Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Clarice Fluitt

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KYLE: Alright. That has to do with the power of God’s spoken Word. How you kept declaring over and over and over again. [music] When we come back, Dr. Clarice is going to go further into how to activate the power of God’s Word in your life and she’s going to speak and impart into you. Stay with us.


KYLE: Welcome back to “Something More”. I’m your host Kyle Winkler. Dr. Clarice, when we were just talking, we mentioned about how your daughter died of a heroin overdose. Then she was miraculously brought back to life, went back to prison, and then was later released because of the power of God’s spoken Word.

CLARICE: Absolutely, absolutely.

KYLE: You say that the Kingdom is voice activated.

CLARICE: Well, the Kingdom of God is a kingdom of words. Just as surely as Jesus is the Word made flesh, you and I, the redeemed, are the flesh that must be made into the Word of God because He says, “God’s Word will not return void”. There’s a DNA, a divine nature attitude. So we are word. Jesus is the ultimate word of what God had to say.

KYLE: Yes.

CLARICE: But you and I are a word from the mouth of God. So the Kingdom of God is a word that must be activated by spoken, out of the redeemed, your words become like slaves that usher forth out of Zion to do the bidding of God and what God watches over to perform is His Word.

KYLE: He performs His Word—


KYLE: –by us speaking it? So it’s not just—I mean reading our Bibles is great, but we’ve got to get it out of our minds and into our mouths.

CLARICE: Well, we’re made in the image and likeness of God and God did not hum us into existence. He didn’t think us into existence. He said let there be a revelation of what’s already here when He said, “Let there be light,’ because He was light. Light was already there.

KYLE: And He sustains all things by His powerful Word.

CLARICE: Right. Everything is by the Word. So, as we learn to not be moved—see facts, are not always truths. You’ve got a lot of facts—

KYLE: Explain that a little bit.

CLARICE: Okay well, I can be oppressed, suppressed, repressed, depressed or possessed.

KYLE: That might be a fact or symptom.

CLARICE: That’s a fact, but the truth is I’m healed, delivered and rich.

KYLE: Amen. So the truth is found in God’s Word and not in what you feel or what you fear or situations.

CLARICE: And the truth is what angels hearken to perform. When they recognize the Word of God, then we have superior air power immediately that comes into the Word of God bringing perfection or maturity. In our case with Julie, she had to reach the maturity. She had to have not just a doctrine, but she had to have an experience. And that’s where many people, they’re reared on the doctrines, which are good, you’re doctrine will determine your destiny, but the reality is, you must have an experience. Paul on the road to Damascus has an experience which changes him from a murdering terrorist into the one that brought the message of grace to the redeemed. It’s just incredible.

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Written by sidroth

January 6th, 2022 at 3:41 am