Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Warren Marcus

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WARREN: And then I saw Him on Mount Sinai, and I saw the glory that was around Him and the finger of God writing the Ten Commandments. And I’m feeling the exact same thing I did when I had that dream in heaven. The whole place, atmosphere was filled. And I said, “Wow, this is incredible.” But here’s what happened as a little boy. I started praying to God, Sid. And you see, not everything was great in my life. My father, he was an alcoholic. His four brothers were alcoholics, and he would stay out late at the bar. He loved his family, but when he was drunk, it really didn’t go well. And I found my mother never told this to anyone. But I found my mother in the room, many times crying. And when I went in there, I said, “Mommy, what’s wrong?”

WARREN: And she says, “Nothing, Warren, I’m just sad right now.” I said, “Mommy, I don’t want you to be sad.” I laid my hand on her. And I said, “Oh God of Israel, make my mommy happy again. I don’t want her to be sad.” And I remember my mother getting up and she put her arms around me and she says, “I love you, Warren. You’re so special.” But here’s the thing, all around me, there were kids growing up, pornography, wrong, sexual perversion, all kinds of stuff that was going on. My mother would take me every Saturday to the synagogue. And I would go in there, and I was looking for the God of Israel. The God I saw in the Ten Commandments, the God I saw in my dream. And the people would go out for refreshments, I’d go into the sanctuary and said, “Where are you, God? Show yourself to me. I want to see you. I want to have your glory come in this place.” Then some kids, friends of mine, took me to their churches. I went to their churches. You know what?

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Written by sidroth

February 2nd, 2023 at 4:35 am