished work of the cross, those promises that Jesus died on the cross to give you, for your peace, your harmony, your love walk, your, your, uh, prosperity, everything that has to do with your life in the earth, He said I’m giving you the power to bind anything that is not according to that life. For whatever I gave you in heaven that’s what’s going to stand. Whatever I did through my finished work on the cross that is what I’m giving you. That’s what you can go to the bank with. That is your heavenly currency. So if there’s something that’s not according to that, you can actually do something about it. You don’t have to wait even for three dreams and a vision. You can just wait for that agreement in the spirit and enter into that. And He says I’m also giving you the power to loose. If you see that it’s already been done by Jesus, and He sits at the right hand of the Father in the heavens, if it’s completed by Him you have the power to loose that or release it into your place in the earth, into your home, into your workplace, into, into your financial arena of life.

Written by sidroth

February 15th, 2023 at 3:15 am

Our Guest Becky Dvorak

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SID: Now, some of you, this is a new area, others understand, but I’m telling you, this is lifesaving, essential end time information. Becky Dvorak define the demon of death.

BECKY: The spirit of death. It’s a demon and it’s a deadly demon and it’s out to steal, to kill, and to destroy us in every way possible.

SID: Give me some examples to identify this.

BECKY: A spirit of death would come after someone in the area of incurable rare diseases or someone has reoccurring sickness and disease in their bodies that they just can’t seem to get free of. They have thoughts of suicide or they have murderous terroristic thoughts against other people including abortion, and sometimes people are so bound by a spirit of fear. That’s what a spirit of death does to people and you know that it’s attacking you.

SID: How does this get into people?

BECKY: The spirit of death, it’s real sly, it’s real cunning and it’s looking for a weakness. It’s looking for an entrance into your life, and so if you’re weak in faith in a certain area, it’ll come after you in that manner. Negative emotions are definite open doors to the spirit of death to come in.

SID: What’s the first thing, when we recognize there’s something going on and it isn’t just normal. What do we do?

BECKY: Well, we need to take our authority over it and renounce it. Cut it off from us in the name of Jesus.

SID: How do you do that?

BECKY: Well, an example is to lay your hand on your body and say, “In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of death. I command it out of my body and I release the spirit of life into it in the name of Jesus.”

SID: I have many people that teach based on studying the Bible, Becky teaches based on firsthand experience, but unfortunately she didn’t have anyone teaching her these things. You were on the mission field and you get hit with the worst kind of typhoid that it’s possible. Tell me about that. And you didn’t do nothing. You didn’t know even how to fight it.

BECKY: You’re right. I didn’t know how to fight it. And with typhoid, it’s something that reoccurs in your body and it’s high fevers and it’s very painful and it just totally drains you. It wears you out. And this time it was level four, which was the worst. And I didn’t know what I know today. I didn’t know to come against it. I didn’t know those things. And I remember just laying in my bed in our bedroom and I just reached a point where I just didn’t want to fight anymore. And I just said, “God, take me home.”

God, take me home.

BECKY: And as soon as I said those words, “Take me home, God.” I heard the Lord speak to me in the form of a rebuke. And He said, “Get up.”

Get up.

BECKY: “Get out of bed and get dressed.”

Get out of bed and get dressed.

BECKY: And you know what? It’s what I needed to hear, Sid. And I heard the Lord say again, but not in the form of a rebuke, but in the form of an encouragement, like you can do it. And He said, “Get up, get out of bed and get dressed.”

Get up, get out of bed and get dressed.

BECKY: And it was very ungraceful, very un-lady like I’m telling you, but I just slid out of the bed onto a lump on the floor and I crawled. It took everything within me, but I crawled to that dresser and I got myself dressed. It took a long time, but I got myself dressed and then I crawled to the door and I had to try and reach and open up that door, but I got it open. And then I had to pull myself up in the doorway. But I got myself up and I was leaning against this wall, this hallway, and with every step I’m telling you, I felt strength return to my body. And from that moment on, I never ever had another bout with typhoid. I never had one symptom of it in my body.

SID: You know, Becky, never give up.

BECKY: Amen.

SID: Never give up.

BECKY: Never.

SID: Never give up.

BECKY: Amen.

Written by sidroth

February 26th, 2020 at 4:53 am

Our Guest Robin McMillan

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ROBIN: Well, that’s the essence of the understanding of this episode with these wagons, Sid, was the Lord said I would understand the meaning of the wagons if I would study the story of Joseph’s restoration with Jacob.

For 22 years, Jacob believed that Joseph was dead, and he wasn’t dead. He suffered 22 years unnecessarily. Now, when there was that restoration between Joseph and his brothers, he was now head of Egypt. Basically, he sent back wagons to his father to prove to him he was still alive. And the Bible says there in Genesis 45; it says, “when Jacob heard that Joseph was alive, his heart failed him. But when he believed the words of Joseph and saw the wagon sent to return him to Egypt,” it says, “Jacob’s heart revived.” First-time the word revival mentioned in the whole scripture. And the very next verse, it says, Israel said, “this is more than I could ever have imagined. I will now go and see my son.” In a single moment in time he went from 22 years of despair, by revelation, into the transformation from Jacob to Israel.

SID: Comment on the power of word curses against a person and a believer, especially having a critical spirit.

ROBIN: Exactly, well, you know, as I was writing the book and trying to articulate this thing about criticism, I remembered a story of how they control elephants. When an elephant is a baby, they get a stake, they get a chain strong enough to hold that baby elephant, and as the elephant grows, it is built into his mind that no matter how big he gets that little chain and that little stake he can never get free from. And that’s what happens when people curse you with a bad description or description that that makes you believe you’re someone less than you really are. And that’s the power of criticism. It becomes a stronghold that you need to reject and renounce and believe the things God has to say about you in the words.

SID: Let me go back to that analogy. As that elephant grew–

ROBIN: Yeah.

SID: He had the ability to do that with just like, a feather, that stake.

ROBIN: Exactly.

SID: I mean as he got that big, but those word curses, keep us victims.

ROBIN: They trap us into being a person that we never were.

SID: It’s a deception.

ROBIN: It’s an absolute deception.

SID: And what about deliverance?

ROBIN: Well, the Bible talks about God being the God of hope, and it says may the God of hope give you joy and peace through the power of believing the truth, Sid. And that’s what we need to do. We need to realize that when we’re trapped, we’re not believing the truth. I had the Lord telling me this early one morning Sid, it’s so amazing, the Lord said to me, “Robin, each one of my children is my own personal favorite.” And I thought about that then he said, “but very few believe it.” When you begin to believe that you’re God’s favorite person, many of those lies begin to break off. Many of them break off because God identifies each one of us as a beloved child.

SID: But I believe you have the authority.


SID: To break word curses–

ROBIN: Yes Sir!

SID: Off of those that are watching this show right now.

ROBIN: That’s what we’re going to do.

SID: Would you pray that prayer?

ROBIN: Yes Sir. Father, in the name of Jesus, as I see this viewing audience, those who have been cursed, described inaccurately. I ask by the power of the spirit of God, all Lord, and by the grace and the mercy that we find in Christ Jesus. We break those word curses now and we release a manifestation of the presence and the glory and the peace of God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

SID: And Amen!

ROBIN: It is happening now.

SID: That was powerful. Now let me ask you something, God showed you five wagons and they all had to do with the theme, The Harbinger of Hope.


SID: What do you mean by Harbinger of Hope?

ROBIN: Well to me, my encounter was a Harbinger of Hope. And a harbinger, it’s a forerunner. It’s something that comes before something that’s just behind it. For instance, I’m actually a harbinger. My name Robin, robins always appear before the springtime, and I can promise you this, when people believe the gospel. I preach, when this Robin comes, when this harbinger comes and declares to them the goodness of God, when they believe that their springtime comes too. And so, my Harbinger of Hope was the encounter I had because God has five amazing blessings, which are all incorporated in the gospel of Christ Jesus, that are to be released to the world in an unprecedented outpouring and harvest.

SID: Well, God showed Robin that there are many people that are hopeless. Not only will Robin pray for people who feel hopeless to be injected with supernatural faith, but also what he sees on the horizon far nation. You’re not going to want to miss this, be right back.

Written by sidroth

February 17th, 2020 at 8:29 am

Our Guest Stephanie Schureman

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BOB: Welcome to Something More. I’m Bob Duvall, and joining me today is Stephanie Schureman. Stephanie is the founder of “Dwelling Place Ministries.” She’s an author. She’s a speaker. And she’s a homeschooling mom of six.


BOB: And, Stephanie, I’m excited. Because Stephanie is joining us today to tell us about hearing from Jesus in our everyday life. Now, I think everybody knows the picture of, you know, like the Ten Commandments, and Moses going up on the mountain and hearing God’s voice. And that’s how we hear God’s voice. Right?


BOB: But that’s not always how it is. And that was just Moses. Can everybody hear from Jesus?

STEPHANIE: Absolutely. You’re never too young or too old to hear from Jesus. He wants to speak to you. It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you are, or what you’ve done. It doesn’t matter if you’re the worst person on the planet or the best. The Lord wants to speak to you, and He is working all the time to get your attention and speak to you. We just have to catch the subtle hints.

BOB: Now, you’re a busy person. I can tell just from the things I described already. But one of the things that you do, is you lead something called Fire Camp.


BOB: And you have young people there. Of course, old people come, too. But it’s geared toward young people.


BOB: And this is one of the things you teach the young people. Right?


BOB: How to hear God.

STEPHANIE: Yes. One of the most important things that we do in Fire Camp is that we want to have every child have an encounter with Jesus before the camp is over. And we started out with kids about ages 8 to 15. And, but as the time has gone on, adults have gotten jealous and said, “Please do an adult.”

BOB: [Laughs]

STEPHANIE: So we do adult Fire Camps and missionary Fire Camps. And then, we’ve sent it now all over the world. It’s a fun time of just learning to know and experience what the presence of the Lord feels like. That’s our main goal. But we don’t, there’s no entertainment involved in this. We just simply want to experience the presence of the Lord and enjoy Him, and know what it’s like when He speaks to us when the angels are. What does it feel like when the angels are around us? What does it feel like when we,  how do we pray for somebody, and asking the Lord how He would pray, and what do we do? So we’re always asking Jesus what’s on His mind.

BOB: Now, what about somebody who might say, “Well, why does Jesus want to speak to me?” In fact, tell me about Gertrude.

STEPHANIE: Yes. Well, I was teaching an adult Sunday School class many years ago. And I had this dear precious Gertrude who I picked up for church every day, every Sunday. And she was in her 80’s, I believe. And she had this very small house that she lived in. It was very small. 10 or 12 by 12 feet. That’s all, the only space she had. And all day long Gertrude sat in this space and watched Christian TV and just loved on Jesus. But one day she comes into Sunday School, and she says, “Stephanie?” She says, “Why on earth would God want to speak to me? I don’t talk to anybody else. I don’t have any way of evangelizing.

BOB: Yeah. She has no influence on anybody.

STEPHANIE: She felt like she had nobody to talk to, except to love her own family when they would come. And I said, “Oh Gertrude.” I said, “You are precious in God’s sight.” And I said, “Think about it. You have the best job on the planet. You get to just worship Jesus.” And I said, “Yes. He wants to talk to you. You’re just as, you’re even maybe more important than talking to the president at times. [laughs] But He wants to speak to you the same as He wants to speak to anybody else on the earth, no matter what kind of power or influence they have.” And she, Gertrude got a hold of that concept.

BOB: Uh-huh.

STEPHANIE: – and began to have the most precious experiences, not only talking to Jesus, but Him talking back to her. And she was realizing that “He does want to talk to me.” And she would just come with tears and amazing experiences. I know she was having angelic experiences, even every day. And even through the night, she was having amazing heaven dreams.

BOB: Yeah. And so, if somebody is feeling like Gertrude,


BOB: -like, you know, I have no influence. You know. But even Gertrude,


BOB: Even if you’re just in a little room by yourself all day long, you can influence the world by hearing from Jesus.

STEPHANIE: That’s right.

BOB: In prayer, and worship, and His presence.

STEPHANIE: Absolutely.

BOB: Now, how about for you? How did you learn to begin to hear from Jesus in your everyday life?

STEPHANIE: I think one of the funniest experiences I had with it, I always felt like I could hear from the Lord, and hear His voice, and understand Him. But I realized that the Lord was repeating things through my day a lot of times. And one of the funniest experiences was – I was sitting at a stop sign one day. And Max Lucado had just written a book called “3:16, The Numbers of Hope.” And so this billboard had this book advertised. And the numbers 3:16 were huge on this board. And I’m sitting there staring at these numbers. And I thought, “Wait a minute. That’s my birthday.” [laughs]

BOB: [Laughs]

STEPHANIE: And then I’m thinking, “I wake up at 3:16 almost every single night, and I know the Lord wants to pray. You know, He wants me to pray.”

BOB: [Laughs]

STEPHANIE: And so I pray at 3:16. And I’m like, “He’s really talking to me through those numbers.” And it was just a stunning revelation. I look back on it now, and I just laugh, because everything’s 3:16. I’ll go to a hotel and, you know, my room number’s 3:16, you know. And I still wake up at 3:16. And I’ll look at the clock at 3:16 during the day. So that number’s all over the place. Well, we can, obviously, tie that to Scripture so easily, because of John 3:16. And many times, if you’re seeing numbers repeat, like 1, 1, 1, or 11, 11, those kinds of numbers – You know, people will say, “What does 4, 4, 4 mean?” And so you tie those numbers to Scripture. And the Lord may be speaking to you right out of His Word. He may be giving you the address. You know, 1, 2, 3, 4 can even be a fantastic Scripture. So just go look up those numbers. Deuteronomy 1:11 is the blessing upon everyone, and how the Lord will bless us a thousand times. But, you know, you just go through and look up from Genesis to Revelation all of the Scriptures with that address, 1:11. And find out what Scripture speaks to you. And then began to stand on it. Every time you see 1, 1, 1, you go immediately, “Lord, I know You’re speaking to me about this blessing. And I know You’re blessing me.” And just, when He’s speaking, you can tie into that and say, “I’m calling on that blessing right now.” Because He’s actually initiating that conversation.

BOB: Well, Stephanie, we’re going to take a break right here. And Stephanie had an encounter with Jesus [music] in her basement laundry room. So we’re going to find out about that in just a moment. We’ll be right back.

Written by sidroth

February 7th, 2020 at 8:05 am

Our Guest Becky Dvorak

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BOB: Welcome back to “Something More.” I’m Bob Duvall here with Becky Dvorak. And we’ve been talking about healing. Supernatural healing. It’s God’s will for you. He’s not just able to heal. A lot of people believe God can heal, but He’s willing to heal. He wants to heal you. Now Becky, you’ve been teaching on healing for quite a while now. God has shown you so many things that you’ve been sharing with people. And what effect has that had on people? Can you give me an example of someone who’s sat under your teaching and what they experienced in their own life?   

BECKY: Yes, I can give you many examples but one that comes to my mind is a woman named Elizabeth from Harrisonburg, Virginia. And she came and she heard what I teach in “The Healing Creed” and about faith and that healing is for today. And her faith arose and she had all sorts of issues going on in her physical body, but her faith arose to the point where she could believe for her own healing. And so I laid hands on her and released the healing power of the Holy Spirit. And what had happened to her, she was working in a meat factory and she dropped a large package of frozen meat on her feet and it broke the bones in her feet and it was very painful obviously and very difficult to walk through that whole thing. She also had other issues. She had a thyroid condition and she had a heart condition. She had a bad heart and the doctors told her that she definitely going to have a heart attack and so she was living with this fear of a heart attack.      

BOB: Right.

BECKY: She had a lot of issues because of a thyroid problem and then she had these feet that were broken and it was just very painful. And so I laid hands on her and that night when she was asleep, the whole healing took place. She woke up that night and went to go use the rest room or whatever and she realized her feet had been healed. She was going up and down the steps because she was so excited. And she realized she wasn’t even out of breath because she couldn’t even go up and down the steps. And then she went, she was so excited, she went and she realized that the lump from the thyroid was gone. And for whatever reason she went and she weighed herself and she had lost 4 pounds while she was sleeping. It was just very amazing and obviously she was very excited and giving glory to God.  

BOB: Absolutely. But Becky, I feel like people are watching right now and either they’ve been standing for a long time for a healing and they just haven’t seen it or they’ve given up. They just have no hope or you know God either isn’t interested. He’s not going to heal me. Would you look into the camera very briefly and speak to them and pray for healing?

BECKY: Amen. Right now. First of all it is always God’s will to heal you. That’s why Jesus went to the whipping post and was whipped for all sickness, all disease. And no matter what the situation is, there is always hope. It’s never too late to believe for your healing, to trust God. And so right now I just release the healing power of the Holy Spirit into your physical body in Jesus’ name. I renounce the spirit of death and I release that spirit of life. There is someone out there that is dealing with Stage 4 cancer and God is saying to you, “Trust me not be afraid.” Don’t be afraid. Speak life into your body right now. Don’t speak those things as though they already are. Speak those things that are not, as though they already were. In Jesus’ name I am healed. In the name of Jesus we renounce that cancer. We renounce those cancerous tumors and we renounce those cancerous cells. We renounce them in the mighty name of Jesus. And we command those things to diminish, to be gone supernaturally in Jesus’ name. And brand new healthy cells that fight off every form of cancer be recreated in your physical body in Jesus’ name.      

BOB: Amen and amen.

BECKY: Amen.

BOB: Becky, thank you for being my guest on “Something More.” We look forward to having you with us next time. And in the meantime, take this to heart. Get into God’s Word [Music] on healing and find out what He has for you. Healing is your inheritance. It’s your right as a child of God. Thank you. Join us next time.  

Written by sidroth

January 27th, 2020 at 4:26 am

Sid Roth

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SID: Now, you just witnessed healing glory. I want to now show you the most important glory of all the glories, and that is salvation …

SID: … glory. As you watch this historic video, and it is historic, I want you to have what … You know, I’ve studied. In the Greek New Testament, it says a little different than the English. Jesus said, “This is eternal life, that you might have experiential knowledge of me.” You see, experiential knowledge means what I just said, your own experience, not someone else’s experience. Not what you’ve been taught since you were that little, your own experience.

SID: There’s nothing more important than that. There’s nothing …

SID: … that anyone can take away from you, once you have your experience with God.

SID: A man and a woman with an experience, the devil cannot undermine.

SID: I suggest you take advantage of this evangelism glory, and when I say the prayer for these Jewish people to know the Messiah, I suggest you say that prayer, studio audience and at home, right along with me. Let’s roll it.

SID: I’m going to pray a supernatural prayer, for those that want this heart transplant, have their sins forgiven, and know God. All of those that want this supernatural prayer, stand up right now, and I’ll pray it. Right now. If your life is so great, stay seated. But if you want to know love, if you want to know purpose, if you want to know destiny, now is the said time! Right now is the time for your visitation! I want you to repeat this prayer out loud as Israel prays it, and mean it to the best of your ability. God asks nothing more. Dear God, I’ve made many mistakes, for which I’m so sorry. I believe that the blood of Messiah washes away my sins, and because of the blood of Messiah, you remember my sins no more, and I am clean. Now that I am clean, Yeshua come inside of me. Take over my life. I make you Lord of my life. Amen. (End of Video)

SID: Now, remember I told you my trip to Israel started with this young, Jewish Israeli? Would you believe my return ended with a Israeli Muslim? Now, his brother had been driving us around in a taxi, and he had a very unusual cell ring. The Quran was being chanted every time he had a phone call on his telephone, and he was very religious. His brother was driving us to the airport to leave Israel, and his brother is just as religious. I said things to him I had never thought about.

SID: You see, in the glory … Remember Jesus says in the New Testament that you will be … when you’re brought before judges, you will be told what to say …

SID: … when it happens. You’re not going to be told beforehand. That’s what happens in the glory. I knew exactly what to say to him, and when I said that to him, I was shocked, because he was … He told me he was a taxi driver for some of the greatest Christians. I would never mention their names, and he’s always their driver. But let’s face it, how many share the gospel with muslims?

SID: How many share the gospel with Jews? I’m telling you, the two cousins are open to the gospel.

SID: Arabs and Jews.

SID: He could not wait to talk to our mutual friend, that knows the Lord, that is a Messianic Jewish pastor in Israel. He couldn’t wait, he sees him all the time, he works for him, he’s good friends, to tell him he wanted to know more about Jesus. He prayed a prayer with me, and this was the prayer he prayed, “Jesus, if you’re who Sid says he is, show it to me in a way I’ll understand.” When a Muslim or a Jew prays a sincere prayer like that, they will know the truth.

SID: The truth will set them free.

SID: I started with a Jew, ended with a Muslim. You know what? That’s a perfect one new man, Jew and Gentile Christian, one in Messiah.

SID: We are going to see a billion souls …

SID: … come to the Lord.

SID: Lord, show us your glory!


Written by sidroth

April 18th, 2019 at 8:42 am

Our Guest Becky Dvorak

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SID: Okay. So you go to a doctor and he tells you something you didn’t want to hear. It’s literally a death sentence. Becky Dvorak, what advice to you give this person?

BECKY: Well, I say that you don’t give the enemy the last word in your life. You need to take authority over the negative report. That doesn’t mean you have to be rude to a doctor because, let’s face it, you’ve gone to him or her for their advice. If they tell you that there’s no hope, you’re going to die, whatever, you have the right on this earth, and I believe you have the responsibility in the supernatural realm, to use your authority in Jesus and say, “No, I am not going to die, in Jesus’ name.”

SID: All right. Give me a real life example … the boy that had two weeks to live. He had two conditions. He had AIDS and he had tuberculosis.

BECKY: Yes. We received a boy. He must have been about 10 or 11 years old, at the time, in the children’s home in Guatemala.

SID: They run a children’s home in Guatemala. Go ahead.

BECKY: Yes. So this boy came to us. The HIV count, in his blood, was two and half times more than the level that they consider AIDS, the last stage. That is tremendous.

SID: He’s about ready to die.

BECKY: He is, and one of the opportunistic diseases that attacks someone in that situation is tuberculosis. This was tuberculosis of the lungs, ’cause he was coughing up blood and all of that, which is very contagious. So we received him, and I remember that evening because it came late in the afternoon. That evening, I remember I was holding–

SID: Excuse me. Did you have the option not to receive him?


SID: So, weren’t you a little concerned?


SID: Strong woman. All right. Go ahead.

BECKY: So, I remember holding him in my arms and I was praying in the Holy Spirit, [foreign language] I was praying in tongues, and I renounced that spirit of death in him and that HIV/AIDS and the tuberculosis and all of that that was happening in his body. I was telling this little boy who was afraid … He didn’t know where he was going. He was being told he was dying. Now, he’s with us, and he doesn’t know who we are. I’m telling him, “It’s okay. You’re going to be okay. Jesus loves you. You’re going to be okay. Don’t be afraid.”

BECKY: The next morning, we had to take him to the hospital, and I started to testify to the doctor and the nurses in the room because they wanted to know who was I and what was my relationship to this boy. So, I explained it, and I said, “I believe in healing, and I see miracles happen to people all over the world, and this little boy isn’t going to be any different, and I’m not afraid of this. He’s not going to die. He’s going to be healed,” and they were like, “Yeah? Really? Are you sure?” This doctor started … he, obviously, was not a believer, and he didn’t like the faith talk that I was speaking.

BECKY: So, I had to step out of the room while they put this tube down, and when the doctor came out, he had already started testing my faith. You know? He came out of the room and he held up this little bottle, this sample bottle, and he looked me and he said, “Tuberculosis. This is classic tuberculosis,” and the liquid that they pulled up out of his lungs … it was all peppered all this little black specks all over. I said, “In Jesus’ name, he doesn’t have it.” He got mad at me and he said, “Tuberculosis, classic.” I said, “In Jesus’ name, he doesn’t have it.” The doctor left the room, and he shouted out loud at me, “Tuberculosis,” and I said, “No. He doesn’t have it, in Jesus’ name.”

BECKY: A few days later, we received these test results back. This doctor didn’t call us. He had someone else call us, and there was no tuberculosis in his body, and they could not even find the HIV in his body either. It was that miraculous.

SID: What if you have a child that is labeled, “Autistic”? Becky says she had a child labeled, “Autistic,” but she refused to label him that. Tell me about it.

BECKY: Amen. You’re right. One of our adopted sons, Andres he came to us when he was six and a half weeks old. He had many, many problems and, as we were to find out, one of them was autism. He had the classic symptoms. He couldn’t look you in the eye. He spun around in circles. Everything in his life had to spin. It was classic where he would have the tantrums that would last four or five hours, and it would send me in tears. It was so difficult of a situation. My heart went out to him because I couldn’t settle him down in the natural.

BECKY: I remember Andres was, now, having another one of these tantrums that lasted for hours and hours. I just had to just keep going about my daily business the best I could, and I remember I was changing one of the babies, and I literally heard the Spirit of God say to me, “Take your authority over that autistic spirit now.” When I heard it, I stopped what I was doing, and I said, “That’s it?” So I turned to him and I pointed to where he was and I said, “In Jesus’ name, I renounce that autistic spirit in you now, and I command it to come out of you now, in Jesus’ name.” The tantrum stopped, Sid, and he never, ever had another autistic fit, ever again.

SID: What I think is so wonderful is that when you teach and people do what you tell them to do … for instance, tell me about the friend of a friend that had stage four cancer.

BECKY: Yes. This is amazing. Sometimes people think that only someone like myself and a healing ministry can do this. But, no, that’s not the truth. God wants all of His people to minister healing wherever we go. That’s part of the Great Commission. Right? “If you believe, you’ll lay hands on the sick and they will recover.” Well, anyway, I was mentoring a young lady, and she’s in Virginia. She’s been reading my books and listening to my tapes and she comes to the healing seminars and all of that. She emailed me and she said, “Becky, a friend of a friend just emailed me, and he just was told he has stage four cancer in the lungs and there’s no hope and he’s about to die. What do I do?”

BECKY: I wrote back to her, and I said, “This is what you do,” and this is what I tell people to do, “Number one, with the prophetic words of your mouth, you take and you renounce that spirit of death. You renounce that spirit behind that cancer and you curse those cancerous tumors in Jesus’ name. You command them to be gone from his body and you declare that he’s healed and made whole by the redemptive blood of Jesus.”

BECKY: So this young lady did this. Well that next week, the man went for another doctor appointment and all the cancer was gone.

SID: You know, Becky has so much supernatural to share that we’ve prepared a special extended segment that you can watch after this show. Just log onto Now, when we come back, Becky is going to share with us the greatest revelation that she has received about how you can have miracles. And, I’m going to tell you, most have never heard this before and I’m going to have her pray for you, if that’s okay. We’ll be right back

Written by sidroth

April 7th, 2019 at 3:53 am

Our Guest Marilyn Hickey

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MARILYN:  So stand up. Put your hand on top of your head. We’ll just pray for everything. Okay? Why not? And you’ll go out of this meeting and think, “Wow, I don’t have that anymore.” Amen? So let me pray for you, say: Father, in the name of Jesus, I send the word, into my body, that heals it, delivers it, from every destruction. Now Father I thank you, You’re not only my Healer, You are my Health. And as my days are, so shall my strength be. I thank You, I am a healer. I walk in that anointing. It came on me today in an unusual way. In Jesus’ name.” And everyone said, “Amen.”  Now look for the difference, look for your miracle, get focused. People who expect nothing in particular get nothing in particular. But when you get specific that’s when God does big things. Amen? Thank you, Sid.

SID:  Thank you, Marilyn. Did you enjoy her?


SID:  I’m going to pray a supernatural blessing over you. You know, well, I’m going to be interviewing a friend of mine on something called “The Father’s Blessing.” And one of my intercessors who has been with me for a long time gave me an idea and I can’t wait to do it. I’m going to have about a dozen of the most anointed friends I have pray a blessing from a father to you. And you’ll be able to listen to this on your CD player or on your tape player. –See a lot of people have never been blessed by their father. I can tell you it happened to me just before my father died. He was shocked. He didn’t understand the validity of it, but I understood the validity of it and it made a profound difference in my life. And I believe that when I pray for you right now, it’s going to make a profound difference in your life. Michael, would you come up with your shofar, please? We’ll seal it with a shofar blast, if that’s okay. It’s Rabbi Michael Zeitler. I’m glad you brought your little one [shofar] this time. (laughing)


The Lord is blessing you when you come in. The Lord is blessing you when you go out. The Lord is blessing you in your family. The Lord is blessing you in your health. The Lord is blessing you in your finances. The Lord is gifting you from heaven right now. The Lord, He’s smiling upon you today and forever, He’s doing that right now. The Lord is surrounding you with His favor right now. The Lord is giving you His Shalom, His completeness in your spirit, in your soul and in your body right now. Receive His love right now, and let His love go right through every cell of your body and recognize that you are loved, you are appreciated. You belong to God. He is your Father. And He will never disappoint you. He will never let you down. He will never forget you, because you are created in His image for good works. In Yeshua’s name I pray. Amen.



Written by sidroth

March 27th, 2019 at 4:11 am

Our Guest Dr. Francis Myles

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Francis: The Lord told him he said, ‘Tell Francis, he needs to deal with the superimposed DNA that he got from the witchdoctors.’ Because when I was looking for healing I went to witchdoctors who cut me up and took my blood as part of the healing. He said– that is superimposed DNA. That’s why he’s having dreams of a DNA that does not belong to him, because you see– c’mon somebody– that day with Aldo and Rita in their house house I jumped the line the second time to deal with superimposed DNA. I have never had one of those dreams ever again! So we’ve added something here. I went, ‘Lord, I said, Lord, WOW!’ And that’s when He began to speak about superimposed DNA. Sometimes it comes through blood transfusions at the hospital– somebody’s blood– and all of a sudden you are getting things, superimposed DNA. And the enemy is too cunning, because all the enemy wants is any door, he will take it. It doesn’t matter how it came, the devil will take any door. You know he doesn’t play fair, okay? But I got delivered in South Africa. That was the final piece of this and we added and we modified our prayer so the new book that Sid Roth is going to be offering actually is the only book that has this new prayer in there adding the issue of superimposed DNA, so we’re going to deal with that. So here’s what I want you to do, very quickly. There are three names, I said three names, there are three names that I want you to remember. Number one is your father’s last name. Okay? The father’s what?

AUDIENCE:  [last name]

FRANCIS:  Because your father’s last name is going to help us just identify your father’s what? Lineage. ‘Cause remember genes– the generational curse comes from the mother’s side, and from the what? The father’s side. Does that make sense? Okay– in order for a generational curse to exist it has to be tied to a lineage. You can’t have a generational curse unless you can trace the lineage. Are you with me? Does that make sense? Okay? And so– when I lead you in the prayer of renunciation, for instance if your father’s last name is Jackson, in the prayer when we deal with your father’s bloodline, you’re going to say, ‘I denounce my allegiance to the Jackson lineage.’ Not Jackson, because you’re not denouncing your father at all, or his name, you’re simply denouncing the what? The lineage. So we’re using your father’s name only as an indicator to identify the lineage legally in the what? Spirit. Does that make sense? Okay? Are you catching what I am saying?

AUDIENCE:  Uh huh.

FRANCIS:  Then your mother’s maiden name identifies your mother’s what? Bloodline. Okay? And so if your mother’s last name was– Adams, then it’s the Adam what? Lineage.

AUDIENCE:  Lineage.

FRANCIS:  Lineage or bloodline…it doesn’t matter if you say [lineage or] bloodline, but you got to have that–but I prefer for you to use ‘lineage’ but your       bloodline is [fine too]. Okay? So you add that. Don’t just say, ‘I denounce allegiance to Adams.’ It doesn’t make sense– you’re not denouncing your mother. That’s not the point. The point is the Lord is going to deal with the what? The lineage. So don’t say [joking], Oh, Sid brought some weird guy telling me to denounce my family. No. I’m not weird. I’m not weird. I may be handsome, but I am not weird. Okay?


FRANCIS:  It’s– I just want to see freedom to come to you. And also I am doing this because I want to commission you to take this freedom to many and I don’t want you to cause trouble by not saying it the way I do it [chuckles]. You know but everybody’s doing it ’cause it’s getting results, the pastors are doing it and getting results. The third name, the third name we’re going to be dealing with is for the married women. Because when a woman gets married she also inherits her husband’s lineage. That’s why when a woman gets married her last name what? Changes to demonstrate she’s now inherited another line. Her husband’s line. The Lord said, ‘Deal with that line, too.’ Because in many cases that line we’ve seen  whenever women have done that marriages have   improved. Because the enemy now had no legal right to interfere with that marriage coming through the blood of the [husband]. C’mon somebody.


Written by sidroth

March 19th, 2019 at 3:23 am