Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Mike Thompson

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SID: We’re coming in, as you teach and many of the prophets that have been on my show teach, we’re coming into a new season of God in which the veil between heaven and Earth is so thin. So if you can take this teaching, you can have a leg up, so to speak, over this new move of God’s spirit. It’s going to be different than anything you’ve ever seen before. Mike, I want you to pray for our people. I’m not even going to tell you what to pray. You yield to the Holy Spirit, and pray from the third heaven.

MIKE: Right now, I want everybody that’s watching to just stop for a minute. Do you feel the anointing of God? The anointing of God is not only here in this room, but this anointing is flowing. It’s flowing out on the airways. It’s flowing into your house. It’s flowing into your body now. You can sense the Holy Spirit and him breathing upon that within your being now. I ask you to just yield to that. Yield to the Holy Spirit. There’s something he’s going to show you perceptions, and he’s going to show you perspectives. So right now, in the name of Jesus, I ask that there be a shift within your heart, there be a shift in the dynamic of the way that you are thinking and you perceive things as the Holy Spirit comes in, and he lifts you up, and he takes you into otherly places right now.

MIKE: In the name of Jesus Christ, release by the power of God into your life. I’m going to do that one more time. Release that into their lives, Lord God. Now receive it, receive it, and you’re on your way in a journey now with the Holy Spirit and supernatural things. It’s for everyone. You are a supernatural creation. You are a third heaven creation, operating third heaven revelation, and functioning in third heaven authority. Believe it. Receive it. Do it, and let the Holy Spirit carry you into those places as part of your destiny, and your walk with the Lord, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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Written by sidroth

November 27th, 2022 at 4:20 am